Cauliflower Alley Club 2020 reunion postponed

This year’s Cauliflower Alley Club reunion is one of the latest pro wrestling-related events to be impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Cauliflower Alley Club has announced that this year’s reunion is being postponed. It was originally scheduled to take place at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada from April 27-29.

“Due to the COVID-19 protocol and our concern for everyone’s health, we will be postponing the 55th Cauliflower Alley Club reunion scheduled for April 27–29,” the Cauliflower Alley Club wrote.

“We are currently working with the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino for new dates for the 55th in the fall, most likely mid-September. However, we will keep you abreast as soon as we get the exact dates nailed down.”

Here’s the list of this year’s award winners:

Lou Thesz Lifetime Achievement Award: Rob Van Dam
Iron Mike Mazurki Award: Madusa
Lucha Libre Award: Rey Mysterio
Tag Team Award: The Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Women’s Wrestling Award: Jazz
Men’s Wrestling Award: Ricky Santana
Trainer’s Award: Dominic DeNucci
Rising Star Award: Maddison Miles
Rising Star Award: Brian Pillman Jr.
James C. Melby Historian Award: Greg Oliver
Charlie Smith Referee Award: Art Williams
Posthumous Award: Jim Londos

The full statement from the Cauliflower Alley Club is available below:

Dear cherished CAC members and reunion attendees,

Due to the COVID-19 protocol and our concern for everyone’s health, we will be postponing the 55th Cauliflower Alley Club reunion scheduled for April 27–29.

We are currently working with the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino for new dates for the 55th in the fall, most likely mid-September. However, we will keep you abreast as soon as we get the exact dates nailed down.

Please contact the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino for a 100% refund of your deposit (room reservations 888-402-6278). If you so desire to still go to Vegas during the April dates, the Gold Coast will honor your discounted room rates; however, please remember that this will not be an official gathering by the CAC.

As far as reunion tickets purchased, you have 3 options:

Get a refund by contacting Dean Silverstone

Click Here: gold coast suns 2019 guernsey

Apply your reunion ticket to the new dates, most likely in mid-September

Donate your ticket purchase to the benevolent fund and get a tax receipt

As far as flights go, the airlines are being very flexible due to the COVID-19 virus.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that this pandemic runs its course sooner than later. We also hope and pray that neither you or your families have contacted this serious virus.

Thank you very much for your understanding and we greatly appreciate your support of the CAC and the many people from the wrestling industry in which your generosity has helped so much, during their most dire financial challenges.

Healthy wishes from all of our CAC volunteers.

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