Italy’s tangled political crisis continued on Wednesday as signs emerged that a government consisting of the country’s two populist parties might be formed after all.
Carlo Cottarelli, a former IMF economist, had been on the brink of trying to cobble together a technocrat government, after negotiations to form a coalition consisting of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the hard-Right League broke down on Sunday.
But that scenario was thrown into confusion after Mr Cottarelli was quoted by Italy’s national news agency as saying that new possibilities had emerged “for the birth of a political government”.
The prime minister-designate said that he had decided to “wait for further developments”.
Sources within Five Star indicated that they were willing to back down on their previous demand that Paolo Savona, a staunchly anti-euro economist and former banker, should be made economy minister in the new government.
One MP from Five Star explicitly called for Mr Savona to step aside to pave the way for a government to be formed.
“These are crucial hours and there is a situation of instability that risks being paid for by the Italian people and the country,” said Laura Castelli. “It is amazing that Paolo Savona has not yet taken a decision to take a step backwards.”
But The League said they were in no mood to compromise and continued to demand that 81-year-old Mr Savona be given the economy portfolio.
Matteo Salvini, leader of The League, said that Sergio Mattarella, the president, should either accept the parties’ government line-up in its entirety, including Mr Savona, or call fresh elections.
"I hope we vote again as soon as possible, but not in July because the Italian people’s holidays are sacrosanct,” Mr Salvini said.
Alberto Lingria
The League could bounce back stronger than ever if a new election is held – polls suggest that it would attract around 25 per cent of the vote, compared to the 17 per cent it gained at the March 4 election.
After two meetings during the day, Mr Cottarelli and the president decided that more time was needed to try to come to an agreement with the populist parties.
The prospect of a Five Star-League coalition after three months of political deadlock has brought turmoil to financial markets.
The markets are unnerved not just by the two parties’ campaign promises to splurge billions of euros by slashing income tax rates and introducing a universal monthly income for the poor and unemployed, but by the spectre of Italy ditching the euro and returning to the lire.
While an exit from the Eurozone was not part of the parties’ manifestos, both have flirted with the idea in the past and the selection of Mr Savona brought the issue to the fore.
He has called the euro a “German cage” for the Italian economy, criticising it as “a historic error”.
In a televised address on Facebook on Wednesday night, Mr Di Maio denied that either Five Star or The League wanted to plot an exit from the single currency. “It’s a lie to say that we want to leave the euro,” he said.
Ivan Romano/Getty Images Europe
A senior US Treasury official said it would be better for Italy to resolve its current political crisis while staying within the eurozone.
Mr Mattarella’s veto and subsequent nomination of Mr Cottarelli as caretaker prime minister sparked angry calls for the president’s impeachment, since most MPs backed Mr Savona.
Mr Mattarella said that an openly eurosceptic economy minister was counter to the parties’ joint promise to simply "change Europe for the better from an Italian point of view".
Mr Salvini, a fellow eurosceptic who was Mr Savona’s biggest advocate, said the planned coalition government failed because of pressure from the "powers-that-be, the markets, Berlin and Paris".
"It was a big mistake to say no to a government which had a majority, a programme and a list of ministers," he said.
Any future election would be a vote pitting "people and real life against the political old guard."
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