Ahead of Standing Ovation at New Hampshire Democratic Convention, Sanders Camp Announces Endorsements From 53 State Dems

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday rolled out a list of 53 endorsements from state and local party officials ahead of Saturday’s New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention in Manchester. 

Joe Caiazzo, Sanders’ campaign director for New Hampshire, told WMUR that the campaign was “honored” to have the support (pdf) of so many members of the party in New Hampshire.

“This latest round of endorsements shows we are not only retaining and engaging supporters from 2016, but building new support from a broad swath of leaders from around the state,” said Caiazzo.

Sanders received a hero’s welcome at the convention on Saturday. 

In his remarks, Sanders referred to President Donald Trump as “the most dangerous president in the history of our country” and pledged to defeat him in 2020—though, Sanders said, that’s just part of the campaign’s goal.

“It is not enough just to defeat Trump,” said Sanders. “We must finally create a government and economy that works for all of us, not just the one percent.”

The Democratic primary takes place on Feb. 11, 2020. 

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