WATCH: Official Trailer Released for Season Two of Netflix’s ‘GLOW’, More Season Details Revealed

Netflix has released today the official trailer for season two of the hit show “GLOW”, and you can watch it above.

GLOW season two premieres on June 29th, and below is the official synopsis for the new batch of episodes:

Season 2 follows the women of GLOW as they become local celebrities, confronting the good, the bad, and the ugly realities of their newfound fame. As Ruth and Debbie settle into the day-to-day of making a season of TV together, they confront lingering issues at the heart of their friendship. Sam is still Sam, but now he has a teenage daughter living with him and twenty episodes to churn out. The wrestling is harder, the stakes are higher, and the hair is even bigger.

“I say we do whatever the hell we want to do,” says Sam (Marc Maron), when the show is threatened with cancellation. “Set the weirdos free and see what happens.” Yes please. GLOW! GLOW!

To hype GLOW season two, this past Sunday night,  cast members from the show faced off against WWE stars The Bella Twins, Alicia Fox and Carmella on “Drop the Mic”, and you can check out a highlight video from the episode, which also featured Chris Jericho, below:

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Matt Riddle Competes In His Final Independent Match, Candice LeRae Thanks Fans For Birthday Wishes, More

WWE NXT Superstar, Matt Riddle has competed in his final ever independent wrestling match before moving to Full Sail on a regular basis.

Riddle competed against Mark Haskins in the opening match of PROGRESS Wrestling’s Hello Wembley event which is ongoing as of this writing and the King Of Bros came up short, losing on his way out against Haskins.

Candice LeRae Thanks Fans For Birthday Messages

WWE NXT Superstar, Candice LeRae has thanked fans on social media for all the birthday messages she has received from people today.

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Thank you everyone SO MUCH for the Birthday wishes. I’ve never felt so special on a birthday in my life!!! 💕💕💕💕

— Candice LeRae (@CandiceLeRae) September 30, 2018

Cody Rhodes Gives Bad News

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Cody Rhodes gave some bad news on Twitter today, he claimed he regrets to inform fans but his dog, Pharaoh, destroyed his ALL IN bandana after he returned home.

I regret to inform you…

He destroyed his bandana in protest when we returned home. We switched his food brand. 🐾

— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) September 30, 2018

Lio Rush Responds To Reports Regarding His Backstage Heat

With lots of reports surfacing lately regarding Lio Rush having backstage heat, the Man Of The Hour has responded to the news on Twitter.

Rush responded to the news stating that the reports are ridiculous, adding that he has been taught the value of hard work and not complacency.

Some of the stuff that i read after getting tagged in on these “dirtsheets” are ridiculous. But since y’all are recording my every move. Put this one in your newest article for me. Where I’m from, i was taught to value hard work, not complacency…

— Man Of The Hour ⌛️ (@itsLioRush) April 28, 2019

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Push and believe in yourself past expectations other people have made for you. Put your family and god first before anything. Remain humble but stay hungry. Fight for the things you believe in and never apologize for being you. Spread the word. #Heel

— Man Of The Hour ⌛️ (@itsLioRush) April 28, 2019

ONPC – Macha Méril : sa sublime déclaration d’amour à Michel Legrand émeut

Cela fait deux mois que Michel Legrand, mort à 86 ans, a été inhumé au cimetière du Père-Lachaise à Paris.

Invitée sur le plateau d’On n’est pas couché (France 2) ce 23 mars 2019, sa compagne Macha Méril (78 ans) a évoqué cette disparition à travers un sublime message. “Evidemment, je suis triste et désespérée qu’il ne soit plus là mais on dit beaucoup de bêtises sur la mort, sur la séparation. Il est là. Il est là, il est avec nous. Il continue à me dire fais-ci, fais-ça, fais attention, fais-ci, fais pas comme ça. Parce qu’il n’est pas seulement près de moi, il est en moi. Je suis lui. Ce que je vais faire maintenant, c’est ce qu’il aurait fait s’il avait eu vingt ans de moins et un peu plus d’énergie“, a-t-elle commencé alors qu’un silence respectueux s’installait sur le plateau de Laurent Ruquier.

En effet, Macha Méril veut désormais rendre hommage à l’immense carrière de son défunt mari (il a eu 3 Oscars !) et ne manque pas de projets en ce sens. Elle a ainsi continué : “Je veux vous parler de ce projet formidable que nous allons réaliser dans une maison qu’il avait près de Montargis. Il y a un petit château avec un grand terrain et nous allons faire un festival, un festival qui s’appellera le festival Michel Legrand, on y donnera un prix Michel Legrand et on va s’occuper de musiques orphelines, de musiques qui n’ont pas de festival : la comédie musicale et le cinéma. Michel trouvait que c’était une très grande injustice.

