The Rosebush With Adam Rose
Adam Rose hosted the latest edition of The Rosebush. He said speculation is running amuck as to why Miz is trying to mentor Neville. Rose said Miz is trying to use his clout to get Neville booked in a rematch of Dumbo. The next target was Tommy Dreamer and said his tan made him look like an oompa loompa. They used all sorts of photoshopping silliness throughout the segment.
Backstage: Alberto Del Rio Is Upset With Zeb Colter
Backstage, Del Rio yelled at Colter for getting in his way and making fans laugh at him. Del Rio said Zeb needs to stay away from him because he doesn’t need him. Colter told him to calm down. Colter said Del Rio wouldn’t be U.S. Champion if it wasn’t for him because he saw John Cena was ripe for the picking. Del Rio told him to shut up or he would use a chair on him, just as he’s going to use one on Jack Swagger on Sunday. Zeb drove away. Del Rio threw his chair and knocked over some metal poles… [C]
Tommy Dreamer vs. Braun Strowman
As announced earlier in the show, it’s now time for Tommy Dreamer to go one-on-one against Braun Strowman. The Dudley Boyz and Rhyno were in the corner of Dreamer during the match, while Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan were in the corner of Strowman.
The match didn’t last long, just a bit over two minutes of what basically amounted to a typical squash match. Strowman dominated Dreamer and finished him off with his submission hold.
Winner: Braun Strowman
Main Event Segment: Roman Reigns & Sheamus
Sheamus was shown walking backstage. The broadcast team spoke about Sheamus and Roman Reigns doing whatever they are going to do. On that note, we head to another commercial break.
Reigns entered the ring, which had tables, ladders, and chairs in and around it. Reigns said he was there for his lesson. “Where you at, man?” Reigns said to Sheamus. “So Sheamus calls me out and I’m the only guy who shows up.” Reigns looked at the ladder that was set up in the middle of the ring and said it reminds him of his first match with The Shield.
Reigns said the match was a TLC match, but they earned their spots. He said they started at the bottom of the ladder (no, they did not) and they climbed the ladder. He stepped up the ladder as he spoke and once he got near the top he said he won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
Reigns acknowledged that he was taken out with two Brogue Kicks and lost the title. He said he will take it back on Sunday. Reigns said he’s not leaving until Sheamus gets in the ring and they tear down the arena “with every single toy that you see in front of me.”
[Overrun] Sheamus made his entrance and spoke from the stage about what a storyteller and dreamer Reigns is. Sheamus said Reigns will end TLC on his hands and knees wondering what went wrong just like at Survivor Series. Reigns asked if this is how he’s going to teach him a lesson. Sheamus said he is the champion and he calls the shots. Reigns said Sheamus is Irish and he thought they loved to fight. Sheamus said everyone knows that’s true.
Sheamus said he’ll fight Reigns, but not tonight. Sheamus said Reigns will get his chance at TLC. “I thought Irishmen had potatoes, it just looks like you’re smuggling some tater tots,” Reigns said before laughing at his own joke. Oh, dear lord. Sheamus teased entering the ring. He stopped at ringside.
Sheamus said he is going to build a castle out of tables, ladders, and chairs at TLC and he’s going to build it right over Reigns. Roman called him “son” again when he told him to come in the ring and show him how to do it. Sheamus said he’s not a food because he knows Reigns will just hit him with a chair once he enters the ring. Reigns cast the chair aside and called him tater tot. Some of the fans chanted tater tot.
Rinse and repeat with the table. Rinse and repeat with the ladder, only this time Reigns tossed one toward Sheamus. Reigns called him “son” again while mocking him for flinching and being afraid of the flying ladder. Sheamus finally entered the ring and Reigns immediately got the better of him. They fought at ringside.
They fought into the crowd and Reigns ran him into a couple of plastic trash containers, then slammed the plastic containers onto Sheamus. They fought up to the stage area where the TLC “toys” (ugh) were located. Once on the stage, Reigns tried to powerbomb Sheamus off it, but Sheamus blocked it. Sheamus ran Reigns into a table in front of the screen, then slammed a chair over his back.
They fought back to ringside where Reigns connected with a Superman Punch. Reigns let out his big war cry and went for the spear, but Sheamus moved and Reigns went over the announce table. Reigns got up and leapt off the table and speared Sheamus through a table that was leaning against the ring. The broadcast team delivered final hype for the title match at TLC to bring the show to a merciful finish.
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