ChL: teams have been divided into gropus

Today we could find out about the gropus of this extended edition of Champions League. Zenit Kazan will try to keep their title from the previous season.


Pool A

Zenit Kazan
VfB Friedrichshafen
Hypo Tirol Insbruck
Knack Roeselare

Pool B

Locomotiv Novosibirsk
Berlin Volleys Recycling
Jihostroj Ceske Budejovice
Budvanska Rivijera Budva

Pool C

 Trentino Volley
Tours VB
Crvena Zvezda Belgrad
ZAKSA Kedzierzyn-Kozle

Pool D
Lube Banca Macerata
Eufonia Asse-Lennik
ACH Volley Lublana
Generali Unterhaching

Pool E

PGE Skra Belchatow
Fenerbahce Istanbuł
Tomis Constanta
Dinamo Moscow

Pool F

Noliko Maaseik
Arkas Izmir
Cai Teurel
Marek Union-Ivkoni Dupnica

Pool G

Asseco Resovia Rzeszow
Arago de Sète
Remat Zalau
Bre Banca Lannuti Cuneo


Pool A

VakifBank Stambuł
RC Cannes
Volero Zurich
Uralochka NTMK Sverdlovsk Region

Pool B

MC-Carnaghi Villa Cortese
Atom Trefl Sopot
Rabita Baku
Agel Prostejov

Pool C

Yamamay Busto Arsizio
ASPTT Mulhouse
Dinamo Bukareszt
Galatasaray Stambul

Pool D

VitrA Eczacibasi Stambuł
Tauron MKS Dabrowa Gornicza
Dresdner SC
Azzerail Baku

Pool E

Dinamo Kazan
Tomis Constanta
Schweriner SC
Robur Tiboni Urbino

Pool F

Crvena Zvezda Belgrad
Dinamo Moscow
Lokomotiv Baku
Bank BPS Muszynianka Fakro Muszyna


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