Today we could find out about the gropus of this extended edition of Champions League. Zenit Kazan will try to keep their title from the previous season.
Pool A
Zenit Kazan
VfB Friedrichshafen
Hypo Tirol Insbruck
Knack Roeselare
Pool B
Locomotiv Novosibirsk
Berlin Volleys Recycling
Jihostroj Ceske Budejovice
Budvanska Rivijera Budva
Pool C
Trentino Volley
Tours VB
Crvena Zvezda Belgrad
ZAKSA Kedzierzyn-Kozle
Pool D
Lube Banca Macerata
Eufonia Asse-Lennik
ACH Volley Lublana
Generali Unterhaching
Pool E
PGE Skra Belchatow
Fenerbahce Istanbuł
Tomis Constanta
Dinamo Moscow
Pool F
Noliko Maaseik
Arkas Izmir
Cai Teurel
Marek Union-Ivkoni Dupnica
Pool G
Asseco Resovia Rzeszow
Arago de Sète
Remat Zalau
Bre Banca Lannuti Cuneo
Pool A
VakifBank Stambuł
RC Cannes
Volero Zurich
Uralochka NTMK Sverdlovsk Region
Pool B
MC-Carnaghi Villa Cortese
Atom Trefl Sopot
Rabita Baku
Agel Prostejov
Pool C
Yamamay Busto Arsizio
ASPTT Mulhouse
Dinamo Bukareszt
Galatasaray Stambul
Pool D
VitrA Eczacibasi Stambuł
Tauron MKS Dabrowa Gornicza
Dresdner SC
Azzerail Baku
Pool E
Dinamo Kazan
Tomis Constanta
Schweriner SC
Robur Tiboni Urbino
Pool F
Crvena Zvezda Belgrad
Dinamo Moscow
Lokomotiv Baku
Bank BPS Muszynianka Fakro Muszyna
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