By Wynn Etheridge
1. Prime Time Players d. New Day (X and E)
Great crowd work by New Day. Very good match. Lots of nice tag work by New Day. Titus pinned Xavier after sit out spinebuster. 12 minutes.
2. Zack Ryder d. Bo Dallas.
Good prematch promo by Dallas. Ryder won outta nowhere with Rough Ryder. 5 min.
3. Jimmy Uso d. Luke Harper.
Top rope splash. 8 min
4. Mark Henry d. R. Truth
Truth did lots of dancing spots early, then Henry squashed him. 5 min.
5. Ryback d. Big Show
Show took a very impressive slam off the top. Then The Ryback won with a flying splash off the top. 10 min
6. Nikki Bella d. Naomi and Paige in triple threat match.
Bellas were total babyfaces. Crowd was super dead. Match wasn’t good. Nikki pinned Naomi with Rack Attack after Tamina laid Paige out on the floor. 5 min
7. Kevin Owens d Neville
Best match of the night. Owens cut a promo promising to beat Balor at Takeover, but before that beat Cena at Battleground, but before that beat Neville tonight. Crowd was really into it. Every time Neville climbed the ropes everyone rose to their feet. Owens hit a popup powerbomb after rolling out of the way of the Red Arrow. 13 min.
8. Randy Orton d Sheamus
Lots of brawling on the floor to start. Took a while to get going, but the crowd was super into it at the end. Orton hit the RKO after a missed Brogue Kick 20 min.
One odd thing was they kept announcing Battleground as “available ONLY on the WWE network.”
Wynn Etheridge