How to Produce an Aluminum Reflector Proto


1. What is the Best Process to Produce an Aluminium Reflector Prototype?

2. Choice of Material

3. Machining Process

Posted on: Apr 19, 2018, | By Tony, WayKen Project Manager

Automotive development is one typical example in which small initial quantities are needed for validation procedures. This critical demand is no doubt great challenges for parts manufacturers. When clients come to order a few dozen pieces, it’s often hard to respond, which is why auto suppliers frequently have to turn to custom machined solutions. Traditional, long-lived standard tools are expensive and are generally not viable for small batch production situations that require only low-volume demands. Professional rapid prototyping companies tend to be the fastest to understand the needs of designers and provide customized aluminum machining services to meet the needs of small quantities or even a single part.

Among all the rapid prototype projects I know in the lighting system, the aluminium reflector is one of the most challenge works which only most experienced prototype manufacturer can make the optic designer satisfied. It is self-evident that the reflector is an appearance part of a headlamp, which not only plays an optical role but also has a key influence on the appearance of the lamp. We impressed by charming light of the headlights of BMW and Audi, and the light of the taillights, the reflective part is the reflector. An aluminium reflector which mainly used in the high-end automotive prototyping, product designers in particular hope that prototype manufacturers will be able to fully understand all the tiny details they concerned.

1. What is the Best Process to Produce an Aluminium Reflector Prototype?

For auto parts, rapid prototyping manufacturers often offer a variety of processing options for different needs. Things like 3D printing (additive manufacturing), Urethane casting(silicone moulds), RIM and rapid tooling.

Good surface roughness is often required, generally lower than Ra0.2μm and needs to be mirror gloss. The normal SLS and other rapid prototyping processes cannot meet the surface quality requirements. Besides, as an important optical component, the accuracy requirement is controlled within or below 0.05mm. Therefore for machining aluminium reflector, CNC milling is the best option, its advantage is embodied in machining the parts with high precision, and the surface of CNC milled parts is high quality.

However, due to the complex structure of the reflector, it is necessary to use the 5-axis CNC machining to complete the production. For some assembly structures on the backside, auxiliary machining like EDM is also needed to help clear the corners.

2. Choice of Material

In the prototype production of automotive lighting parts, the most commonly used aluminium alloys are 2024、5052、6061 and 7075.

For parts like a heatsink, we can simply choose Al-6061-T6 as machining material is easy to process. But for the reflector which has a mirror gloss surface requirement, we usually use Al 7075-T6 which is widely used in automotive industry and aircraft including wings and headlamp reflector. The material hardness is higher which means it will take more process time, the advantage is the final surface can achieve mirror shiny.

3. Machining Process

3.1 CNC milling

3.2 EDM

Due to the complicated structure of the lamp, there are many details even high-precision 5-axis CNC can’t process the whole part all at once. CNC programming engineers, who have rich experience in prototype lamp manufacturing, need to analyze the feasibility of machining after obtaining the drawings of the lamp design. For reflectors, the critical optic surfaces will be milled by CNC process, but on the rear side, there are important assemble structure difficult to be machined by CNC milling since it will leave a large radius on the corners. Therefore, technicians need to make copper electrode and utilize EDM as an auxiliary machining process to help clear the corners. Usually, this process will take a lot of time.

3.3 Post finish

In the later stage of prototype production, deburring, polishing, plating, and other handmade post-processing work is particularly important, will directly determine the final appearance.

Usually, the reflector required to be mirror gloss, there is two methods to achieve this requirement. One is manual polish, after polished, the surface can be mirror gloss, but should be very careful when polish the optical surfaces since some optics need to keep the sharp edges and the polish process maybe leaves radius on the edges.

Another method is by plating, nice milling finish and no impurities are very important before plating, the final surfaces can be very bright and beautiful.

5 分钟读懂API技术架构




什么是 API 网关?

