Hugues Aufray heureux avec sa maîtresse Muriel, dans leur nouvelle maison

Hugues Aufray a pris l’habitude de présenter sa maîtresse Muriel comme sa “jeune compagne“. Le chanteur qui fêtera ses 91 ans le 18 août prochain n’a pas dérogé à sa règle lorsqu’il a reçu Le Parisien chez lui en ce mois de juillet, dans la maison du sculpteur Aristide Maillol, à Marly-le-Roi (Hauts-de-Seine), dont il a fait son nouveau refuge.

Son bonheur d’habiter ici, Hugues Aufray l’a tout de suite exprimé au Parisien. “C’est la maison de mes rêves. Elle appartenait au sculpteur Aristide Maillol. C’est une histoire extraordinaire qui m’a mené ici. La première personne qui m’a accueilli à Paris, quand j’avais 18 ans, et qui m’a poussé à sculpter, c’est Dina Vierny, la compagne de Maillol, qui a créé les musées Maillol [à Paris et à Banyuls, NDLR]. Bon, je ne suis pas devenu sculpteur, mais nous sommes devenus amis. J’ai chanté sur sa tombe le jour de ses funérailles à Villejuif“, a raconté l’interprète de Santiano au quotidien.

Cette maison qu’il occupe après avoir vendu celle qu’il avait non loin de Marly-le-Roi, à Marnes-la-Coquette, avait été laissée à l’abandon et les héritiers d’Aristide Maillol le voyaient bien la reprendre. Une très bonne idée puisque le chanteur et sa maîtresse Muriel s’y sont très vite sentis bien. “Je suis là en location à vie. Et je commence une nouvelle vie. J’ai vendu Marnes-la-Coquette, où j’ai passé quarante-cinq ans sans connaître personne. Je vivais en patriarche au milieu de ma famille. Autour, il n’y avait que des milliardaires et des caméras vidéo. Là, Muriel et moi connaissons tous nos voisins.

Le chanteur est marié depuis 1951 à Hélène Faure – avec qui il a eu deux filles, Marie (62 ans) et Charlotte (59 ans) – et il a toujours assumé d’avoir une double vie. “Nos horloges biologiques, entre hommes et femmes, ne sont pas les mêmes. Le Viagra, je ne connais pas ! Je suis toujours marié avec la femme que j’ai connue à 20 ans. Elle ne peut pas me suivre. Je suis un homme normal, avec une activité professionnelle importante et donc, c’est vrai, j’ai une jeune compagne“, avait-il déclaré au Matin en 2015.

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Brian Austin Green en couple : adieu Megan Fox, il est croc love d’une autre !

Il n’aura pas papillonné pour rien ! Depuis qu’il s’est séparé de Megan Fox en mai dernier, Brian Austin Green tente sa chance par-ci par-là. Mais il semblerait qu’il ait trouvé la compagne idéale en la personne de Tina Louise. Vous connaissez sans doute ce superbe modèle australien de 39 ans : à la fin du mois de juin, elle a avait été surprise au bras de l’acteur alors qu’ils se rendaient ensemble au restaurant qu’elle codirige à Los Angeles, Sugar Taco. “Il a l’air très heureux avec elle, explique une source du magazine People. Leur relation est assez sérieuse à présent pour qu’il ne voie pas d’autre femme qu’elle. Il est toujours marié, bien sûr.

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Brian Austin Green et Megan Fox semblent avoir chacun trouvé chaussure à leur pied. La comédienne s’est affichée plusieurs fois, de son côté, en pleine roucoulade avec le chanteur Machine Gun Kelly. Et pourtant… les deux ex n’ont encore rien fait pour concrétiser cette rupture aux yeux de la loi. “Ils essayent toujours de savoir s’ils souhaitent, ou non, remplir les papiers du divorce“, précise cette même source. Il serait temps de réfléchir avant de faire des victimes collatérales !


