
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用











Keyword: wps官网



  • 一、概述
  • 二、基本字段说明与要求
    • 1 API详情维护
    • 2 接口文档维护
    • 3 HUB管理
    • 4 关于我们
  • 三、常见问题清单


幂简集成平台是一个API信息聚合展示平台,用户可以将自己或互联网上发现的API资源分享到API HUB中,来共建我们的API社区。


服务商用户可通过服务商空间,来分享您公司提供的API,并在API HUB进行一系列的营销活动。点击了解服务商操作指南。





1 API详情维护


1.1 基本信息


1.2 产品介绍

1.2.1 概述


  1. 可读性:文章整体图文结合,但要以文字为主,占70%;图片为辅,为了提高内容可读性与丰富度,方便用户理解。必要时可将图片内容提取出文字与配图单独录入,避免配图时图文内容重复。
  2. 官网内容完整、准确:官网存在的内容不可遗漏。录入时需理解服务,不要将各模块内容错录、混录。
  3. 必填项:必填项以官网内容为准,若没有则需使用AI工具生成,生成时需要挑选强相关内容,去除不确定、无中生有类的内容,例如“可视化界面”、“定制化服务”等;
  4. 选填项:选填项以官网内容为准,若没有则无需填写,不必AI生成。
  5. 图片格式:若无特殊录入样式,图片要求全部居中,大小合适。图片最小要能看清内容不模糊,最大不能占据整个屏幕。一般长方形图(例如头图)以1200-800为宜,比较方正的配图以500-800为宜。


1.2.2 样式示例









1.3 相关文档



  1. 以官网为主,无遗漏:使用指南、对接流程、常用FAQ都需使用API服务商官网提供的官方内容。官网有则需要填写不得遗漏;若官网不提供,则无需强行生成或填写。
  2. 文字优先:录入内容需尽量以文字为主、图片为辅,保证文字覆盖率与可读性。必要时将图片中的内容提取成文字。
  3. 无需API文档:与API对接相关的接口文档可在【接口文档维护】处录入(暂不需要),无需在此录入。
  4. 内容通用性:若对接流程应为服务商下的通用流程,可在【店铺管理-对接流程】处填写,填写后服务商下的所有服务都会展示通用的对接流程。若是某服务单独的使用指南,可在该服务的对接指南处单独填写单独展示。
  5. 内容准确性:录入前需明确该内容是否属于使用指南或对接流程,不要录入不相关的内容。也要注意该内容是否属于该服务,不要错录成其他服务的。
  6. 可用链接:因使用文档篇幅形式有限,额外的扩展内容需在文字相关处加上链接,或在文档结尾处单独提供相关链接,例如:详细操作指南可见https://www.explinks.com/docs/instruction
1.3.1 使用指南(非必填)




  • 环境准备: 说明需要准备的开发环境和工具。
  • 认证方式: 详细描述获取和使用API密钥或令牌的步骤。
  • 示例代码: 提供简单的示例代码,展示基本的API调用。
  • 步骤流程: 使用平台或进行对接的指导流程。


  • 数据加密: 介绍API在传输和存储数据时的加密方法。
  • 身份验证: 描述如何确保API调用的安全性。


  • 技术支持: 提供获取技术支持的联系方式和渠道。
  • 反馈机制: 说明如何反馈API使用中的问题和建议。
  • 操作说明:给于一些平台的基本操作指导。
1.3.2 对接流程(非必填)



1.3.3 常见FAQ(非必填)

常见FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)是指开发者在使用API过程中经常遇到的问题及其解答。这些问题涵盖了从初次使用API到复杂调用过程中可能遇到的各种问题。



  • 服务专属FAQ:可在服务内【相关文档-常见FAQ】处编辑。
  • 服务商通用FAQ模板:可在【店铺管理-FAQ模板】处编辑好通用FAQ模板,然后在每个服务中选择从模板添加,则无需每次重复录入FAQ。



