Ferrari’s cars will race in the Austrian Grand Prix emblazoned with a special #ForzaAlex message in support of Alex Zanardi who remains in intensive care in Italy after a recent hand bike accident.
On June 19, Zanardi was admitted to the Siena University Hospital with severe head and facial injuries that have required two operations, the second of which was conducted earlier this week.
Zanardi undergoes ‘necessary’ second neurological surgery
The ex-F1 driver and CART champion remains in a medically induced coma and in stable but serious condition according to his doctors’ latest health bulletin.
“The patient, around 24 hours after the operation, presents stationary clinical conditions and a stable course from the neurological point of view,” said the hospital in a statement released on Tuesday afternoon.
“Alex Zanardi is hospitalised in the intensive care unit, where he remains sedated and intubated, and the prognosis remains confidential.”