The Man with the Halo: Iron Again sequel begins with Don returning to the spot where the road accident took place in Hawaii, featuring roadside commentary from Don himself, complete with flashback footage and photography of him being taken to hospital moments after it occurred.
This progresses to show his rehabilitation and training in the gym while wearing the medical halo device screwed to his head. Don gives a heartfelt and unfiltered account of his pain and anguish, as he sets his sights on his comeback race at the Boston Marathon, at which he finished in just over 2:49. The story jumps to Kona in Hawaii, with excerpts of his altitude training with commentary from his coaches and footage of his friends, family and fellow athletes embracing Tim days before the competition. The sequel finishes with video of Don competing at the World Championship and his own moving commentary on the experience and personal achievement after completing the race.
“It’s been a gruelling journey for the last eight months, and one I will never forget,” says Don. ”I have learned a great deal about myself this year and particularly how the mind is the most essential element in the recovery process. Knowing you have the strength and believing in yourself, above all else, is my lifelong mantra that I would love to instil in others who may have experienced similar episodes. I would like to thank my team, sponsors, friends, family and everyone who has supported me towards making my life liveable again. I have my sights set firmly on Kona 2019 and it’s business as usual.”