Paul Heyman Blasts WWE For The Jeff Hardy Hospitalization Storyline

Paul Heyman has posted an article at the UK Sun website commenting on WWE’s “ill-conceived” Jeff Hardy hospitalization storyline over the weekend, which he says is downright bad for business.

After stating that it would be “rather hypocritical” for him to point fingers about whether a storyline crossed any lines, Heyman asks, “What was so wrong about the storyline? Was it that WWE has blurred the line on its own in-house website, which is where news like Eddie Guerrero’s death or the Chris Benoit family tragedy has been first broken? Was it the eerie feeling some people had on the morning of a big show, hearing about a top star being found unconscious in a hotel, invoking memories of Eddie and even Brian Pillman? We’re back to the issue of ‘taste'”

Heyman adds, “For some people, the manner in which WWE presented this storyline twist was just revolting. The callous view taken by WWE chairman Vince McMahon and those around him, not even taking into account how brazenly insensitive this storyline may be viewed, is yet another in a long line of demonstrations by McMahon that getting people talking is paramount.”

Heyman continues to discuss the other reasons WWE simply viewed as “low brow” entertainment and unable to secure coveted advertising partners. You can read the entire piece at

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