OOOPS: 'Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound to Hawaii…This is Not a Drill'


Full-blown panic, chaos and rage are being reported after all Hawaiians received emergency alerts on their cell phones, televisions and radios Saturday morning warning that a ballistic missile attack was imminent.

Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard tweeted that it was a false alarm.

President Trump was golfing at his Trump National Golf Club in Florida near his Mar-a-Lago estate when the alert was sent.

Congresswoman Gabbard told MSNBC: “Our leaders have failed us. Donald Trump is taking too long. He’s not taking this threat seriously … This is literally life and death that is at stake.”

“The people of Hawaii just got a taste of the stark reality of what we face here of a potential nuclear strike on Hawaii,” Gabbard said during a phone interview on CNN minutes after the alert was broadcast across the islands. “This is a real threat facing Hawaii,” she said.

There was no follow-up text saying it was a false alarm until 38 minutes after the original alert.

Hawaiian Governor David Ige told CNN that someone had “pressed the wrong button” during a shift change at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.

Patrick Granfield, a former strategic communications director at the Pentagon under President Obama tweeted “thank God the President was playing golf.” Granfield posted the tweet after Hawaii officials declared the emergency alert was a false alarm.



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