Frenchproducers of absinthe, the green spirit said to have inspired Van Gogh, have won a 15-year battle to have their fiery drink receive European protected status.
This week, Brussels granted absinthe of Pontarlier in eastern France on the Swiss border the official protected geographical indication mark, PGI.
The drink’s powers were notorious in late 19th-Century Paris among bohemian artists and writers. Many swore it expanded consciousness and enhanced creativity, dubbing it the Green Fairy.
Van Gogh is said to have painted his masterpiece, The Starry Night, under its influence and it has been suggested the drink drove him mad.
Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso all partook in "l’heure verte" – a five o’clock ritual of sipping absinthe with a lump of sugar on a spoon.
Pontarlier was famous for the production of absinthe until France banned the drink in 1915, in part due to fears it would knock out French forces in the First World War.
When the ban was partially lifted in the 1990s, Pontarlier distilleries once again starting producing a watered-down version of the mind-bending original only to see a raft of foreign rivals flood the market.
John Wronn/AP
The new European protected status will help fight off foreign imitators, said François Guy, in charge of one of the two main Pontarlier producers of absinthe.
“We even found South African absinthe with Napoleon and the fleur de lys on the label,” he told Le Parisien.
Mr Guy was instrumental in proving that thujone, the molecular in wormwood scientists initially blamed for causing hallucinations and brain damage, was relatively harmless.
“Its quantity has been reduced to make it inoffensive but it remains essential for the taste,” he said.
“It was above all the alcohol levels and huge quantities of absinthe consumed in the Belle Epoque that caused such serious damage.”
The EU’s PGI mark designates a product “originating in a specific place, region or country whose given quality, reputation or other characteristic is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and at least one of the production steps of which takes place in the defined geographical area”.
But the mark represents a Pyrrhic victory for Pontarlier’s other main producer, Pernot, as it stipulates that the recipe must contain a minimum of 20g per litre of thujone.
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“It so happens that Japan and the United States ban any presence of thujone and these are our main export markets,” a spokesman told L’Est Républicain.