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Le 15 juillet 2020, alors qu’il célébrait ses 47 ans, Brian Austin Green a partagé une photographie sur laquelle il souffle ses bougies auprès de ses trois petits derniers. Tina Louise a d’ailleurs eu l’air parfaitement attendrie par cette image. “Oooooh. Quel joli moment, a-t-elle commenté. Joyeux anniversaire.” Prête pour être belle-mère ?


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Une publication partage par Tina Louise (@tinalouise) le

Lola Marois boudée par le cinéma : son tacle à ceux qui la snobent

À seulement 37 ans, Lola Marois est une comédienne confirmée. Pourtant, il semble que seul son rôle d’Ariane dans Plus belle la vie fasse d’elle une personnalité reconnue du grand public. Bien qu’elle adore faire partie de la grande famille du feuilleton de France 3, l’épouse de Jean-Marie Bigard regrette que le milieu du cinéma ne lui fasse pas plus les yeux doux, la faute selon elle à son image sulfureuse et son couple avec l’humoriste jugé trop “populaire“.

Dans son interview pour le magazine King, pour lequel elle fait la couverture nue cette semaine, Lola Marois s’exprime à ce sujet, rappelant avoir même déjà été sacrée par ce milieu très select. “J’ai eu la chance d’obtenir un premier rôle féminin dans un film qui n’a pas vraiment marché mais qui est un film d’auteur, pour lequel j’ai même eu un prix. Vive la crise de Jean-François Davy avec Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Michel Aumont, Dominique Pinon, Jean-Marie (Bigard, ndlr)… Ce film m’a donné un goût prononcé pour le cinéma. Mais ce milieu est quand même très élitiste, très fermé et boude un peu le couple Bigard“, estime-t-elle.

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On ne me propose jamais de rôle

Depuis, difficile pour elle d’être prise au sérieux malgré sa volonté de se faire une place. En 2019 toutefois, un réalisateur lui a donné sa chance pour son grand plaisir, de quoi faire taire les mauvaises langues. “À part Yvan Attal qui m’a pris dans son dernier film, Mon chien stupide, dans lequel je joue la nana de son fils, de son vrai fils, on ne me propose jamais de rôle. (…) Je l’adore car il est suffisamment sûr de lui et suffisamment brillant pour ne pas avoir ce snobisme ridicule que beaucoup ont dans le cinéma français aujourd’hui. Ce n’est pas vraiment un coup de gueule mais c’est une manière de dire que voilà, regardez ma démo, je suis comédienne et, sans vouloir me jeter des fleurs, c’est ma vocation depuis que je suis petite et je sais que je le fais bien.”

En attendant de rejoindre les rangs des légendes du 7e art, Lola Marois se plaît au Mistral, avec le tournage intense de Plus belle la vie. Une expérience fructueuse dont elle ne se cache pas, bien au contraire. “Je suis assez fière, voire très fière, d’être dans cette série parce qu’ils osent aller là où il ne faut pas aller. (…) Ils m’ont permis de jouer des choses fortes, plus fortes que certains rôles que j’ai eus au cinéma ou au théâtre“, a-t-elle confié dans les pages de King.

Fiona Gélin à Ramatuelle, le combat féministe de Simone Weil à l’honneur

Très peu d’événements culturels se tiennent cet été, mais le Festival de Ramatuelle, qui se déroule en extérieur, a tenu bon. Pour Michel Boujenah, le directeur artistique de l’événement organisé dans le Var, maintenir cette 36e édition représente “un acte de résistance, un signe d’espoir“, comme il l’a récemment confié à BFMTV. Et le public est au rendez-vous.