1.3.4 价格说明



2 接口文档维护


3 HUB管理

3.1 上架与主推

录入服务最终结果是在API HUB前台上架展示。

服务通过审批后,需将通过的新版本设为主推版本(初次创建时,审核通过后自动主推),并点击上架后,服务最终才会正确展示在API HUB前台。

3.2 计价说明

3.2.1 适用范围


3.2.2 收费类型


  • 人工报价:来源找不到价格信息时选这个。
  • 免费:我们对免费的定义是可以白嫖的那种,例如每天限制调用10次,但是不限次数每天都能使用。有试用次数的不算免费(例如1个月给500次调用,过了一个月就不能用了,这种不算免费,算付费即可)。免费使用限制可填写类似“每月100次”。
  • 付费:来源有明确价格的选择付费,单价一般按照最低价(例如20元/月 起);收费接口先不用选择;如果有套餐,则需要选是,然后截图或自建表格,将套餐价格录入;若套餐中含免费试用额度,可填写类似“0元/次起”、“7天试用”、“100次试用”等。

3.3 案例故事

服务相关的文章、新闻、案例可填写在此,将会展示在API HUB中,没有则不用填写。示例如下:

4 关于我们





1、 公司简介+详细公司介绍 — 文字为主



2、 公司发展史/公司历程/公司历史 — 图

3、 公司荣誉/荣誉证书/公司资质证书 — 图

4、 合作伙伴/客户案例/客户清单 — 图

























Cheapest Way To Ship Heavy Equipment

Cheapest Way To Ship Heavy Equipment

William Thomas / October 2022

Finding a reputable company to ship heavy equipment can be scary, especially if you don’t have a business connection with a reliable shipping company that will take care of your equipment and not overcharge you for their services.

There are many factors that may influence the cost of moving heavy equipment. When looking for the cheapest method to ship heavy equipment, you must consider if the cheapest price is the best option. Experienced, licensed, and insured shipping companies will guarantee that your heavy equipment is transported in accordance with your requirements.

Heavy equipment shipping costs are mainly affected by four factors:

  • Dimensions of your Heavy Equipment
  • Distance the Heavy Equipment needs to move
  • Loading Assistance and Disassembly
  • Trailer Type Used in Transport

When planning to ship your heavy equipment, the cost might vary substantially based on these factors, so it’s crucial to work with a reputable shipping company to avoid a disastrous outcome.

Dimensions of Your Heavy Equipment

Dimensions of Your Heavy Equipment

The shipping cost may be accurately determined based on the accurate dimensions of the heavy equipment. Therefore, providing accurate dimensions is the most critical factor in determining how much it will cost to transport heavy equipment. If you want to ship heavy equipment for the lowest price possible, you need to ensure that the dimensions you provide are accurate.

The majority of shipping companies make an effort to keep their shipments at or below the legal load dimensions for:

  • Length = 48 to 53 feet
  • Width = 8 feet 6 inches
  • Height = 13 feet 6 inches
  • Weight = 80,000 lbs

The dimensions listed above include the trailer. This is why the transport company must be aware of the equipment’s length, width, height, and weight with all attachments. Whenever a piece of equipment exceeds permitted load dimensions, costs might increase owing to additional licenses, escorts, and restricted routes.

In order to ensure that nothing important is missing that might have an effect on the estimated price, it is recommended that you send pictures of the heavy equipment to your shipping company.

Transport Your Bulldozer Today

Heavy Equipment Transport is always available for a quote. Fill out the form or give us a call now! (888) 730-2951

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Distance the Heavy Equipment Needs to Move

Shipping delays cost everyone. Therefore, whenever assigning a shipment to a shipping company, it is important to clearly clarify your requirements. The following types of information should be included:

  • Your heavy equipment’s origin
  • Your heavy equipment’s destination
  • Heavy equipment pickup date
  • Heavy equipment delivery date
  • Your level of timing flexibility

If you have a short delivery window for heavy equipment moving more than 400 miles from one major metropolitan area to another, you should expect to pay a premium rate. The more flexible you are with your pick-up and delivery dates, the better pricing the shipping company may provide you, depending on their fleet’s location.