在软件系统中,大多数情况下,不仅有一个 API 可以处理软件提供的所有服务,而是有一堆 API 相互协作以将数据发送到客户端。

顾名思义,API 网关充当各种 API 请求的入口点,并将它们路由到其特定的 API 服务或微服务。这会将负载从客户端发送到 API 网关,从而提高客户端性能。



API 架构的构建块

API 架构有几个构建块,下面列出了其中一些:


API 接口清楚地定义了可以访问的方法或功能,而无需透露其实现细节。它定义了一组必须用于检索或修改资源的规则和方法。

例如,在 RESTful API 中,您可以使用 GET、PUT、POST、DELETE 等 HTTP 方法与资源进行交互。


控制器在 API 网关中起着关键作用,因为它们处理来自多个客户端的所有 API 流量,并将它们路由到相关的 API 服务。





API 架构的组件

  • API 服务:这些服务提供对特定资源或一组资源的访问。大型应用程序需要多个 API 服务。这些服务相互分离,独立管理资源。
  • 文档:API 文档对于开发人员了解 API 的有效使用及其公开的方法是必要的。文档可以包括端点列表、最佳实践、请求格式、错误处理等。
  • 分析和监控:分析仪表板是一个关键组件,因为它提供了 API 流量、错误率和性能等指标,以及许多其他见解。

常用的 API 设计架构

REST – 具象状态传输

REST 是一种 API 架构风格,它使用 HTTP 协议并实现客户端和服务器之间的无状态通信。

在 REST 中,资源由 URL 标识,这些 URL 具有每个资源的特定终结点。REST依靠HTTP方法(如etc.)来修改和创建资源。实现 REST 架构的 API 称为 RESTful API。GET, PUT, POST,

SOAP – 简单对象访问协议

SOAP 是一种基于 XML 的消息传递协议。SOAP 中的消息在 XML 文档中编码,并且可以从 SOAP 发送方传输到 SOAP 接收方。可以有一个或多个服务,消息在到达接收方之前可以通过这些服务传递。

SOAP和REST的主要区别在于,REST是一种依赖于HTTP的架构设计,而SOAP本身是一种可以使用各种底层协议(如HTTP、SMTP等)的协议。SOAP 中的响应数据格式为 XML。

gRPC – Google 远程过程调用

远程过程调用 (RPC) 是一种技术,在该技术中,客户端调用远程服务器上的函数,就像在本地调用一样。gRPC 是 Google 开发的开源框架。它使用原始缓冲区(协议缓冲区),这是一种与语言无关的方法来编写和编码结构化数据。

proto-buffers 中的数据由 gRPC 编译器编译,使其具有互操作性。例如,如果客户端代码是用 Java 编写的,而服务器代码是用 Go 编写的,那么在 proto-buffers 中指定的数据与两种语言都兼容。




API 架构部署 – 最佳实践

无论你的 API 架构设计得多么好,如果它在生产中失败了,它就毫无用处。它必须根据真实世界的场景进行交付。以下是使 API 架构为生产做好准备的一些关键做法:

✅ 使用 API 网关

API 网关有助于有效路由 API 查询。API 网关还可以处理安全性和验证。

✅ 执行 API 测试

在发布之前,请确保您的 API 已经过全面的功能、集成和性能测试。自动化测试的框架可以帮助简化这一过程。

✅ 专注于可扩展性

创建一个可扩展的 API 架构,以管理不断增长的流量需求。要根据需求动态更改 API 实例的数量,请考虑采用自动扩展技术。

✅ 明智地选择托管


确保托管服务提供商能够匹配 API 的性能规格,尤其是在需求旺盛的时期。此外,如果符合您的业务需求,请探索无服务器选项。


选择 API 架构取决于以下注意事项:

  • 业务需求:分析需要使用 API 实现的业务目标,了解应用流程。
  • 用例:首先问为什么需要 API 的问题将对你有很大帮助。弄清楚不同的用例将帮助您更好地设计或选择 API 架构。
  • 可扩展性:同样,了解业务需求和用例将帮助您设计一个可扩展的 API 架构,该架构也具有高性能。
  • 开发人员体验:确保 API 架构易于掌握,以便新的入职开发人员可以轻松理解它,而不会遇到任何麻烦。
  • 安全性:API 架构最重要的方面可能是安全性。确保您的 API 架构足够安全并符合隐私法。