Jeudi 6 août 2020, les spectateurs ont pu apprécier Et Pendant Ce Temps Simone Veille !, avec la troupe du Pompon : Dominique Mérot, Hélène Serres, Nathalie Portal, Vanina Sicurani. Cette comédie désopilante sur le droit des femmes et le combat de Simone Weil met en scène Marcelle, France et Jeanne dans les années 1950 alors qu’elles sont mariées et mères au foyer. Elles ont renoncé à leurs ambitions personnelles pour rentrer dans le droit chemin dicté par la société patriarcale. Ces trois femmes sont les premières de trois lignées de femmes qui évoluent, génération après génération de 1950 à nos jours. À travers des scènes de vie quotidienne et des parodies de chansons, elles retracent l’évolution de la condition féminine en France.

L’actrice Fiona Gélin a été photographiée lors de cette grande soirée d’humour mais aussi d’histoire.

(CE SOIR – FESTIVAL DE RAMATUELLE) Ce soir, a 21h30, Et Pendant ce Temps Simone Veille. Pour reserver, appeler au 04 94 79 20 50 Ou en ligne : @visitcotedazur @departementduvar @maregionsud @destinationramatuelle #ramatuelle #aout #paca #culture #evenement #humour #humor #theatre #theater #festival #pleinair #festivalderamatuelle #var #departementduvar #theatredeverdure #sainttropez #cotedazurfrance #suddelafrance #southoffrance #distanciationsociale #tourisme #etpendantcetempssimoneveille #trinidad #simoneveil #feminisme

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(HIER SOIR – FESTIVAL DE RAMATUELLE) Merci a la troupe de Et en attendant Simone veille ! @cyril_bruneau #ramatuelle #aout #paca #culture #evenement #humour #humor #theatre #theater #festival #pleinair #festivalderamatuelle #var #departementduvar #theatredeverdure #sainttropez #cotedazurfrance #suddelafrance #southoffrance #distanciationsociale #tourisme #etpendantcetempssimoneveille #trinidad #simoneveil #feminisme

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Au Festival de Ramatuelle, on ne plaisante pas avec la scurit des spectateurs.

Une publication partage par Festival De Ramatuelle (@festivalderamatuelle) le

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Paddy Jackson reveals all about his not-creepy-at-all night time antics

IT’S LATE AT night, the sky is pitch black for miles around Carton House. Outside, the only sound is wind rustling in the trees. Inside, all of Ireland’s rugby squad are sound asleep in their beds.

All bar one. The Ghost of Carton House, a mystery of Scooby Doo proportions.

The ghost wanders here and there, they say (well that’s what they usually say isn’t it?), but continually returns to haunt one man. In he’ll sneak through the walls, a soft tune playing as he glides to the pillow where he whispers a terrifying:

“Hey, Johnno. Johnno! I’m coming for your number 10 jersey,” before drifting back out leaving the Leinster man ashen-faced.

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

Paddy Jackson would have gotten away with it had it not been for… well, for his ‘confession’ today.

After ticking a box with a run-of-the-mill answer to a query about his relationship with his fellow out-halves in Joe Schmidt’s Ireland squad, the 23-year-old slows his voice to a crawl.

“Johnny’s a legend,” Jackson states with a deadpan expression suddenly bereft of humour. In hindsight, we should have seen the joke coming before the punchline hit.


When the jokes are left aside, the Ulster man may concede that Sexton will remain Schmidt’s first choice by a distance. Indeed, the reason he slipped the word ‘legend’ in was as a forfeit for losing a drop-goal contest with the former Racing Metro man early today.

So the situation remains: Jackson is competing with Ian Madigan to be a back-up to the Lions 10. Though, the issue of sorting out the understudies also remains clouded by Schmidt’s fondness for utility options among his replacements.

While Madigan was rumoured to be tested out in a fourth position at scrum-half, Jackson is staying focused on mastering the one trade. With Ulster last season, he spent some limited time in the centre outside Ian Humphreys and many less mobile out-halves have settled in quite well at fullback. Yet Jackson hasn’t gone banging on Schmidt’s door asking to be tested outside of his favoured position.

