Colt Cabana Wins Back National Heavyweight Title on NWA Powerrr

Colt Cabana is once again a champion in the National Wrestling Alliance.

The Chicago-born and beloved star defeated “The Cowboy” James Storm this Tuesday night on a new episode of NWA Powerrr to win the NWA National Heavyweight title for the very first time.

The match was incredibly chaotic, as both Ken Anderson and Eli Drake – two stars who believe they should be next in line – were ringside to watch the action first hand. Nick Aldis’ valet Kamille also got involved, adding to the madness, and in the end Cabana caught Storm with the Superman Pin to win the back and the title for the second time.

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Cabana and Storm shook hands after the match, but it’s clear that things are far from over between them. The real question is, what the heck is going on with Kamille, Anderson and Eli Drake?

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