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Toujours en ce qui concerne ce projet de festival, Macha Méril avait déjà confié au Parisien il y a quelques jours qu’elle avait reçu un soutien de poids, celui de la Première dame Brigitte Macron. “Brigitte Macron m’a reçue à l’Élysée et a compris qu’il y avait eu une petite injustice autour de Michel“, assurait-elle auprès de nos confrères. Dans le même entretien, elle avait également statué avec force à propos de celui qu’elle avait épousé en 2014 : “Bien sûr que je suis horriblement triste, mais je ne suis pas abattue. Car il a réussi sa vie et sa mort. D’ailleurs, il n’est pas mort, il est là. Sa musique est là.

En plus du festival, Macha Méril aimerait que la maison de Michel Legrand à Montargis soit transformée en fondation qui accueillerait des artistes, des concerts et des projections.

Important Site Notice: We Have Fixed a Potential Issue Keeping New Articles From Loading on Certain Devices

Hello all! We have made a few changes behind-the-scenes that will hopefully put an end to an issue we’ve had recently that has kept new articles from loading for users on certain devices. It seems like it was primarily desktop users being affected, but if you’ve had any problems in the last few days/weeks with the website not being updated for several hours at a time, that should no longer be a concern.

If you do continue to have any technical problems with the site, or proper updating of our live coverage, or notice the site appears as if it hasn’t been updated with new content in several hours, please send us an email at [email protected] so that we know what’s going on and can address your concerns as quickly as possible.


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Candice LeRae Comes To Johnny Gargano’s Aid, Shayna Baszler Reflects On Takeover, Lorcan & Burch Heartbroken (Videos)

Following the incredible NXT Takeover Chicago main event between Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa, Candice LeRae came to her husband’s aid.

WWE posted an exclusive clip on Twitter after the cameras stopped rolling on the WWE Network of LeRae coming down to the ring and helping Gargano come around following his loss.

EXCLUSIVE: @CandiceLeRae comes to the aid of @JohnnyGargano following the BRUTAL #ChicagoStreetFight at #NXTTakeOVer…

— WWE (@WWE) June 17, 2018

Shayna Baszler Reflects On Takeover Win

Following her victory at NXT Takeover Chicago, WWE caught up with Shayna Baszler who was with several members of the Four Horsewomen who explained how she countered Nikki Cross’ style.

Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan Heartbroken

Following their defeat to NXT Tag Team Champions, The Undisputed Era, the WWE YouTube team caught up with Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan who admitted they were heartbroken following their defeat.

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Cody Rhodes On Why His Okada Match Was So Important, If He Was Jealous of Omega vs Okada, Facing Omega at G1

ROH and NJPW star Cody Rhodes recently spoke with ESPN ahead of ROH Best in the World, and below are some interview highlights.

On his IWGP Title bout against Kazuchika Okada:

“I look at that match very fondly,” Cody told “I think it was real important in terms of a lot of people leave WWE and their gimmick is that they were in WWE. Their gimmick then becomes they’re gonna go back to WWE. That was a night where if you hadn’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, you’d know this isn’t at all what we saw of him his last few years in WWE. This isn’t even what we saw of him as he was growing in WWE. This is a whole new man. He’s not just the ex-WWE guy.”

On if he was jealous of Okada vs Omega at Dominion:

“I always tell my wife this and she hates it — I’m very aware. As far as, I don’t want to get jealous,” Cody said. “I don’t want to watch two guys go out there, absolutely tear the house down and get jealous. I want to look at it and [ask], ‘What are they doing right?’ There have been many matches, and Kenny knows this, where I’ve sat at the curtain, not at the monitor in the locker room, where I’ve sat at the curtain.”

On his bout against Omega at G1:

“I watched his G1 final against Naito last year, I’ve watched every single Okada match. You have to look at him, and he’s a competitor. If you really strip the curtain back he’s a competitor in the sense where, ‘I want to be better at this than you are. I want to be the guy in the spotlight. I want to be the guy waving the banner.’ That’s the real competition of wrestling. So I like to look at that very aware and say, OK, Kenny is an absolute athletic marvel as far as his cardiovascular goes in that ring, his ability, his unparalleled strength — I think the strongest guy I’ve felt besides him is Cesaro. You look at those things and [ask yourself]‘How can you compete with him?’”

Source :


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Charlize Theron, brune et dos nu aux Oscars : Simplement sculpturale

Difficile de trouver un autre adjectif que “sculptural” en admirant Charlize Theron sur le tapis rouge de la 91e cérémonie des Oscars. La star sud-africaine avait choisi une création de la maison Dior, elle qui est le visage du parfum emblématique J’adore. À son cou, un collier Bulgari étincelant. Sa tenue était parfaite, mais c’est autre chose qui a surtout retenu l’attention : la couleur de ses cheveux.