接下来,我们将探索学习资源,以提高您的 API 架构设计技能。


1、掌握 API 架构:设计、操作和发展基于 API 的系统

这本书将帮助您学习 API 基础知识,并探索设计、构建和测试 API 的实用方法。

它还教您如何操作、配置和部署 API 系统。本书涵盖了从 API 网关、服务网格、安全性、TLS 和 OAuth2 到不断发展的现有系统的所有内容。

2、软件架构:REST API 设计 – 完整指南

如果您有兴趣了解 RESTful API 及其设计方式,那么这门软件架构课程适合您。

它涵盖了身份验证、授权、记录 REST API 和各种性能技术,以进一步优化您的 API 设计。它的优点在于它涵盖了 HTTP 基础知识和 Postman API 测试工具。

3、REST API 设计、开发和管理

有关各种 API 管理平台(如 Swagger、Apigee 和 Mulesoft)的教程是本课程的主要亮点。本课程适用于那些想要探索 REST API 应用程序并有兴趣构建它们的人。

4、设计 RESTful API:从头开始学习设计 API

从头开始创建 REST API 是您将从本课程中获得的关于设计 RESTful API 的内容。请求、响应、API 设计和操作是涵盖的一些有用主题。如果你是一个仍在学习REST基础知识的初学者,那么我认为你应该去做。


您可以根据业务目标和技术目标选择最佳的 API 架构,同时考虑集成需求、性能注意事项、安全要求以及未来的可扩展性和可扩展性。

原文链接:API Architecture Explained in 5 Mins or Less

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Keyword: 谷歌seo公司

Healing Crystal Bracelets | Protection

Healing Crystal Bracelets | Stone Bracelets

Unlock Your Chakra Collection

Protection – Tranquility – Self Confidence

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger’s eye brings a special boost to the Solar Plexus Chakra and to one’s personal power.

Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity.  It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility.  It increases love and nurturing.  A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.  Jade attracts good luck and friendship.  It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency.  Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Jade encourages you to become who you really are. Jade is associated with the Heart Chakra.

These gorgeous Healing Crystal Bracelets are created with authentic 8mm Tiger’s Eye and White Jade natural gemstone beads. Designed and hand made with extreme love and care, it is carefully packaged in a beautiful handcrafted bracelet gift box with a bracelet description card. 

These quality Healing Crystal Bracelets will add a touch of casual elegance to your wardrobe for any season of the year.

Healing Crystal Bracelets

Great gift for family, friends and loved-ones

• High quality Healing Crystal Bracelets
• Genuine Tiger’s Eye and Jade stones
• Packaged with bracelet description card
• Stretch bracelet with quality elastic cord
• Made to fit your wrist
• Handmade in Los Angeles, California
• Made with pure positive energy

Please measure your wrist before selecting bracelet size.
For best fit please add an extra half inch to wrist size to get the bracelet size
(Wrist size + half inch) = Bracelet size

(size: S, M, L, Xl, XXL)
(For larger size, when placing your order, please add the bracelet size in the note section)
See bracelet size chart tab below

Healing Crystal Bracelets | Blue Agate

Healing Crystal Bracelets | Healing Stone Bracelets

Calming – Harmony – Balance

Blue Agate emanates the vibration of peace, calming the emotional body and releasing stress from worry and panic. Wear these bracelet to benefit from this stones gentle calming energy at all times. Blue Agate soothes those who desire peace and harmony. It stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels.

This stone is used with the Throat Chakra. The throat chakra is the voice of the body. It is a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakra to be expressed. When it is out of balance it can affect the health of the other chakras. When the throat chakra is in balance we have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit.

These gorgeous Healing Crystal Bracelets created with authentic 8mm natural Blue Agate gemstone beads. Designed and hand made with extreme love and care, it is carefully packaged in a beautiful handcrafted bracelet gift box with a bracelet description card.

These Healing Crystal Bracelets will add a touch of casual elegance to your wardrobe for any season of the year.

