Bret Hart Honors Hart Foundation With Touching Tribute On The Anniversary Of Owen Hart's Passing

WWE Hall of Famer Bret “The HItman” Hart released a photo of the Hart Foundation on his Twitter earlier this morning and honored it’s fallen members with the opening verse of the well-known “I Thought Of You Today” poem. Today of course, marks the 20-year anniversary of the tragic death of his brother Owen Hart at the 1999 Over the Edge pay per view.

-Bret’s brother, Owen Hart, passed away at 34 years old after the tragic accident at the 1999 pay per view, Over the Edge.

-Bret’s brother-in-law, Davey Boy Smith (aka British Bulldog) died of a heart attack in 2002.

-Bret’s brother in law, Jim Neidhart, recently passed in 2018 when a seizure caused him to fall and hit his head.

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