“If I’m playing at the top of my game there’s no reason why I wouldn’t be on the bench or even getting in there on the team. For myself and Ian it’s a bit out of our hands. All we can do is play as well as we can and try to show what we can do on the pitch.

Source: Dan Sheridan/INPHO

“I’ve just got to approach it as if I’m starting or if I’m going to get on early in the game. I’ve been involved on the bench a few times now and that’s the approach I go in with.”

He adds: “I could be on at any stage or at any second, so I just try and prepare as if I’m starting the game and know the plays as well as the other guys do.”

“You’re always thinking in your head ‘who is he going to bring? Who is going to be involved?’

“You have moments of doubt and then other moments you’re confident you could be going. It’s been up and down the last six or seven weeks. It’s about showing what you can do and, if you get your chance, do it on the pitch.”

On the pitch in broad daylight, not in the halls of Carton House at 3AM.

Andrew Trimble passed fit to play, but every hour counts for Cian Healy

O’Callaghan close to Worcester deal after early Munster release

DONNCHA O’CALLAGHAN IS close to sealing a two-year contract with Worcester Warriors after Munster agreed to release him from the last season of his deal in Ireland.

O’Callaghan has played for Munster in the pre-season.

The 36-year-old lock has been granted permission by the province to seek out regular first-team rugby, as first reported by the Irish Examiner, with head coach Anthony Foley feeling that O’Callaghan’s superb service has earned him the right to do so.

The42 understands that O’Callaghan has been speaking to Dean Ryan’s Warriors in recent weeks regarding a move. Worcester were promoted from the Championship last season after beating favourites Bristol in the two-legged play-off final.

It’s believed there was also some interest in the Irishman from France, but it is now expected that O’Callaghan will copper-fasten a move to Worcester ahead of the start of the Premiership season on 16 October.

Given that O’Callaghan’s contract with Munster is also tied to the IRFU, The42 understands the union’s high performance director David Nucifora will also have to sign off on the lock’s early release.

Irish second row Darren O’Shea, formerly of the Munster academy, is already on the books at Worcester and played an important role in their promotion. Former Ireland U20 captain and Ulster hooker Niall Annett was a key man in a successful season under Ryan.

Ex-Ireland U18 international Charlie Mulchrone is also part of the Warriors squad.

O’Callaghan’s starting opportunities at Munster were limited to just 11 last season, all of those coming in the Guinness Pro12. The 94-times capped Ireland international second row did not play a single minute of Munster’s disappointing Champions Cup campaign.

The Cork man has remained in phenomenal physical condition for a player of his age thanks to his relentless attitude towards training and his lifestyle away from the pitch. O’Callaghan is teetotal and constantly on the lookout for the latest recovery technologies.

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O’Callaghan alongside Dave Foley, whose importance to Munster has grown.

The departure of Paul O’Connell to Toulon appeared to have seen O’Callaghan’s potential opportunities at Munster improve, but the subsequent signing of Australian lock Mark Chisholm would have been a frustration for him.

O’Callaghan’s departure will leave Munster’s locking stocks filled by Ireland internationals Dave Foley and Donnacha Ryan, veteran Chisholm, the reliable Billy Holland and highly-rated academy pair Sean McCarthy and John Madigan.

Elsewhere, the proposed transfer of South African scrum-half Conrad Hoffman to Leinster is set to fall through.

The Sharks halfback was close to joining the province on a short-term contract for the World Cup period, but Ireland’s decision to leave Isaac Boss out of their 31-man squad means head coach Leo Cullen can call on Boss’ experience for the start of the season.

Connacht install new attack coach, but have 4 injury worries before start of new seasonAll Black prospect Tevita Li scored this stunning try at the weekend

Boudjellal produces an unbelievable response to the Toulon doping allegations

WE KNEW MOURAD Boudjellal was a controversial figure, but this is something else.

