Liv Morgan Returns on Raw to Interrupt Lana/Lashley Wedding

The Lana and Bobby Lashley wedding took a turn on Raw, as Liv Morgan made her return and said that she and Lana were in a relationship earlier this year. You can see pics and video below from the segment, which was served as the main event segment for the show.
The wedding, as is typical of wrestling weddings, was a big ball of drama with Lana’s first husband coming out to interrupt, then Lashley’s first wife. Both of them were tossed out by their rivals in succession, before Morgan came out and said that the love of her life was in the ring. Lashley said he’s never touched her, at which point Morgan — who has been teasing her return for a while — said it was Lana and that they were in a relationship earlier this year. Lana slapped Morgan before Rusev burst out of the cake and attacked Lashley; the segment ended with Liv tossing Lana into the cake.Click Here: women football tracksuits

Aubrey Edwards: “I Think Chris Jericho & I Have A Thing Going”

“I think Jericho and I have a thing going. I don’t know where it’s going to go from here, but he’s kind of a jerk. I worked with MJF before and that was alright. I really like working with Darby. We both came from Seattle. To have Seattle wrestling go from basically nothing to what it is now with 321 Battle, DEFY, and all these promotions popping up. For us to help build that region back up, it’s been a blast. Plus, his whole moveset is crazy fast. That’s my speed.”Click Here: cheap adidas superstar

