Poll: Incumbent Dem leads Pennsylvania Senate race by 15

Sen. Bob CaseyRobert (Bob) Patrick Casey21 senators urge Pentagon against military use to curb nationwide protests Overnight Health Care: Trump says US ‘terminating’ relationship with WHO | Cuomo: NYC on track to start reopening week of June 8 | COVID-19 workplace complaints surge 10 things to know today about coronavirus MORE (D-Pa.) is leading his Republican challenger, Rep. Lou BarlettaLouis (Lou) James BarlettaBottom Line Ex-GOP congressman to lead group to protect Italian products from tariffs Head of Pennsylvania GOP resigns over alleged explicit texts MORE (Pa.), by 15 points in Pennsylvania’s Senate race, according to a Suffolk University poll released Wednesday.

Forty-seven percent respondents surveyed said they are likely to cast their ballots for Casey in November. Thirty-two percent, on the other hand, favored Barletta, while another 21 percent remained undecided. 


Independents also favored Casey by a significant margin, with 31 percent supporting the incumbent and 11 percent saying they are likely to vote for Barletta in November.

Barletta is a staunch backer of Trump. He endorsed the real estate mogul for president relatively early in the 2016 primary season, and was reportedly asked by Trump himself to mount a bid for the Senate.

Casey, on the other hand, has largely opposed Trump’s agenda. He voted against the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch last year, as well as the tax cut package championed by the president and congressional Republicans.

Casey’s lead in the Suffolk poll is welcome news for Democrats, who are facing a tough Senate re-election map in November. He is among 10 Senate Democrats fending off GOP challenges in states won by President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE in 2016.

The Suffolk University poll surveyed 500 Pennsylvania general election voters from June 21-25. Its margin of error is 4.4 percentage points.

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