Eric Bischoff Comments On Monday's Raw – Rips HHH, Vince McMahon & Jeff Hardy

Eric Bischoff posted a a blog entry on his official website,, giving his thoughts on Monday Night Raw this past week.

* “Triple H’s entrance is weak, old and so tired I went to go floss my teeth when it started. He looks like a Lhasa Apso genetic experiment gone bad. Get him some new music for Gods sake, and a hair-cut. One word describes HHH’s character: dated.”

* “The VKM announcement of the new GM tease was weak at best…is it me or are Vince’s ears gaining size on his head? The VKM revelation that he “sold RAW” was lame. When you start out a story line with a premise that is completely unbelievable, should it be a surprise that the audiences gags on it? Trump isn’t good in this role and is too forced. My guess is that Trump will bring in Ric to handle day-to-day duties on his behalf, and at least give fans something to get excited about for a while.”

* “Golddust and Hornswaggle? Too f’n goofy for comment. And Miz, make me believe. Because right now I don’t.”

* “CM Punk was the best interview I heard all night. He’s believable, his in ring work is great, and he’s comfortable in his character. Props on the respect for Masawa. Can’t say enough good things about him. Matt Hardy’s mic skills are marginal in this interview. Unless he was just having an off night, his interview skills reached a plateau a few years ago.”

* “WTF is Jeff Hardy’s character supposed to be? He looks like Papa Shango after a Lap-Band procedure, and doesn’t look he could crack an egg. Enjoyed watching Edge, but the match was a bit too much of a spot fest for my liking, although I recognize some people enjoy that type of match. Did I mention that I hate 3 ways, 4 ways?”

* “The main event just bored me. 3 ways, 4 ways, 10 ways are just cheap ways to camouflage the lack of story and issues between the performers. I am the first one to defend writers/producers who are challenged to come up with fresh ideas for the same pool of talent week after week, but there is a consistent pattern in WWE story telling that just leaves me feeling flat.”

Click here for animation of Hornswoggle getting shot on Raw! (>>)

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