WWE SmackDown Report 1/10/2020

– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up with the usual intro video.
– We’re live from the Ford Center in Evansville, Indiana as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves.
– We go right to the ring and out comes The Miz for another must see edition of MizTV. We see how Miz attacked SmackDown Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston last week after their match, and how John Morrison later appeared in a backstage segment for his return to the company.
Miz takes the mic and gets some boos. He welcomes us and says people are saying he’s changed. He says last week he was just having a bad day, like we all have. Miz goes on and apologizes to Kofi. Fans boo. Miz says he’s been going through a lot lately. He talks about WWE Universal Champion “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt messing with his family. Miz goes on and brings out his guest, Morrison. The music hits and fans pop. Morrison hits the ring and a “welcome back!” chant starts up.
Miz welcomes his former tag team partner back and says he uses this a lot, but this is truly awesome. Miz brags on Morrison’s past WWE title runs and shows us a video package that he calls a “sizzle reel” for Morrison, who they’re still calling the Shaman of Sexy. Miz says from the bottom of his heart, welcome back. Morrison says WWE was filming a documentary about him for his return. He jokes about having big plans for his return at the Royal Rumble and says it was going to be epic, but after they had a talk on WWE’s The Bump a few weeks ago, he realized it was more important to be there for your his friend. He came to SmackDown last week but after what happened with Kofi, he realized he’s disappointed… in you guys, the fans. Fans boo.
Miz goes on about how his friend had one bad day and fans chanted “you suck!” at him. Morrison says Miz has worked harder than anyone else on the roster for 15 years, and worked his way into being a WWE Champion when no one thought he would last. Morrison goes on about how fans wouldn’t last if they had to get in the ring. He starts taking shots at one fan in the front row. The music interrupts and out comes SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day – Kofi and Big E. Kofi asks who Miz is trying to fool. The New Day doesn’t buy Miz’s apology because he’s a bad actor. Kofi says he would’ve respected Miz more if he just said he had a bad day last week, like we all have. That would have been respectable but what he did was not. Miz knocks Kofi for his WWE Title reign and for how quickly he lost the title for Brock Lesnar. Miz doesn’t respect Kofi. Kofi jokingly defends his title loss and says Miz is changing from Cool Miz to Obnoxious Annoying Miz, and what that means is the people are 100% correct when they say he sucks. “You suck!” starts back up from the crowd. The New Day’s music hits to end the segment as Cole hypes Kofi vs. Miz the rematch for tonight. We go to commercial.
Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
Back from the break and The Miz is in with Kofi Kingston as the match begins. Big E and John Morrison are on commentary with Cole and Graves.
Back and forth to start the match. Kofi works on the arm but Miz fights up. Kofi dropkicks him for a pop. Fans chant for The New Day but Miz beats Kofi back down to boos. Kofi blocks a Figure Four attempt and rolls Miz for a close 2 count. They run the ropes and Miz drops Kofi with a knee to the gut. Fans boo as Miz wastes his time while the referee checks on Kofi.
Miz charges with a kick to the face for a 2 count. Morrison and Big E are also going back & forth on commentary. Miz grounds Kofi in the middle of the ring as fans rally for the champ. Miz drops Kofi with a shoulder. Fans boo him. They run the ropes again and Kofi drops Miz with a back elbow. Kofi sends Miz to the floor and goes to fly out but Miz retreats. Miz comes back in but Kofi clotheslines him back out in front of the announce table. Kofi with a suicide dive to knock Miz back down. Kofi is all smiles now. Miz shoves Kofi into Big E’s lap at the announce table. They all have words as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Kofi starts to mount a comeback as Big E cheers him on from ringside. Morrison is also at ringside now. Kofi with a Boom Drop in the middle of the ring. Miz counters Trouble In Paradise and drops Kofi with knees. More back and forth until Kofi hits a big crossbody from the corner for a 2 count. Miz comes back with the knee and a big DDT for a close pin attempt.
Miz with Yes Kicks to the chest while Kofi is on his knees now. Kofi ducks a kick. Miz blocks SOS. Kofi blocks Skull Crushing Finale. Kofi with a roll-up for 2. Kofi comes back and hits SOS for a close 2 count. Miz focuses on the knee in the corner now. Miz charges in the corner with two high knees but Kofi blocks the third with a kick to the head. Kofi goes to the top but comes up short and his knee goes out. Miz applies the Figure Four in the middle of the ring as Big E and Morrison cheer their partners on. Fans try to rally for Kofi.
Kofi finally gets the bottom rope to break the hold. Kofi rolls to the floor for a breather. Miz comes out and brings him in after a shot. Miz and Big E have words now with Big E backing Miz up. Morrison runs over and leaps off the steel ring steps to drop Big E with a cannonball kick, then stands over him. Miz returns to the ring and capitalizes off the distraction with a Skull Crushing Finale for the pin to win.
Winner: The Miz
