Enhanced storability of bananas

Automatic tea bag packing machine

A recently conducted study introduces a pectin/agarose-based coating functionalised with Piper betel L. extract for enhancing storability of postharvest bananas.

The goal of a recent study was to produce an active coating on bananas storage at 20 °C and 64 %RH using a combination of pectin and agarose (PeA) supplemented with Piper betel L. leaf extract (PBE) to extend their shelf life. The introduction of 30 wt% PBE into the PeA film improved the tensile strength, flexibility, UV resistance as well as antioxidant and antibacterial properties of resulting films.

Reduced respiration rate

The coating solutions, containing PeA functionalised with PBE, were applied for prolonging the shelf life of postharvest bananas using the dipping method. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses showed that PeA coating solution enriched with 30 wt% PBE (PeA-PBE-30) coating effectively sealed and uniformly dispersed on the fruit skin. Besides, PeA-PBE-30 coating can significantly reduce the respiration rate of fresh bananas during 8 d storage period. Other factors including weight loss, total soluble solids, and pH were also reduced, while the retention of titratable acid also indicated the protective efficacy of PeA-PBE-30 coating compared to uncoated fruits and other treatments.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 185, December 2023.

Reading tip

The EC Tech Report Bio-based Coatings is a hand-picked compilation of all the key aspects concerning bio-based coatings, offering the latest technical developments. Leading R&D experts present their various binder developments, how binders can be produced sustainably and also how the performance of your coatings can be optimised. Exclusive market insights and data as well as an impressive package of digital bonus material round off this Tech Report.

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