Healing Crystal Bracelets | Healing Stone Bracelets

Great gift for family, friends and loved-ones

• High Quality Healing Crystal Bracelets
• Unisex
• Genuine Blue Agate Crystals
• 8mm crystal beads
• Packaged with bracelet description card
• Stretch bracelet with quality elastic cord
• Custom made to fit your wrist
• Handmade in Los Angeles, California
• Made with pure positive energy

Please measure your wrist before selecting bracelet size.
For best fit please add an extra half inch to wrist size to get the bracelet size
(Wrist size + half inch) = Bracelet size

(size: S, M, L, Xl, XXL)
(For larger size, when placing your order, please add the bracelet size in the note section)
See bracelet size chart tab below

Keyword: lucky keychain

Google Ads优化App广告的投放方式

Google Ads优化App广告的投放方式:随着Google 安卓应用市场的持续增长,在应用谷歌商店中脱颖而出的难度越来越大。Google今天宣布的新功能旨在帮助应用程序开发人员吸引新用户,了解数据和见解以提高性能,并使人们重回自己喜欢的应用程序。


如果您已经在Android上运行App谷歌广告系列,则无需采取其他任何行动即可选择加入。Google Ads产品管理总监David Mitby写道: “谷歌应用广告的桌面流量和效果将自动显示在广告系列报告中的“计算机”下。”

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根据Google自己的数据,深层链接的体验可以潜在地使转化率翻倍,从而提高广告效果。但是,反馈表明,深层链接通常需要多个内部团队,共享KPI和更新优先级。作为回应,Google宣布了深层链接验证器和影响力计算器本周在Google I / O上。“营销人员可以在Google Ads中使用这些工具来查看他们拥有的深层链接类型,如何修复不起作用的深层链接以及估计实施深层链接的投资回报率机会。”


Google Ads优化App广告的投放方式:我们为什么在乎?有时,您可能会感觉到谷歌应用程序市场已经饱和,并且推动的改进只是渐进的。另外,安卓应用程序开发人员和致力于推广这些应用程序的广告商之间经常存在利益冲突。这些举措有助于提高您对应用程序的认识,提高应用程序谷歌广告系列的效果,并使现有用户参与到应用程序中,同时帮助开发人员和营销人员将重点放在自己的优先事项上。

Keyword: 谷歌seo公司

Sensors in stainless steel

#Product Trends

Sensors in stainless steel

Absolute encoder with stainless steel housing from TR Electronic withstand aggressive environments.

From now on, the proven series of absolute encoders from TR Electronic is also available in a stainless steel housing! Because special environments require special materials: The C__582 encoders retain their tried and tested geometry and thus also fit into the usual installation spaces as a resistant stainless steel variant.

The encoder made of stainless steel 1.4404, AISI 316L is designed for use in aggressive environments: The surface is smooth, as status information and reset function are integrated into the software and the nameplate data is permanently lasered into the stainless steel surface. The uniform connector connection pattern on the side away from the shaft and a simplified flange/shaft geometry also minimize the contact surface for liquids and dusts. The encoder is available with a degree of protection up to IP 67, which also allows the encoder to be washed down.

TR offers optical sensing up to 18 bit resolution within revolution with true multi-turn gearing that reliably senses revolutions in any operating condition.

The actual values are transmitted via Industrial Ethernet (PROFINET, EtherCAT, Ethernet/IP). These interfaces offer extensive transmission options: Position and speed or rotational speed are available in real time; there is also extended status data for additional evaluations.

With the standardized connectors, the user has access to a wide range of pre-assembled cables. Different sheath materials are suitable for different classes of materials. Thus, TR Electronic also has special solutions for special environments.

– Absolute encoder compatible with 58 industrial standard.

– Stainless steel 1.4404, AISI 316L

– Solid shaft, 10 mm with flat

– standard flange

– centering collar Ø 36 mm for clamp mounting

– with threads on the face

– for clamping claws or servo clamps

– Industrial Ethernet PROFINET, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT

– 18 bit resolution per revolution, 4096 true absolute revolutions

– Tightness up to IP 67

– encoder with minimized contact surface for aggressive media

More information

Packaging of Roses for Export via Airfreight

Packaging of Roses is often done in cardboard boxes. The quantity of roses in these boxes is increasing to reduce costs. Roses are often shipped without plastic sleeves to avoid the build-up of humidity. After arrival, the roses are often repackaged at the auction or by specialised importers. They are usually put into plastic flower containers (buckets) and supplied to the florists and wholesalers.