– After the match, the music hits as Morrison hits the ring to celebrate with Miz. We go to replays. Miz and Morrison stand tall in the corners to pose for the crowd.
– Still to come, Sasha Banks vs. Lacey Evans, plus Braun Strowman vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura in a non-title match. Also, The Usos return against King Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler.
– It’s time for a new edition of the Firefly Fun House as we see WWE Universal Champion Bray Wyatt. He tells the Fun House camera to come closer and not be scared. He says he wants to tell us something and then says he loves everyone. That felt good, he says. Love is special but not everyone is capable of it. Wyatt says he’s looking at Daniel Bryan in this case. He says The Fiend feels the opposite of love for Bryan. Wyatt can’t say he blames him because Bryan has been really naughty lately. Wyatt says Bryan will be in trouble at the Royal Rumble when he faces The Fiend. He says first The Fiend wanted to help Bryan, then change Bryan, now he wants to hurt Bryan because Bryan wants to take the Universal Title. Wyatt waves goodbye to end the segment. Back to commercial.
– Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose are backstage. Deville is ready to just focus on their tag team, nothing else, and that starts tonight as Deville will be at ringside for Mandy’s match. Deville is hyped up about the Fire & Desire tag team. Rose is distracted by something. She tells Deville she will be right out but she just has something to do first. Deville leaves and Rose picks up a box, apparently from a bakery or somewhere like that. She smiles but looks nervous. Could this be for Otis?
– We go to the ring and Elias is out with his guitar. He begins playing his newest song as the crowd claps along with it. Elias sings about the Royal Rumble and takes shots at WWE Champion Brock Lesnar. Elias says he’s not afraid to talk like Lesnar is. He goes on singing and must have some miscommunication as he says when he beats Brock for the WWE Title, he will show Brock the door, but at the Royal Rumble, he will show Brock what WWE stands for – Walk With Elias. The Rumble isn’t for Brock’s title but Elias may plan to eliminate Lesnar, then win the Rumble, and challenge Lesnar at WrestleMania 36. Elias ends his song and that’s it for the segment.
– Heavy Machinery is backstage. Tucker is trying to get Otis in a better mood for their match, and not focusing on Mandy Rose. Rose walks up and talks about what has happened as of late. Tucker wants Otis to come with him. Rose admits she should’ve said something to Dolph Ziggler but wants to make up for what went down. She had her mother bake a cake and she gives it to Otis. It’s an “I’m Sorry” cake. Otis is speechless. Mandy walks off as she has to get to her match. We go to commercial.
Alexa Bliss vs. Mandy Rose
Back from the break and out comes Alexa Bliss with Nikki Cross. The pyro goes off as they head to the ring. We get a sidebar video with Cross and Bliss talking about being in the Royal Rumble Match. Mandy Rose is out next with Sonya Deville as Greg Hamilton does the introductions.
The bell rings and they go at it, locking up and going to the corner. Rose backs off and then nails a cheap shot. Bliss isn’t happy. Bliss backs her off and tells her to bring it. They collide and talk some trash. Rose shoves Bliss around and talks more trash, mushing her now. Bliss rocks Rose with a big shot to the face to shut her up. Bliss takes it to the corner to unload with kicks. Bliss with a drop toe hold and then a big shot to the face. Rose rams Bliss back into the corner and works her over with shoulder thrusts.
Bliss sends Rose to the apron and they tangle. Bliss slaps Rose to the floor. Fans pop for Bliss. Bliss dropkicks Rose back to the floor into the barrier. Deville hits the apron and has words with Bliss, and a staredown. Cross comes over but Deville kicks her away, allowing Bliss to knock Deville off the apron. This leads to Rose trying to capitalize for another 2 count. Rose works Bliss over while she’s down and shows off some as fans boo. Rose with more offense while Bliss is down.
Rose keeps Bliss grounded in the middle of the ring with a submission now as the referee checks on them. Bliss fights up and out, nailing a kick. Rose with a kick of her own. Rose goes for the double underhook but Bliss counters and they end up colliding once again. Both Superstars go down as their partners cheer them on from ringside.
Bliss mounts a comeback with clotheslines now. They trade slaps and Bliss drops Rose with one. Bliss shows off to the crowd for a big pop. Bliss goes on and drops the double knee to Rose for another pop. The Heavy Machinery graphics and music suddenly hits as Otis makes his way out with a cake, coming down the ramp. Tucker also comes out to stand with Otis on the ramp. Rose takes advantage of the distracted Bliss, rolling her up for the pin to win.
Winner: Mandy Rose
– After the match, Deville joins Rose in the ring as the music hits. Otis eats the cake on the ramp, making a mess of it with his fingers as he stares Rose down. Tucker is also enjoying some cake. Deville looks unsure but humored by everything.
– We see Lacey Evans backstage walking. Back to commercial.
Lacey Evans vs. Sasha Banks
Back from the break and out comes Lacey Evans. She stops and kneels to let a young fan kiss her on the hand. She also hits the ring and places her hat on Greg’s head. The music of Sasha Banks hits next but she’s not coming out. SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley finally appears on the big screen and takes a shot at Evans before announcing that Sasha is AWOL tonight. Bayley says Banks made a commitment in a real city tonight, Los Angeles, and had to finish her rap album. Bayley says she’s only here tonight because she’s a champion and she’s contractually obligated to.