Large trailers find it difficult and time-consuming to traverse congested metropolitan regions, which are often affected by road hazards and rush hours. The longer the distance, the higher the chance that the driver may encounter difficulty.

Special permissions and travel routes also need to be taken into consideration if your heavy equipment exceeds the dimensions of a legal load. Since each state or country has its own regulations, crossing state or country borders makes this harder and more expensive.

Loading Assistance and Disassembly

Always remember that moving heavy equipment might require additional time and there are much fewer carriers that can transport heavy equipment. If your equipment can’t move on its own or needs to be taken apart, you can expect to pay more because the shipping company will have to spend more time getting it ready.

If you have disassembly and loading equipment like a loading dock, forklift, cranes, etc., it is always important to inform your transport company about it before the material day. By providing the equipment, you may be able to save a lot of money.

Trailer Type Used in Transport

The use of trailers is a significant factor in ensuring that your heavy equipment stays within the permitted load dimensions. The vast majority of heavy equipment is transported using one of these three kinds of trailers: flatbeds, step decks, or lowboys—RGN’s. When looking for the most cost-effective method to ship heavy equipment, the extra cost you will need to take into consideration is the price per mile that will be charged for hauling the trailer. This cost will increase in proportion to the size of the trailer.


Shipping heavy equipment may be expensive, both in terms of time and money. It’s a time-consuming procedure with many factors that must be carefully considered to keep supply chains running smoothly. As a result, there is no substitute for engaging specialists to create and implement effective shipping solutions.

William Thomas

Heavy Transport Specialist

Being able to lead a team of such talented logistics agents has been a wonderful experience over the past ten years.
If you would like to know anything more about the heavy equipment transport services we offer, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

(888) 730-2951

Why Florists Should Attend Cut Flower Exhibitions – Here A

When it comes to networking in the floral industry, there is still no substitute for face to face meetings. Cut Flower Exhibitions will give your business or product a different face with renewed worldwide attention especially from fresh cut flower buyers.

When it comes to networking in the floral industry, there is still no substitute for face to face meetings. Floral Trade fairs will give your business or product a different face with renewed worldwide attention especially from fresh cut flower buyers.

Visit Our Webshop Sign in for the best experience

Why Attend Cut Flower Exhibitions

  1. Exhibitions are open to a large and sometimes diverse range of audiences (usually the general public). This provides you with a perfect platform to promote your product or service to a broader group that may have little or no knowledge of your products and services.
  2. One of the methods we use to get in front of our customers and have some one-on-one time is attending trade shows.
  3. One of the main benefits of attending a trade show is consolidating that purchasing process down from a timeline of weeks to a single day
  4. Cut Flower Exhibitions are an avenue to increase productivity or boost efficiency
  5. find solutions to our challenges; reduce costs; seek inspiration or new ideas
  6. develop international contacts
  7. improve industry knowledge and discover the latest innovations/trends; meet experts or improve sales
  8. Trade shows are generally targeted at an industry and people involved or interested in that industry. Exhibiting at a trade show can be a great way to advertise to a target market and create brand awareness.
  9. By attending a trade show, you can figure out which companies sell what they are looking for, and which solution is the best for them
  10. As you walk around, you can immediately compare numerous companies products, prices, and services. These are also good places for you to discover new companies.

Cut Flower Exhibitions – When it comes to networking, there is still no substitute for face to face meetings.

Here are my tips to get the most out of networking:

  • Get people to talk about themselves first so you know how to frame what you say about your business to suit them.
  • Always have business cards and lots of them.
  • Follow up with personalised emails where appropriate but do not spam.
  • Use case studies and refer to real customers. Give context to your work. It makes it much more memorable.

