Kane Remains Committed To WWE Crown Jewel, Vince McMahon Comments

Earlier this month, a spokesman for Glenn Jacobs (Kane) told The Knoxville News Sentinel that Kane still planned to wrestle on the upcoming WWE Crown Jewel on November 2nd in Saudi Arabia despite the controversy surrounding the event. Back in August, Jacobs became the mayor of Knox County, Tennessee.
This was his comment at the time, through Jacobs’ spokesman, Rob Link:
“Mayor Jacobs won’t speculate on Mr. [Jamal] Khashoggi’s disappearance,” Link said. “However, he and his family are in the mayor’s thoughts and prayers.”

Last month it was announced that WWE was donating $100,000 to The Knoxville Public Safety Foundation for Kane’s upcoming appearances. The money will go to The Knoxville Public Safety Foundation, which benefits employees of The Knoxville Fire Department, Knoxville Police Department, Knox County Sheriff’s Office & University of Tennessee’s Police Department. The KPSF supports employees and their families that have suffered catastrophic injuries, illness, death or other significant events.
WWE will be presenting a check to the foundation at the next WWE Live Event in Knoxville, which is tentatively scheduled for January 2019.
In an update to Knoxville New Sentinel, Kane remains committed to WWE and The Knoxville Public Safety Foundation.
“Mayor Jacobs is still going to The Crown Jewel Event because he made a commitment to not only The WWE, but The Knoxville Public Safety Foundation and the first responders of Knoxville and Knox County.”

Through a press release, Vince McMahon echoed these sentiments about WWE’s donation, as seen below:
“We’re happy to support this charity of behalf of Mayor Jacobs,” WWE CEO Vince McMahon said in a press release. “Much like his unparalleled contributions to advancing the WWE brand during his stellar career of more than 20 years, Mayor Jacobs has begun work to improve Knox County.”

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