*SPOILERS* TNA Impact Wrestling Tapings Results For Thursday

Credit to TNAInsider.com for the following spoilers for Thursday’s Impact Wrestling:

* TNA Champion Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles in a match with a five minute time limit went to a draw. Crowd chanted for five more minutes. Sting came out (wearing a cowboy style jacket) to the stage. He adds five more minutes and says the first fall wins. Roode wins within the first minute with a single leg crab on AJ’s bad leg to retain the World Title.

* For the Wild Card Tag Tournament, Abyss & Scott Steiner defeated Hernandez & Rob Terry w/Rosita & Sarita after Abyss hit the Black Hole Slam on Rob Terry and tagged in Steiner to make the cover for the victory.

* Kurt Angle comes to the ring and calls out Sting. Sting comes out and Kurt talks about how ever since Sting got put in power, life has not been good for Kurt, such as Sting being the reason he lost the title. He demands a rematch with James Storm, which Sting does not grant because Storm beat Angle fair and square. Sting tries to leave but Angle threatens to go to Storm’s house if Sting does not do give him a rematch and Angle leaves.

* Zema Ion defeated Anthony Nese via a 450 Splash.

* Jesse Neal vs. Gunner w/Ric Flair went to a no contest when Gunner shoved the referee. He then piledrove Jesse on the floor and Jesse needed to be stretchered out.

* Jeff Hardy came out for an interview. He spoke of how he was still in pain from Sunday and how he will win the TNA Championship at Genesis. Bully Ray came out and reminded Jeff that he will be facing him in the main event tonight and insulted Hardy before going to the back.

* In the Wild Card Tournament, Samoa Joe & Magnus defeated Robbie E & Douglas Williams when Joe pinned Doug with the muscle buster.

* Madison Rayne defeated Traci Brooks.

* Devon came out and called out The Pope, who entered with Devon’s children. Devon told him that this stuff with Pope is over and how he does not want to put his children in harm’s way anymore. He puts his arms around his kids and goes to leave, but Pope takes the mic and says how Devon’s kids want to be like him, before complimenting himself like how Pope usually does. After a bit more pandering, Devon lays him out with a punch, and goes to leave with the kids again. Pope kicks Devon low, and Devon falls to the ground as his kids stare at him. Pope puts the boots to him, one of the kids puts on Pope’s glasses and they leave together.

* Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray with a Twist of Fate. TNA Champion Bobby Roode, who was on commentary for the match, ran down to the ring and jumped Hardy. Ray and Roode set up a table in the ring and Roode powerbombed Hardy through it. Sting came down to yell at Roode and Ray. Roode said something in Sting’s face, Sting attempted to hit Roode and Ray, but Roode and Ray got the upperhand. Ray put the title around Roode’s waist and they posed.

* Pictures of TNA’s Knockouts Celebrating Christmas

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