Evans takes the mic and says she’s not surprised Banks isn’t here. Evans goes on and says while Banks is hanging out in Los Angeles, she’s here and she’s ready to fight, especially in the heartland of America. A “USA!” chant starts up and Evans encourages it. Evans says Banks is nothing but a nasty and not here, while Bayley is running her mouth and not acting like a champion. Evans challenges Bayley to come out and put her title on the line. Bayley says she’s not Evans’ snot-nosed kid and doesn’t have to listen to her. Evans drops the mic and marches to the back.
The camera cuts backstage to Evans being attacked by Bayley. Bayley beats Evans down and tells her to put on her mom jeans and go home. Bayley walks off but Evans attacks her. Evans does the beatdown this time and looks to go for a Woman’s Right to Bayley, but a referee pulls her off, and tells her to calm down and save it for the ring.
– The announcers show us what happened between WWE Universal Champion “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan last week. Bryan is backstage with Kayla Braxton now. Bryan talks about what Wyatt said earlier. He admits The Fiend changed him but says it was for the better and he’s now more dangerous. Bryan has no doubt The Fiend will hurt him at the Royal Rumble, but The Fiend can’t break him physically or mentally. Bryan says The Fiend wants everyone to think he can’t be hurt or beaten, but he doesn’t like the fact that Bryan knows he can be beat and can be hurt. Bryan says he’s going to do it for the Universal Title. He goes to leave but Ramblin’ Rabbit appears on the TV screen behind Bryan. Rabbit is in the Firefly Fun House. Rabbit says he’s Bryan’s biggest fan and doesn’t have a lot of time but The Fiend is beatable and he knows the secret that will allow Bryan to win the title. The secret is… Wyatt appears and squeezes Rabbit until he can’t speak. Silly rabbit, Wyatt says. He says, remember kids…. snitches get stitches. Bryan looks on as Wyatt laughs and then gets serious, staring at the camera. Let “me” in. Wyatt stares at the camera as Bryan looks on. Wyatt disappears. Bryan thinks about what he just saw and nods his head.
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Braun Strowman
We go to the ring and out comes Braun Strowman for a pop. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura with Cesaro and Sami Zayn for this non-title match. We get a look back at last week’s Strowman vs. Cesaro match. The bell rings and Strowman takes it to the corner, unloading. Nakamura ends up dodging a shot as Braun hits the corner hard. Strowman drops Nakamura after taking some strikes. Strowman slows it down some and clubs Nakamura to the mat. Braun with a big knee to the face as Nakamura goes to get back up.
Braun with more power moves, focusing on the ribs and mid-section. Strowman with another big blow in the corner. Strowman whips Nakamura hard into the corner once again and he goes down. Strowman with a running splash in the corner to put Nakamura right back down as fans pop. Braun charges again but Sami pulls him out to safety. Cesaro joins them as Sami talks trash to Braun.
Braun exits the ring and stomps on Nakamura while backing Sami away. Sami retreats into the ring, distracting the referee. This allows Cesaro to come from behind and ram Strowman into the ring post. Nakamura takes advantage and delivers a big running kick, knocking Strowman over into the timekeeper’s area. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Braun tries to fight Nakamura off. Nakamura kicks him and dazes him. Nakamura goes to the top and drops Braun with a big knee for a 2 count. Nakamura keeps Braun grounded now as Sami talks trash and mocks Braun from ringside. Nakamura tightens his hold on the mat.
Strowman fights up and tosses Nakamura. Braun ducks a kick but Nakamura drops him with the second kick. Nakamura goes to the second rope again but Braun catches him in mid-air. Braun delivers a huge clothesline for a big pop. Strowman runs and tackles Nakamura with shoulders. Braun with a running splash in the corner now. Braun clubs Nakamura back to the mat for a close 2 count. Braun scoops Nakamura but he slides out. They tangle and Nakamura drops Braun with a knee.
Nakamura charges with another knee to the head for a close pin attempt. Nakamura keeps Braun down and drives knees into him. Nakamura with more offense while Braun is down. Nakamura charges again but Braun drives him into the mat with a huge Spinebuster in mid-move. Sami gets on the apron to distract the referee. Cesaro tries to bring a steel chair in the ring but the referee stops him. Cesaro argues with the referee. Braun charges and knocks Cesaro out of the ring. Sami toes the belt to Nakamura. Nakamura swings the title but Braun dodges it. Braun comes right back and scoops Nakamura for the powerslam. Braun covers for the pin to get the non-title win.
Winner: Braun Strowman
– After the match, Braun stands tall as the music hits and Sami throws a fit at ringside. Strowman picks the title belt up off the mat and raises it in the air as fans cheer him on. Sami runs in and snatches the title, then takes it to the ramp to join Cesaro and Nakamura. Sami continues taunting Strowman up the ramp.