Packaging of Roses for Export via Airfreight must be:

  • Supplied in bunches of 10 or 20 stems;
  • Provided with separate foil packaging for each barrel unit (except for Freiland roses);
  • Bunched with all flower buds at the same level or in two layers. With two layers, the separate layers may not touch each other

Packaging of Roses – Bunching

Roses Bunching Protection

Packaging of Roses  – cardboard boxes

different types of cut flower packaging box, bags, flower sleeves, packing equipment or even flower packaging for export

Cut flowers are flowers or flower buds (often with some stem and leaf) that have been cut from the plant bearing it. Cut flowers are used for home decoration and for decorating the interior of offices, as gifts for birthdays and special Holidays, for weddings, celebrations, and for funerals. Cut flowers are sold in bouquets with or without foliage, in bunches of the same flowers (mono-bunches), and as single flowers.

Limited Edition White Gold Extreme Freeze Ice Slim Strong Portio


Golden bag filled with 400 premium White Gold nicotine pouches (2 Rolls, 20 Cans) 16 mg/g. Slim size 0,7 grams / pouch. Refreshing, Freezing taste of mint.

Refillable can included.

See review from Snubie here.

BRAND: White Gold
PRODUCT TYPE: All white portion
STRENGTH: Extra Strong
NET WEIGHT: 300 grams
FLAVOUR: Peppermint
MANUFACTURER: White Gold Pouch Sweden

Galvanneal vs. Galvanized Steel: Comparing Their Differences

Galvanneal vs. galvanized steel is typical metal manufacturers use in different applications. These steel types have protective layers, making them strong, corrosion-resistant, and cost-effective alternatives to most metals. Therefore, it would help to understand these steel types’ properties, benefits, and drawbacks to know the best choice for your project.


Overview of Galvannealed Steel

Overview of Galvanized Steel

Comparison Between Galvanized vs. Galvannealed Steel


Overview of Galvannealed Steel

Galvanneal steel is a typical sheet metal coated with a zinc-iron layer, preventing the underlying sheet from corrosion. The production processes used to make galvannealed steel include hot-dip galvanizing and annealing. Hence, the term “galvanneal” is formed through the combination of “galvanize” and “anneal.”

There are two major steps involved in the manufacturing of galvannealing steel. These include:

Hot-Dip Galvannealing

The first step is to clean the contaminants from the metal surface of the steel. After which, you must dip it in a molten zinc bath at around 450ºC. The molten zinc reacts with the steel’s surface, producing a zinc-alloy layer that needs anneal at a high temperature to foster the diffusion of the iron and zinc atoms. This process usually provides a coating that bonds firmly to the steel’s surface, creating excellent corrosion resistance.

Continuous Galvannealing

This technique is similar to hot-dip galvannealing, but you should consistently perform it on the production line. After cleaning the steel, then you can pass the steel through a series of zinc baths and annealing furnaces to produce a continuous coating. More so, manufacturers often use this method for high-volume manufacturing of galvanneal steel parts.

Advantages of Galvanneal Steel

Excellent Paint Adhesion

This steel has a polished and uniform surface that is suitable for painting. The zinc-iron alloy layer offers an excellent base for paint adhesion. As a result, the applied paint bonds firmly to the galvanneal still with fewer chances of flaking or peeling.

High Formability

Galvanneal steel is highly malleable and can be bent or formed into different complex shapes without damage. Therefore, it is a perfect material for applications that involves considerable forming and bending.

Smooth, Matte Finish

Galvanneal steel possesses an even, non-spangled surface with a smooth, matte finish. This steel offers a non-reflective finish required in specific applications.

Disadvantages of Galvanneal Steel

Lower Corrosion Resistance

Although galvanneal steel offers excellent corrosion resistance, its zinc-alloy layer is thinner than the traditional galvanized steel’s pure zinc coating. As a result, galvanneal steel may not resist corrosion in a harsh environment like galvanized steel would.

Higher Cost

Galvanneal steel is more expensive than galvanized steel because of the additional production processes involved in creating the zinc-iron alloy layer.

Vulnerable to High Temperature

Galvanneal products don’t perform well under high temperatures because the zinc-iron alloy layer becomes vulnerable to deformation above 200ºC.

