The Putin 2020 calendars appear to portray a kinder, gentler Kremlin leader

In past years, it’s been an occasion to showcase the Kremlin leader’s carefully managed image as a macho man of action. The calendars often feature the Russian President baring his chest, showing his prowess at the shooting range, or engaged in robust outdoor activities.


This year’s versions, however, take a markedly different tone. One focuses largely on images of Putin as an international statesman. No topless photos; the President is instead shown wearing a suit and tie.


The release of the 2020 calendars follows a year of diplomatic triumphs for Putin. Most recently, he hammered out a deal with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to shape the endgame in the Syrian civil war. He also hosted embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whose regime is roundly accused of violating human rights.


And of course, Putin just marked a big anniversary: 20 years at the top position of power in the Russian Federation.


But it’s not all suits and ties. One of the Putin calendars is devoted entirely to the Russian President’s love of animals.


Still, after two decades, Putin’s top-down style of rule is firmly in place. And the 2020 calendars broadcast a sort of subliminal message, particularly given the chaos roiling Washington amid an impeachment scandal.


This is still a strongman president, the calendars connote, no longer isolated despite continuing international sanctions against Russia — and with his softer side intact.

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