– We cut backstage to Sheamus. Rise over size, embrace who you are. Shorty G has been saying a lot of things but he didn’t say anything last week as Sheamus showed the little rat just how much SmackDown is about to change now that he’s returned. He knocked G down but G did not rise again. That represents all the ills and problems that have infested SmackDown since he’s been gone. Small isn’t something to be embraced, it’s something to be crushed and disposed of. Sheamus says last week he proved that size does matter. Shorty G says embrace who you are and Sheamus agrees. Since he’s returned, Sheamus is ready to embrace chaos.
– Still to come, The Usos return to the ring in the main event. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Daniel Bryan walks up on a gift in his locker room. He opens the present up and it looks like what is left of Ramblin’ Rabbit.
– We go back to the ring and Roman Reigns makes his way out. The pyro goes off as Reigns heads down the ramp and greets fans at ringside. We get a quick look back at what happened last week. Reigns takes the mic and says 2019 was a blessed year but it ended rough. He’s been outnumbered, jumped and even embarrassed by King Baron Corbin and his crew. Reigns has always had back-up but this time he didn’t need the help of friends, this time he needed the help of his family.
Reigns says his family came back last week and helped him in a major way, which is why he says this firmly – 2020 is his year. Reigns says he will win the Royal Rumble Match and then go on to main event WrestleMania for the fifth time and he’s going to do that with those who have been at his side since day one, The Usos. The music hits and out comes Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso for their ring returns. Fans pop for The Usos, who take the mics. They say it feels good to be on the blue brand and they’re about to turn Friday Night SmackDown into Friday Night Lockdown. They say it’s been rough being on the sidelines for 5 months being away from this, but it was rougher watching The Big Dog defend himself against Queen Corbin and his kingdom. The Usos say Corbin disrespected Reigns with the dog food, but doing that he disrespected the whole family. The Usos are about to get real disrespectful because kings come and go, but blood is forever. They go to welcome Corbin to The Uso Penitentiary but the music hits and out comes Corbin on his caravan with servants. Dolph Ziggler is right in front of them.
Corbin takes the mic and says Reigns is really going to throw his family under the bus because he’s scared to face Corbin. Corbin goes on and says no one is winning the Rumble but the king. Reigns isn’t scared of Corbin. He wants to beat Corbin’s ass twice in one night. Reigns suggests they wrestle before the Rumble Match and then Corbin can watch Reigns celebrate his big win. Corbin accepts and says after tonight, Reigns won’t have any family because he and Ziggler are about to hand two dogs, two little bitches. The Usos run the ropes and leap over the top, taking out Corbin and the others at ringside. They return to the ring to join Reigns as the crowd pops. Back to commercial.
The Usos vs. Dolph Ziggler and King Baron Corbin
Back from the break and Dolph Ziggler is in for his team. Back and forth to start with Jimmy Uso, and then Jey Uso. Ziggler gets double teamed but keeps fighting. Corbin tags in and takes control. Ziggler comes back in and nails a nice dropkick. Corbin with another quick tag, dropping Jey in the corner. Jey keeps fighting and turns it around on Corbin. Jey with an enziguri to drop Corbin. Jey goes to the top but the music of The Revival hits.
Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson run down to ringside. Corbin shoves a distracted Jey off the top rope and he hits the floor. Ziggler tags back in to turn it around. Dash and Dawson back up the ramp as Corbin thanks them. Corbin shows off at ringside but Reigns’ music hits and out he comes. Reigns with a big Superman Punch as he takes out The Revival on the stage. Reigns heads down to ringside as Corbin sends Uso into the barrier. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Jey unloads, hitting a big Samoan Drop on Ziggler. The Usos mount more offense and send Corbin out. They go to double team but one of the brothers gets shoved into Reigns and he goes down, thanks to Corbin. Jey drops Ziggler in the ring now. Jey goes to the top and hits a big splash. Corbin comes in and sends Jey into the ring post. Corbin sends Reigns back into the barrier again. Corbin sends Jimmy back into the ring but Corbin comes over and nails a big Spear on Corbin for the disqualification as the referee calls for the bell.
Winners by DQ: King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler
– After the bell, Reigns is upset at ringside. He’s had enough. He clears the announce table and goes to powerbomb Corbin through it but a returning Robert Roode attacks out of nowhere and drops Reigns. Roode destroys Reigns and Corbin hits him with a Deep Six at ringside. Ziggler joins in with a big superkick as the boos get louder. Roode talks trash to Reigns, yelling about how he’s back and this is family. Corbin assists as Roode nails a Spinebuster to Reigns on top of the announce table. It does not break. Corbin and Roode hold Reigns down on the table as Ziggler puts Reigns through the table with a big flying elbow. We go to replays. Corbin, Roode and Ziggler bury Reigns under the announce table debris as Reigns did to Roode over one month ago. We get more replays. SmackDown goes off the air as Corbin’s music plays while Corbin, Roode and Ziggler talk trash and taunt The Big Dog.
Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.Click Here: Trent Alexander-Arnold Jersey Sale

