Anne Sacoolas, US diplomat’s wife, charged over death of British teen

Motorcyclist Dunn, 19, died in a crash outside a military base in central England controlled by the US Air Force.


The UK’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said in a statement Friday that it has now started extradition proceedings.


The UK’s interior office will now consider the request and decide “whether to formally issue this through US diplomatic channels,” added the statement.


“Following the death of Harry Dunn in Northamptonshire, the Crown Prosecution Service has today authorized Northamptonshire Police to charge Anne Sacoolas with causing death by dangerous driving,” Chief Crown Prosecutor Janine Smith said.


Sacoolas claimed diplomatic immunity and left the country in the aftermath of the incident that killed Dunn. In October, Sacoolas’ attorney said that officers interviewed her in the UK twice before she claimed immunity.

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