Toulon have been caught up in allegations of doping in the last two days, after reports by French broadcaster RTL suggested that some of the club’s players are under suspicion of having been illegally supplied with products by pharmacists in the French town.

RTL has mentioned anabolic steroids and growth hormones in their reports, but Boudjellal has completely rubbished the claims, instead saying that a pharmacist who last worked with the club in 2006 is under investigation and that his club have nothing to be worried about.

The Toulon president has now attempted to make light of the situation by posting a photo of himself lying on a couch with the club’s silverware in the background.

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Toulon’s official Twitter account posted the above photo alongside a well-known image shared by Lance Armstrong in 2012, after he had been stripped of his seven Tour de France titles following an investigation that found him guilty of using performance-enhancing drugs.

“Like Lance Armstrong with his yellow jerseys, our president poses lying on the couch with RCT’s trophies,” reads the post on Toulon’s official page.

RTL hit back at Boudjellal and link Toulon players to growth hormonesBoudjellal defends Toulon after doping allegations in French media

Schmidt hopeful Henshaw’s hamstring injury will heal before Romania

JOE SCHMIDT SAYS he is quietly confident Robbie Henshaw will be fit to play Romania in London on Sunday, 27 September, after the Connacht man was ruled out of this weekend’s World Cup clash with Canada.

The 22-year-old suffered a hamstring strain at the end of Ireland’s training session at Carton House on Tuesday.

The injury is not expected to keep Henshaw out for more than a week, however, with Schmidt saying that he “would like to think” that the centre will face Romania.

“Robbie right at the end of training on Tuesday felt his hamstring tighten a little bit,” said Schmidt at Ireland’s team hotel in Cardiff this afternoon.

Luke Fitzgerald is the man to benefit from Henshaw’s absence, starting in the 12 shirt for Ireland alongside Jared Payne.

The Leinster man has played at inside centre for province and country before, and Schmidt has no doubt Fitzgerald will perform there against the Canadians. Still, Darren Cave will count himself unlucky to miss out on selection.

“He’s had a fair bit of game time, for me, at 12 and we’ve got a lot of confidence in him playing 12 or 13. Obviously he’s already played 13 for us in the pre-World Cup Test matches and we felt that he did pretty well there and has earned himself another opportunity.”

Schmidt speaks with Fitzgerald at Ireland training. Source: Billy Stickland/INPHO

Scrum-half Conor Murray is excited to see Fitzgerald lining out as part of Ireland’s backline for the tournament opener, pointing out that he will bring his own strengths to the inside centre role.

“Yeah he definitely can,” said Murray when asked if Fitzgerald can shine at 12. “He can play in a number of different positions and he’ll bring his own style of game to the table as well.

“He’s played an awful lot with Johnny, and Lukey is a playmaker as well, so that will be another string to our bow come Saturday.”

This article was updated at 18.10 to include the quotes from Conor Murray and correct the date of the Romania game.

Sean O’Brien hungry to dominate the rucks for Ireland at the World CupThis out-half has a mystery kicking coach who he emails video clips to

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Try-scoring Top 14 debut for Jackson but Perpignan thumped by 14-man Stade

IRISH OUT-HALF PADDY Jackson scored a try on his Top 14 debut this afternoon, but his Perpignan side suffered a heavy loss in the opening game of the campaign against 14-man Stade Francais.

Jackson’s Perpignan suffered a heavy loss. Source: Billy Stickland/INPHO

Jackson started in the number 10 jersey for his new club after moving to France over the summer.

The 26-year-old crossed in the second half but it proved to be a mere consolation as Stade romped to a 46-15 victory at Stade Aime Giral, despite the dismissal of Sergio Parisse shortly before the interval.

The Italian number eight was harshly shown red on 36 minutes for leading with the elbow in contact, a decision which offered newly-promoted Perpignan a lifeline, before Jackson scored one of two quickfire tries early in the second period.

