Steyer says he bought website domain for Trump's 'Keep America Great' slogan

Billionaire philanthropist and Democratic presidential hopeful Tom SteyerTom SteyerBloomberg wages war on COVID-19, but will he abandon his war on coal? Overnight Energy: 600K clean energy jobs lost during pandemic, report finds | Democrats target diseases spread by wildlife | Energy Dept. to buy 1M barrels of oil Ocasio-Cortez, Schiff team up to boost youth voter turnout MORE announced on Monday he purchased a site with President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE’s campaign slogan, “Keep America Great,” which now redirects visitors to a page calling the president a “fraud” and “failure.”

“Trump’s campaign prides itself on hoarding websites of political opponents, but they forgot to pick up the URL for their signature re-election slogan, ‘Keep America Great,’ ” Steyer’s campaign said in an email announcing the move.

“Now, the website offers the opportunity to purchase a bumper sticker that highlights what a majority of Americans already know about Donald Trump: that he’s a fraud and failure who borrowed billions of dollars to bankrupt businesses,” the campaign added.


The Trump campaign, however pushed back on the claim made by Steyer’s team that the president’s campaign team “forgot” to register the domain name for Trump’s 2020 slogan.

“Tom Steyer is lying about the availability of this website and he knows it,” Tim Murtagh, the campaign’s director of communications told The Hill. “The site was created in 2015, well before the election of 2016, and has been a Trump-hating website for more than four years.”

Online records show the domain name was first launched on June 25, 2015. Trump formally launched his campaign on June 16, 2015. However, Trump, whose initial campaign slogan was “Make America Great Again,” didn’t officially announce his 2020 slogan, “Keep America Great,” until early 2017, more than a year after the domain first launched. 

A spokesperson for Steyer’s campaign told The Hill that the campaign “purchased the domain two weeks ago without the help of Russia because it’s important to tell the truth about Donald Trump’s record of bankrupting businesses.”

“It’s clear that Donald Trump has no problem bullying people online, but can’t take the heat when Tom Steyer turns the tables and exposes him for what he is – a fraud and a failure,” he added.


Steyer’s campaign did not disclose the amount of money it spent on the domain.

Currently, when visitors go to, they have the option to donate $1 in exchange for a bumper sticker that reads, “Trump is a fraud & a failure.”

On a page asking for donations, Steyer’s campaign highlights the Democratic National Committee’s new debate requirements that say a candidate must have 200,000 individual donors to qualify for the December presidential primary debate. 

His campaign says they’re “close” to the fundraising goal but “Tom needs your help to get there.”

The announcement by Steyer’s campaign comes weeks after Trump’s election campaign purchased the domain name, which was the slogan former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHillicon Valley: Biden calls on Facebook to change political speech rules | Dems demand hearings after Georgia election chaos | Microsoft stops selling facial recognition tech to police Trump finalizing executive order calling on police to use ‘force with compassion’ The Hill’s Campaign Report: Biden campaign goes on offensive against Facebook MORE’s campaign team coined for its effort targeting Latino voters at the time, according to NBC News.   

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The page now leads visitors to a page with Biden looking down next to the message, “Oops, Joe forgot about Latinos. Joe is all talk.” It also redirects users to a “Latinos For Trump” page.

— Updated at 5:43 p.m.

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