Week of 10/26 TV Viewership Break Down, with DVR’ing


PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a special Thursday Flagship edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast featuring a WrestleMania 36 Preview with ex-WWE Creative Team member and professional stand-up comedian Matt McCarthy.

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WWE TV shows made up 90 percent of the TV wrestling pie for the Week of October 26, down from 92% the previous week. This was mainly due to ROH nearly doubling its TV audience and TNA rebounding from a season-low.

Also, WWE programming was down slightly to contribute to losing two percentage points. Included was a decline in Raw’s DVR viewership despite being the night after the Hell in a Cell PPV.

Overall Viewership – WWE Raw, WWE Smackdown, TNA Impact, ROH TV (Week of Oct. 26)

– Live Viewership Pie: 6.116 million viewers (up slightly from 6.019 million last week).

– Live & DVR Pie: 6.725 million viewers (up slightly from 6.675 million last week).


– WWE Raw (Monday, October 26): The post-PPV episode averaged 3.354 million live viewers over the course of three hours, essentially even with 3.356 million last week.

DVR viewership was down from last week, though, averaging 3.713 million live + DVR, down from 3.784 million last week.

Another interesting comparison is the second and third hours. The hours drew nearly identical viewership, but the third hour drew 415,000 DVR views compared to 352,000 in the second hour. It appears that many viewers fast-forwarded through the second hour to get to the third hour, presumably for the main event #1 contender match.

First Hour: 3.635 million live viewers (3.946 million with DVR
Second Hour: 3.213 million live viewers (3.565 million with DVR)
Third Hour: 3.214 million live viewers (3.629 million with DVR)

Overall, Raw made up 55 percent of the total TV wrestling viewership pie for the week.

– TNA Impact (Wednesday, Oct. 28): Impact drew 266,000 first-run viewers, essentially even with 264k last week.

Impact then drew 27,000 DVR viewers (vs. 17k last week) and 98,000 West Coast/replay viewers after ROH TV, which was also up from last week.

Impact’s total audience was 391,000 viewers, up from 344k last week. It was the most combined viewers in three weeks.

– ROH TV (Wednesday, Oct. 28): ROH drew its largest audience in a single timeslot on Destination America.

ROH drew 227,000 viewers in the 11:00 p.m. EST timeslot after Impact to bump up its share of the weekly wrestling pie to four percent.

– WWE Smackdown (Thursday, Oct. 29): Smackdown drew 2.171 million live viewers, down from 2.204 million last week.

DVR viewership was 223,000, up from 211k last week to make up some of the difference.

Smackdown’s total audience was 2.394 million, down slightly from 2.415 million last week.

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