This Week’s WWE Smackdown Draws Big Viewership Number While ‘Miz & Mrs’ Holds Steady In Week Two

This week’s edition of Miz & Mrs. on the USA Network drew 1.3 million viewers following Smackdown Live, for it’s second ever episode, reports ShowBuzz Daily.

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While the 11.6% drop from last week’s series premiere might not look good on paper, it’s important to remember that virtually every television show sees a massive hit in numbers after each series and season premiere, as the debut episodes are seen as “destination television” for casual viewers.

The first season of Walking Dead dropped 12% between its first and second episode on AMC. Big Bang Theory dropped 10% and just wrapped its 11th season. The real tell for Miz & Mrs. long-term popularity (and let’s keep in mind it only has six episodes ordered at this point, with an option to pick up more in the future) will come next week.

In other ratings news, the lead in to “Miz & Mrs”, WWE Smackdown Live, saw a sizeable increase in viewership over last week, taking in an average audience of 2.401 million viewers. This week’s show was up from the previous week’s 2.340 million viewership average. This week’s show ranked #5 in overall cable TV viewership for the night, and #1 in the 18-49 demographic.

This week’s WWE Smackdown featured the return of Jeff Hardy and Zelina Vega’s in-ring debut, which were both announced in advance of the show, and also featured the surprise return of Charlotte Flair.

Source :

ShowBuzz Daily

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