Morgan Spurlock confesses to past sexual misconduct as he admits being ‘part of the problem’


Morgan Spurlock, the director of hit documentaries including Super Size Me, has admitted to a history of sexual misconduct, including being accused of rape and settling a sexual harassment claim.

The 47-year-old filmmaker posted the confession online under the title "I am Part of the Problem" after witnessing the slew of  sexual harassment claims triggered by the Harvey Weinstein scandal. 

"As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realisation of their past indiscretions, I don’t sit by and wonder ‘who will be next?’ I wonder, ‘when will they come for me?’," Spurlock wrote. 

He went on to recount a time in college when he was told by a friend that a girl in a writing class had accused him of raping her. 

"In my mind, we’d been drinking all night and went back to my room," Spurlock wrote. "We began fooling around, she pushed me off, then we laid in the bed and talked and laughed some more, and then began fooling around again.

"We took off our clothes. She said she didn’t want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex."

She became upset, he said, and they stopped. "I tried to comfort her. To make her feel better. I thought I was doing ok, I believed she was feeling better. She believed she was raped," he wrote. 

In another incident, Spurlock said he settled a sexual harassment allegation at his office around eight years ago.

Morgan Spurlock’s confession | ‘I am Part of the Problem’

"I would call my female assistant ‘hot pants’ or ‘sex pants’ when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office," he said.

After she quit and threatened to go public unless he paid her a settlement, he said he did so. "I paid for peace of mind. I paid for her silence and cooperation. Most of all, I paid so I could remain who I was," he wrote.  

Spurlock, who married for the second time last year and whose first wife Alex Jamieson appeared in Super Size Me, goes on to admit he cheated on "every wife and girlfriend I have ever had". 

Morgan Spurlock arrives for the World Premiere of One Direction: This Is Us in LondonCredit:

"Over the years, I would look each of them in the eye and proclaim my love and then have sex with other people behind their backs," he wrote. 

In attempting to explain possible reasons for his behaviour, he admitted he was sexually abused as a boy and in his teens and that he hadn’t "been sober for more than a week in 30 years".

"I am part of the problem. We all are," he wrote. "But I am also part of the solution. By recognising and openly admitting what I’ve done to further this terrible situation, I hope to empower the change within myself. We should all find the courage to admit we’re at fault."

Since the Weinstein scandal rocked Hollywood in October, more than 50 women have accused the movie mogul of sexually harassing or assaulting them over the past three decades. Weinstein has denied having non-consensual sex with anyone.

The controversy has spurred the #MeToo movement, with dozens of celebrities facing accusations of sexual misconduct. 



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