— At the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, WWE taped the matches for this week’s Main Event. They were:
* Goldust defeated Curt Hawkins.
* Kalisto and Gran Metalik defeated TJP and Jack Gallagher.
— At the Manhattan Center in Manhattan, WWE held two exclusive dark matches for the fans there. They were:
* Mustafa Ali pinned Lince Dorada with an inverted 450 splash in a very quick match.
* Drew Gulak & Tony Nese went to an apparent no contest against Hideo Itami & Akira Tozawa. The fans hated that, chanting “bullsh*t” as the four of them wrestled to the back. The four then brawled back out and went at it again, this time with Tozawa pinning Gulak and the fans chanted bullsh*t again.