Visit Our Webshop Sign in for the best experience

Client Photos – Outfit Combinations w/ Tan Shorts

Part of my services with my clients is the Look Book portion. Sometimes I call it the Outfit portion. This is where I show my client how to wear all her clothes and accessories, both old and new. It is a very efficient process that starts with, usually, tops. We take one top and then I ask the client, "How many outfits do you want with this top?" Some clients only want 2-3 options because too many choices can overwhelm them. Others want to get the most out of each garment and they will request 5-how ever many outfits could possibly be made with the shirt. 

For the clients that keep me in their lives indefinitely, the outfit process is a touch different. It begins with whatever is new, since we already made outfits with everything else at a previous date. If this week or month we bought four shorts, three pairs of pants, two jackets and three dresses this, then we just start with each category and move on. We make outfits with the shorts first, then the pants, then the jackets and then the dresses. This week, with my client pictured, we got her a new collection of shorts that she loved. My favorite was the tan shorts from J Crew. Pictured is the numerous combination I made with this one pair of shorts. These shorts are so versatile that I could have kept going, but my client stopped me – too many choices!

What is your favorite combination?

These pictures were published with my client's verbal permission. No client photos are used without the client's permission.


科尔称库里是现代版乔丹 此前从未见过像他这样的人物



Keyword: NBA live zhibo

Client Favorite: Gibson Equestrian Casual Blazer

Part of my personal stylist consultation process is taking my client through a fashion look book I have created from fashion magazines and catalogues. As each of my clients turn the pages, they always – always – point out a blazer look. Everyone seems to agree, a casual blazer is a versatile sexy look, no matter your age or size. The blazer I have been throwing on my clients of late is the equestrian blazer by Gibson. The first client to don the riding blazer is a cutting edge business woman who just hit thirty. The most recent client I put it on is a retired sixty something nurse from New Jersey. The clients in between vary further, yet all look sharp in this cotton-poly blend, three quarter length sleeve blazer. It stretches to your movements, yet retains its structured shape to ensure function meets fashion. My only qualm is the cheapness of its single button, but that is easily removed and replaced with a more luxurious detail. As you can see, it can be paired with jeans and certain dresses, as well as grey slacks and shorts.

These pictures were published with my
client's permission. No client photos are used without the client's


本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用














Keyword: wps官网

Kittybelles Celebration Bundle Plush Cat Toy – Firecracker & All Star Pawdka

The Kittybelles Celebration Bundle Plush Cat Toy Firecracker & All Star Pawdka, pops off a fun and patriotic playtime for your feline!

  • Plush vodka bottle shape and patriot firework
  • Made with tough Power Plush Technology
  • Filled with catnip and crinkle

Why We Love It:

The Kittybelles Celebration Bundle Plush Cat Toy combines feathers firecracker and Pawda that is part of the “Nappy Hour” collection! Kittybelles are wonderful, realistic-looking toys that cats love to bat around, pounce on and rub on for playtime.  Each toy is made of soft baby plush and includes crinkle and organic catnip inside for extra exciting play! All toy material used is safe, non-toxic and has no heavy metal.  Kittybelles are dedicated to safety.  All toys are made with non-toxic dyes and comply with the US Children’s toy standard ASTM-963 and Eurpopean EN-71 rules.

*Always play responsibly!


Pawdka 4.5″
Firecracker 7″


Kittybelles Booze Plush Cat Toy – Kitty Loco Tequila

The Kitty Loco Tequila Kittybelles Booze Plush Dog Toy will be a fun playtime for your feline!

  • Plush tequila bottle shape
  • Made with tough Power Plush Technology
  • Filled with catnip and crinkle

Why We Love It:

The Kitty Loco Tequila Plush Booze Cat Toy is part of the “Nappy Hour” collection! Kittybelles are wonderful, realistic-looking toys that cats love to bat around, pounce on and rub on for playtime.  Each toy is made of soft baby plush and includes crinkle and organic catnip inside for extra exciting play! All toy material used is safe, non-toxic and has no heavy metal.  Kittybelles are dedicated to safety.  All toys are made with non-toxic dyes and comply with the US Children’s toy standard ASTM-963 and Eurpopean EN-71 rules.

*Always play responsibly!


4″ x 1.75″ x 1.75″