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On pouvait penser que la signature blonde de Charlize Theron faisait partie de son ADN mais l’ancien mannequin devenu actrice oscarisée aime surprendre. Avec ce court carré châtain, elle était comme toujours sublime. La maman de Jackson (7 ans) et August (4 ans) a peut-être effectué cette transformation pour les besoins du long métrage qu’elle prépare, The Old Guard. Il s’agit de l’adaptation d’un comic qui raconte l’aventure d’Andromache de Scythie et de sa bande de guerriers immortels.

Lors de la soirée des Oscars, Charlize Theron est venue remettre le prix du meilleur acteur dans un second rôle à Mahershala Ali pour sa performance dans Green Book, qui a également été sacré meilleur film. Pour assurer sa fonction de présentatrice de prix, l’actrice oscarisée pour Monster a pu compter sur la présence de James Bond, Daniel Craig.

Ambitious Alfa has ‘tons of green lights’ – Vasseur

Alfa Romeo team boss Frederic Vasseur says the Swiss outfit is in an uptrend, with ambitions that should allow it to attract a top name for 2022.

Last month, the Hinwil squad announced that it had extended its partnership with Alfa Romeo for a multi-year period, although the new deal will include ‘yearly assessments’.

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Vasseur isn’t dismissing the possibility of fully refreshing Alfa’s driver line-up for next season, with Kimi Raikkonen expected to call it a day on his career in Formula 1 while Ferrari protégé Antonio Giovinazzi isn’t guaranteed a fourth year with the team.

Among the pair’s potential successors is Valtteri Bottas, whose management has reportedly touched base with Alfa as it mulls a back-up option if the Finn isn’t retained by Mercedes.

And Vasseur believes his team is now worthy of attracting a big name and a bona fide Grand Prix winner.

“I think we are in a good position because we are ambitious,” Vasseur told “We are going up in terms of partners, sponsors and so on. The portfolio is going up.

“The partnership with Alfa is solid and a long-term partnership. Ferrari is doing a good job, they are improving also on their side… and we are improving on the chassis.

“I have tons of green lights, and I want to be very positive. Now I have to do my job to be able to convince them.”

However, while Vasseur is determined to promote Alfa’s strong potential, the Frenchman has no intention of making promises that he won’t be able to keep.

“If you have a common project and you’re very clear with them, then [you] say ‘guys, I don’t want to bullshit you, we won’t be able to win in 2022, even in 2023, but at least we want to make two or three positions a year and we want to improve’,” he said.

“This message got through with Kimi. When Kimi joined in ’19, he won two races before with Ferrari, he won in Austin, and then he joined over, and at this stage we were in the tough situation. 2017 was very tough. I think he understood the challenge and the project.

“You have to be very clear with them and to be transparent: ‘OK, guys we won’t be able to win, but the target if we are P8 is to be P6 and then to be P4’. [It’s better] than to say ‘OK, don’t worry, we’ll win next year’. Doing this you will create the frustration.”

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Velveteen Dream Denies Hulk Hogan Idea, Heavy Machinery Member Welcomes New Baby, Nia Jax Critical Of Bliss’ Tattoo

As noted, WWE Hall of Famer pitched an idea which would see him manage Velveteen Dream in NXT after Dream and Ricochet paid homage to Rock vs Hogan at Takeover Chicago, but Dream does not seem to be interested in Hogan’s managerial services as seen below:

HollyWoodDREAM has a nice ring 2 it, but DREAM rides solo.

Good Try Terry!

— HollyWoodDREAM (@VelveteenWWE) June 22, 2018

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Yo when VelveteenMania hires me as his manager,then we will have “all the gold,HollyWood style”. Brother. HollyWoodHHoganLife

— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) June 19, 2018

Heavy Machinery Member Has New Baby

As seen in the photo below, WWE NXT star and one half of Heavy Machinery, Tucker Knight, had a baby this week:

Please welcome the newest member of #HeavyMachinery

Kenzi Lovie Cooper
6 LBS 8 OZ

She’s perfect.

— Tucker Knight (@TuckerKnightWWE) June 21, 2018

Nia Jax Critical Of Bliss Tattoo

The feud between Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss was rekindled on WWE Raw this week, with the two stars set to face each other for the Raw Women’s Title at WWE Extreme Rules. Jax Tweeted the following today criticizing Bliss’ decision to get a new tattoo:

For someone that doesn’t care what anyone thinks it’s weird they have to go out and get a tattoo that says they’re enough 🤔

— Lina Fanene (@NiaJaxWWE) June 22, 2018