Overview of Galvanized Steel

Galvanized steel is a sheet metal type usually coated with a zinc layer to ensure its corrosion resistance. Hence, the term “galvanizing” refers to the process of coating this metal sheet. The processes involved include:

Hot-Dip Galvanizing

Galvanizing steel through the hot-dip process is the most standard galvanizing method. You must submerge the steel sheet in a molten zinc solution at about 450ºC, in which the zinc reacts with the steel, creating a zinc-iron alloy layer on the sheet metal’s surface. This coating improves the metal sheet’s physical properties, enhancing its corrosion resistance.


Electro-galvanizing is another famous method of galvanizing. This process requires using electric current to apply zinc coating to the sheet metal. Firstly, you must clean and pass the sheet metal through a solution filled with zinc ions. Then, you need to apply an electric current to the solution allowing the zinc ions to glue to the steel sheet. This process is best used for thinner sheets and creates a thinner zinc coating in contrast to hot-dip galvanizing.

Advantages of Galvanized Steel

The followings are the benefits and drawbacks of galvanized metal you need to keep in mind:


Galvanized steel is highly durable and can withstand corrosion for a longer time. So, it is a reliable material with a long life expectancy.

Low Maintenance

Products made with hot-dip galvanized steel often require less maintenance throughout their lifetime. Hence, it is an inexpensive material for many applications.


This sheet metal is commonly used for various applications due to its cost-effectiveness.

Disadvantages of Galvanized Steel

Limited Color Options

Galvanized steel has restricted color options as it usually has a gray or silver appearance which is not ideal for some designs with specific color demands.

Poor Weldability

Galvanized sheet metal often has thicker coatings which impact its weldability, hindering the use of the sheet metal in specific applications.

Unsuitable for High-temperature Applications

This steel is incompatible with high-temperature applications because the zinc coating can disintegrate and release harmful fumes.

Comparison Between Galvanized vs. Galvannealed Steel

Although galvanized and galvannealed steels have some similarities, there are key differences that can help determine the best material for your product between these steel types.

1. Manufacturing Process

Galvanized steel is created through the immersion of steel into a molten bath of zinc at precisely 450º Celsius. The zinc layer acts as a shield between the environment and the steel, preventing the steel from corrosion.

The process of producing galvannealed steel is similar to that of galvanized steel because you must first immerse the steel in the molten zinc solution. Then, you heat the steel in an annealing furnace to a higher temperature of about 1050ºF to anneal the steel. The underlying iron element melts to the surface, creating a mixture of zinc and iron coating. The process produces a zinc-iron alloy coating that attaches to the steel, enhancing its durability and resistance to corrosion.

2. Coating

A pure layer of zinc, usually thin and with a polished appearance, covers the galvanized steel. However, it may possess a tiny portion of iron, a constituent of stainless steel. You can measure this coating an ounce per square foot, often ranging from 0.30 oz/ft² (G30) to 2.35 oz/ft² (G235).

Meanwhile, product manufacturers often coat galvanneal steel with zinc-iron alloy, which has a matte finish. It has an excellent coating comprising three layers (gamma, delta, and zeta). You can measure its coating in thickness, ranging from 0.40 oz/ft² (A40) to 0.60 oz/ft² (A60). Furthermore, manufacturers anneal galvannealed steel after coating.

3. Properties

Galvanized steel has a polished and spangled look. It offers improved strength and resistance to corrosion, making it suitable for outdoor applications. However, this sheet metal material is quite soft, which makes it vulnerable to scratching.

Properties of Galvanized Steel 

Corrosion Resistance

Galvanized steel has high corrosion resistance, making it the perfect material for outdoor applications. Its zinc coating protects it from moisture and other corrosive compounds, protecting the concealed steel from rusting.


This metal sheet is durable and highly durable, making it suitable for applications like manufacturing and construction. The zinc coating strengthens the steel, giving it additional rigidity and strength required in most applications.


The galvanized sheet material is highly ductile. As a result, you can easily bend or form that sheet without damaging it. More importantly, its flexibility makes it a reliable material for making different parts in different industries.


You can utilize various welding methods such as TIG, MIG, and stick welding to weld galvanized steel into different shapes. However, it would help to note that zinc coating releases toxin fumes when exposed to heat. So, it is advisable to take safety precautions when welding galvanized sheets.

In contrast, galvannealed steel offer excellent formability and better paint adhesion. Its surface is typically smoother, and its matte finish makes it more durable. Hence, manufacturers often use galvanneal steel in applications that need more excellent abrasion resistance.