Triple H publicly apologizes to Paige after “terrible joke” sparks controversy

Triple H, WWE’s Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events and Creative, has publicly apologized to Paige for a “terrible joke” he made last week while speaking to the media prior to the NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II event.
Triple H was asked about the rumors of Edge and Paige returning to the ring and he said that he would like for them to live a healthy life rather that come back and something happens again, adding that Edge has kids and Paige “probably has some she doesn’t know of.”
The joke didn’t go down well with the former NXT and Divas champion who in the past revealed she cannot have kids. Today, Triple H issued a public apology on Twitter, writing, “I’ve reached out to @RealPaigeWWE to apologize. I made a terrible joke and I’m sorry if it offended her or anyone else.”
Speaking to Sportskeeda, Paige said she was surprised by what Triple H said and she was confused why he would make such a joke.
“Obviously I was a little bit perplexed…a little bit taken aback because he’s someone that I truly look up to and he’s always been very respectful, so I feel like he got caught up maybe in a joke that I just don’t think was appropriate to joke about,” Paige said. “I don’t know…I feel like it’s something that I don’t need to continually keep talking about because I feel like people have done a pretty good job of that.”
Paige confirmed that Triple H did reach out to her and that they’re going to be talking about some things moving forward.
Nikki Bella also addressed the bad taste joke on her Twitter, saying that “change in a company starts from the top” and their leaders help set the example. “For us women we need all the help we can get. Help with respect from our co workers and fans. We are all one.”
Renee Young also jumped to Paige’s defense who said that Paige has been to hell and back “but still some people wanna make jokes.” Young then called for real change.Click Here: Arsenal soccer tracksuit

Kacy Catanzaro and Shayna Baszler return on NXT

Kacy Catanzaro and Shayna Baszler were the two surprise entrants during last night’s women’s battle royal on NXT.
Catanzaro has been away from NXT for quite a few months and in September it was reported that she has departed WWE. Her boyfriend, WWE Superstar Ricochet, dismissed the rumors and said that she’s still with the company. The 29-year-old New Jersey native who achieved fame during the American Ninja Warrior series, was also suffering from a back injury. Her last match was against Io Shirai in mid-July during an non-televised NXT live event.
Baszler also returned for the first time since losing the NXT Women’s title to Rhea Ripley on the December 18 episode of NXT on USA Network. The only two-time NXT Women’s champion took a few weeks off and was looking the favorite to win the battle royal but she was surprisingly eliminated by newcomer Shotzi Blackheart.
The battle royal was eventually won by Bianca Belair. Io Shirai was the other person in the final two. Belair will now take on either Ripley or Storm at the NXT Takeover: Portland event in February.Click Here: Kenzo ジャンパー

News on Kane and Jeff Hardy

– PWInsider reports that Kane is expected to be a part of the 2020 Royal Rumble and will be in Houston for the event. He has not been announced for the match yet, but appeared on Smackdown this past Friday. He cut a promo putting over the Rumble match and his previous accomplishments in it. Kane holds the record for most Rumble match appearances (19) and the most cumulative eliminations over his career (44).
– PWInsider also reports that Jeff Hardy is set to appear in Moore County Court in North Carolina on April 6, the day after Wrestlemania. The court appearance is related to his October 2019 arrest for driving while impaired.
Hardy was arrested on October 3 after police got a tip about a reckless driver around 8:40 PM. They found his car in front of a liquor store and he came out with a case of beer. After following the car for a bit, they stopped him for “weaving badly in his lane.” Hardy had “what seemed to be dried blood on his nose”, and told police that he and his wife “got into a fight.” He admitted to two shots of vodka and being impaired. He failed a field sobriety test and was “uncooperative when asked for a breathalyzer or blood sample.” A judge agreed to the search warrant and police got their blood sample. His driver’s license has since been revoked.
Hardy has been away from WWE as he recovers from a leg injury. WWE helped him after his arrest and he’s reportedly ‘working hard’ to focus on his personal health.Click Here: west tigers rugby league jersey

Notes on Natalya, John Cena, and Jazz

– Jazz to be honored…

– Natalya is in…

– Boy with dyslexia creates amazing portrait of John Cena with Rubik’s Cubes

(Follow GERWECK.NET on Twitter @gerweck or e-mail myself, Steve Gerweck with any news, updates, and/or corrections. Feel free to visit our T-shirt store via Pro Wrestling Tees)Click Here: rapid prototyping