For many children around the world, school is out for summer—but that hasn’t stopped youth activists from taking to the streets to demand governments pursue bold solutions to battle the global climate emergency.
“The climate crisis doesn’t go on summer holiday, and neither will we. We go on,” tweeted Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who sparked the global climate student strike movement by protesting alone outside her country’s parliament last year.
As experts continue to sound the alarm over record-breaking temperatures worldwide, youth strikers from across the globe posted photos of their demonstrations Friday on social media with the hashtags #FridaysForFuture, #SchoolStrike4Climate, and #ClimateStrike.
“As days passes by, so does our future draw nearer. It doesn’t matter the course you study nor your age, we need you to join climate justice,” said organizer Oladosu Adenike, sharing a photo of schoolchildren in Nigeria.
Youth in Dhaka, Bangladesh held signs that read “save the Earth, save yourself” and “come foward to save our tomorrow.”
Tweeting from Turkey, 11-year-old Deniz Çevikus reported from a popular spot beside the Bosphorus that “people are interested but shy.”