Jim Ross Talks About Santino Marella's Arrest, The Kentucky Derby, More

Jim Ross has posted a new blog on his official website. Below are the highlights:

On Big Brown winning the Kentucky Derby:
Big Brown, the pre-race favorite to win the Kentucky Derby, came through for yours truly Saturday during the running of the Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky. Big Brown was positioned, prior to the running of the roses, as a cocky but talented athlete who had yet to lose even though he had limited experience.

This same theory or philosophy will work in wrestling if the athlete in question is fundamentally sound enough and charismatic enough to carry the ball. How long has it been since a wrestler “burst” onto the scene and turned the wrestling world upside down? Yeah, it’s been a long time.

Nonetheless, we will now be hearing a steady diet of “can Big Brown win the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing”? Likely not…but it does make for a hell of a story.

On Ron Simmons being inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame:
Ron Simmons has been a thoroughbred on the gridiron and in the wrestling ring and Ron’s induction into the College Football Hall of Fame this year is an amazing honor for the former Florida State Seminole. When Ron defeated Big Van Vader for the World’s Title, as recognized byWCW, it was quite a milestone for African American wrestlers. Bill Watts, who navigated the Junkyard Dog’s storied career in Mid South Wrestling, was instrumental in Simmons getting the chance to be the top hand inWCW. I remember when WCW held a pep rally/press conference for Ron after he became the first, black World’s Champion in the atrium of the CNN Center in Atlanta that was attended by members of virtually every department in Ted Turner’s empire. Ironically, Ron will most likely be remembered best, when his wrestling days have ended, for his catchphrase “DAMN” and his antics as a member of theAPA than for his tenure as the world title holder.

On several WWE Superstars not making it to Montreal on Friday:
Several WWE wrestlers did not make it to Montreal Friday night due to travel issues. I don’t know the details of this calamity, other than when weather hits some of the major airline hubs that Mother Nature usually gets her hand raised. I am flying to Toronto via Dallas and am keeping my fingers crossed that I have no travel issues, but if I do at least I have all day Sunday to arrive in TO and we don’t go on the air until 9 p.m. eastern time Monday night. Better safe than sorry. The King arrives in TO on Monday after wrestling in 4 independent events the past few days.

On Santino Marella’s arrest:
The recent DUI charge levied by Tampa police against Santino Marella backs up my late father’s proclamation that “nothing good ever happens after midnight”. No one is exempt from making a mistake as we are all human. I know, I have made my fair share, but this misstep should be a great lesson for the young talents just getting their careers started in the biz. It’s like the sign that reads “only serious applicant’s need apply,” as it relates to those young people trying to make it to prime time in wrestling where the big money awaits those that master their craft. The days of halfassing it, not taking the process seriously, and not becoming a consummate professional are likely over for those that want to main eventPPVs , etc. In the old days, a guy could be a pain in the ass or a problem in one territory and go to work in another territory for the proverbial fresh start. Things aren’t that way any longer.

You can read the blog in its entirety at this link.

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