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But Stade — with Paul O’Connell in the stands — responded impressively and scores from fullback Kylan Hamdaoui and Piet van Zyl put the result beyond doubt, with the visitors clinching a bonus-point win.

It was a powerful start to Stade’s new era under coach Heyneke Meyer as his side ran in six tries in total.

Stade struggled badly last season, finishing down in 12th place and only avoiding relegation on the final day of the campaign, but, financed by Swiss billionaire Hans-Peter Wild, they have the biggest budget in the French top flight.

The capital-city side raced into a 29-3 half-time lead as they laid down a marker to their title rivals at the earliest opportunity.

Source: Top Rugby/YouTube

France flanker Sekou Macalou and Hamdaoui both scored two tries for the visitors, with Fijian international Waisea Nayacalevu and scrum-half van Zyl also touching down.

Former Springbok out-half Morne Steyn kicked 16 points as Stade sealed a comfortable victory.

Elsewhere, Toulouse snatched a 16-16 draw at last season’s surprise semi-finalists Lyon, as France fullback Yoann Huget grabbed a crucial second-half try before Thomas Ramos’ late drop goal sealed two points.

Clermont’s bid to put last year’s dreadful title defence got off to the perfect start, as former All Black Isaia Toeava and Alivereti Raka both crossed twice to help them crush Agen 67-23, scoring 10 tries in total.

Scottish scrum-half Greig Laidlaw also kicked 17 points for Franck Azema’s men, but it is their away form that they will need to improve on from last term after winning just one of 14 games on the road in 2017-18.

Bordeaux-Begles powered past Pau 41-19, while La Rochelle narrowly managed to hold off Grenoble as a 75th-minute score from Jean-Charles Orioli secured a 28-21 victory.

The big game of the opening weekend is on Sunday, as reigning champions Castres launch their title defence against Montpellier in a repeat of May’s final.

Later, Simon Zebo will make his bow in the league for Racing 92 as they face Toulon.

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WWE reports Q4 2018 financial results

WWE today announced financial results for its fourth quarter ended December 31, 2018.
“In 2018, WWE generated the highest level of revenue and earnings in the Company’s history by leveraging our brand strength to increase the monetization of our content worldwide,” stated Vince McMahon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Our long-term growth strategy will continue to focus on content creation, digitization and international development.”
George Barrios, WWE Co-President, added “We increased revenue by nearly $130 million, and achieved a record level of Adjusted OIBDA and network subscribers. We expect to balance 2019 revenue growth with investment in strategic areas that extend the moat around our business, enabling us to continue our business transformation and maximize shareholder value.”
You can read the full press release with detailed numbers here.
Fourth Quarter 2018 Highlights

Revenues increased 29% to $272.5 million as compared to the prior year quarter
Operating income nearly doubled to $53.4 million from $27.0 million in the prior year quarter
Adjusted OIBDA increased 57% to $64.4 million, exceeding Company guidance and representing an all-time record quarter
WWE Network average paid subscribers increased 7% to approximately 1.59 million paid subscribers, consistent with Company guidance

Full Year 2018 Highlights

Revenue increased 16% to $930.2 million, the highest in the Company’s history
Operating income increased 51% to a record of $114.5 million
Adjusted OIBDA increased 31% to $178.9 million, exceeding Company guidance and representing all-time record performance for the second consecutive year
International revenue increased 58% to $317.8 million from $201.3 million in the prior year, the highest in the Company’s history and the first-time international revenue has exceeded $300 million
WWE completed agreements with USA Network (NBCU) and Fox Sports, effective October 1, 2019, which increase the average annual value (AAV) of its U.S. distribution to 3.6 times that of the prior deal
Produced new, large-scale international events (Greatest Royal Rumble, Crown Jewel and Super Show-Down) and compelling content across platforms, including the first all-women’s pay-per-view, WWE Evolution (WWE Network) and the launch of Miz & Mrs. (USA Network)
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