Jordynne Grace To Face WWE Women’s Legend At Warrior Wrestling IV

Impact Wrestling superstar Jordynne Grace will face one of the biggest challenges of her young career this March, when “Big Mamma Pump” faces off against another legitimate badass — former WWE Women’s Champion and five-time TNA Knockouts Champion Lisa Marie Varon (aka Victoria/Tara).

Grace has made a name for herself at previous Warrior Wrestling events in Chicago, infamously scrapping with Tessa Blanchard on multiple occasions, and most recently defeating local stand-out Kylie Rae to retain her PROGRESS Women’s Championship.

#WWERAW On Friday, March 15th, in Chicago Heights at Warrior 4, witness an intergenerational DREAM MATCH. Two of the toughest women to ever enter the squared circle face off. It's Jordynne Grace vs. Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria/Tara). Tickets:

— Warrior Wrestling (@WarriorWrstlng) January 22, 2019

Also scheduled for Warrior Wrestling IV is a huge six-man tag team match that will see all three members of SoCal Uncensored — Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky — squaring off against the high-flying trio of Rich Swann, Andrew Everrett and Sammy Guevara.

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