Properties of Galvannealed Steel 

Enhanced Paintability

The Galvanneal steel allows painting due to its smooth and even surface. The zinc-iron alloy coating gives an impeccable base for paint adhesion. So, the paint applied is less susceptible to flaking and peeling over time. As a result, galvanneal steel is a popular option for making automotive body panels and other parts with high-quality paint and alodine finish requirements.

Improved Formability

You can form galvanneal steel into different complex shapes without damaging it due to its ductility. This attribute is critical in applications that involve subjecting the steel to considerable bending, including the construction of HVAC ductwork or automotive parts.

Lower Coating Thickness

Galvanneal steel has a thinner zinc-iron alloy layer providing equal resistance to corrosion as galvanized steel, only with a lesser weight and thickness. Reduced coating thickness is critical in applications such as the construction of vehicles and aircraft where weight and space are a priority.

Non-spangled Surface

This sheet metal has a matte appearance with low reflectivity than galvanized steel. This is due to the zinc-iron alloy layer on the galvanneal steel, which ensures the surface is non-spangled and uniform. This quality is crucial in applications like signage and building construction with high demand for a non-reflective finish.

4. Appearance

Galvanized steel has a shiny, spangled surface due to the crystallization of the zinc coating during the galvanizing process. The surface is usually smooth and homogeneous, with a bright silver color that can range from matte gray to glossy reflecting. The thickness of the zinc coating can also have an impact on the aesthetic, with heavier coatings frequently resulting in a more noticeable spangle pattern.

On the other hand, galvannealed steel has a dull, matte gray appearance due to the annealing process that follows the galvanizing process. The zinc coating is allowed to react with the iron in the steel substrate during annealing, generating a layer of iron-zinc alloy. This alloy layer is responsible for the characteristic appearance of galvannealed steel.

5. Applications

Applications of Galvanized Steel

Manufacturers across industries often use galvanized steel in outdoor and corrosive environments. Here are some of the typical applications of this steel.

HVAC Systems: HAVC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems manufacturers often use galvanized steel. It is affordable, resistant to corrosion, and durable. Hence, it is a better choice for this application. HVAC systems often require ductwork to spread air throughout a building; galvanized steel is the perfect metal sheet.

Agriculture: Galvanized steel is one of the ideal sheet metals for making agricultural equipment since it is not susceptible to corrosion and rust. Most tools in this sector are usually exposed to external environments, and galvanized products can withstand any environment for an extended period.

Industrial Applications: Manufacturers commonly employ galvanized steel in industrial applications, including the production of storage tanks, pipes, and other crucial equipment for oil and gas extraction.

Applications of Galvannealed Steel 

On the other hand, you will find galvanneal steel commonly used for indoor applications requiring better paint adhesion and formability. Some of these applications include the following:

Automotive Industry: Automobile manufacturers commonly use galvanneal steel to create chassis components, body panels, and other structural components. It offers excellent formability and resistance to corrosion and easy paintability for a quality finish.

Appliance Manufacturing: Galvanneal steel is widely used to produce various appliances, including washing machines, refrigerators, dryers, ovens, cookers, etc. It offers excellent formability and resistance to corrosion, making it a perfect choice for producing appliance parts like frames, panels, and other structural components.

Electrical Systems: Galvanneal steel is an ideal choice for making junction boxes, conduits, and enclosures due to its formability and resistance to corrosion. In addition, the paintability of this sheet metal allows the customization of components, ensuring it blends with the surrounding environment.

6. Cost

Generally, galvannealed steel costs more than galvanized steel because it requires an additional manufacturing process. More importantly, the cost typically varies based on the thickness of the coating and the order’s size.


Galvanneal vs. galvanized steel is a versatile sheet metal type suitable for various applications. Each steel type has distinctive attributes, making neither galvanized nor galvanneal steel the best choice for all applications. Thus, the ideal choice between these two depends on your products’ specific requirements.

WayKen is your best partner if you need professionals to help determine the ideal steel type for your project. With extensive expertise in the field of machining, our team of professionals is well-equipped to assist you in machining metal parts, whether it be galvanneal or galvanized steel.