Update On John Morrison On "Survivor," Trailer For "David vs. Goliath" Season

As Rajah reported last night, John Morrison (Johnny Mundo) has been announced as one of the cast members for the new season of the popular reality television series, Survivor.

Mundo will serve as one of the “Goliath’s” for the season, which has a “David vs. Goliath” theme, as seen in the above trailer.

“Survivor: David vs. Goliath” is scheduled to premiere on CBS this fall. Mundo is also scheduled to be part of the upcoming fourth season of Lucha Underground, which premieres on June 13th.

  • WWE Star Argues With Fan About How Much Money She Makes (WWE Stars Are PAID!)

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Adam Cole vs. WALTER For NXT North American Title Set For EVOLVE 107

As noted, EVOLVE Wrestling officials advertised that they would be announcing the opponent for NXT North American Champion Adam Cole at their upcoming EVOLVE 107 event on Monday.

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As promised, the promotion made the announcement, which is that WALTER will be challenging Cole for his NXT North American title at their June 24th show in Melrose, Massachusetts.

“This is a landmark announcement for EVOLVE,” Gabe Sapolsky wrote. “WWE has been growing this relationship with EVOLVE for a few years. We are ecstatic that the next step is this historic match on June 24th. This is all about giving the fans in the Boston area something special. Our deepest thanks to Mr. Levesque for making this happen.”

Another Match Being Promoted for WWE Hell in a Cell; Four Matches Now Likely

— WWE’s next PPV after SummerSlam is Hell in a Cell which will take place on September 16 live from San Antonio, TX . Previously, WWE had been advertising three matches for the PPV, which gave a bit of an indication on what would happen coming out of SummerSlam. Now, a fourth match is also being locally advertised:

  • Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens (presumably for the WWE Universal Title)
  • AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe for the WWE Title
  • Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton (presumably for the WWE US Title)
  • Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre

New Cotton Project launched to prove circular fashion possible

The European Union is funding a new project to harness fashion industry collaborations and technology to create circular fashion. Under the ‘New Cotton Project,’ a consortium of brands, manufacturers, suppliers, innovators and research institutes will be tasked with proving that circular, sustainable fashion “is not only an ambition, but can be achieved today”.

The twelve participating fashion companies and brands include Adidas and the H&M Group, alongside Finnish biotechnology group Infinited Fiber Company, Aalto University, Fashion for Good, Frankenhuis, Inovafil, Kipas Textiles, REvolve Waste, Rise, Tekstina, and Xamk.

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The project, which has received 6.7 million euros in funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to not only demonstrate an entirely circular model for commercial garment production. This would be a world-first in the fashion industry and it hopes that it will also inspire and act as a steppingstone for “even bigger circular initiatives” in the industry going forward.

To demonstrate circularity in textiles, over a three-year period textile waste will be collected, sorted and regenerated into Finnish biotechnology group Infinited Fiber Company’s unique, cellulose-based textile fibres. The fibres will be used to create different types of fabrics for clothing that will be designed, manufactured and sold by global brand Adidas and companies in the H&M Group, explained the project in a statement.

The initiative will also include at the end-of-use, apparel take-back programmes that will collect the clothing to determine the next phase in their lifecycle. Clothing that can no longer be worn will be returned for regeneration into new fibres, “further contributing to a circular economy in which textiles never go to waste, but are reused, recycled or regenerated into new garments instead”.

Adidas and H&M Group join EU-funded circular, sustainable fashion project

There is “high potential for circularity within the textile industry,” explains the EU, but also notes that there is “urgent need” for the development of technologies to produce and design sustainable and circular bio-based materials. Making sustainable products commonplace, reducing waste and leading global efforts on circularity are outlined in the European Commission’s EU Circular Economy Action Plan as necessary for Europe’s efforts to drive sustainable growth.

It is hoped by funding ‘New Cotton Project’ alongside a consortium of partners from Finland, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Turkey, it will help directly addresses what the EU calls “critical issues” while pioneering the implementation of a circular operating model for the textile industry.

The ‘New Cotton Project’ is in direct response to the fact that most of the textile industry’s environmental problems relate to the raw materials used by the industry: cotton, fossil-based fibres such as polyester, and viscose as the most common man-made cellulosic fibre, are all associated with serious environmental concerns.

It is hoped that this research initiative will offer a “valuable solution for textile waste and an alternative to the industry’s reliance on virgin materials like cotton” as the project recaptures the valuable raw materials in discarded clothing and regenerates them back into high-quality, cellulose-based fibres that can be spun into new yarn, woven into new fabric, and designed into new clothes – again and again.

As this is the first project of its kind, the consortium also notes that this is an opportunity to identify and find solutions for potential bottlenecks to scaling up circular textile production and for calculating the environmental impacts over the lifecycle of textiles.

Infinited Fiber Company to lead a fashion consortium to demonstrate circular fashion possible

Infinited Fiber Company, whose patented technology can regenerate cellulose-rich textile waste into unique fibres that look and feel like cotton, is leading the consortium of 12 companies and organisations that span the entire supply chain. Manufacturers Inovafil, Tekstina and Kipas will use the regenerated fibres to produce yarns, woven fabrics and denim respectively, while Adidas and companies in the H&M Group will design, manufacture and sell clothing made from the fabrics.

In addition, sportswear brand Adidas will also be collecting customer feedback and insights and, developing its textile take-back programme to reintegrate returned apparel back into the loop.

Other members of the consortium including Frankenhuis will sort and pre-process the textile waste used in the project, while the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) will develop a technical solution for the continuous processing of textile waste fibres for pre-treatment and REvolve Waste will collect and manage data on textile waste to estimate feedstock availability in Europe and define the grade of the used textile waste.

Rise, the research institute of Sweden, will conduct the sustainability and techno-economic analyses for the project together with Infinited Fiber Company, as well as managing the eco-labelling for the project and subsequent fabrics and garments. While Finland’s Aalto University will analyse the created ecosystem and circular business models more broadly to help define the most feasible business model for the project.

Sustainable fashion innovation platform Fashion for Good will facilitate stakeholder cooperation and conduct training, leading all project communication, branding and dissemination with support from Aalto University and Infinited Fiber Company.

“We are very excited and proud to lead this project, which is breaking new ground when it comes to making circularity in the textile industry a reality,” said Infinited Fiber Company’s co-founder and chief executive, Petri Alava. “The enthusiasm and commitment with which the entire consortium has come together to work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for fashion is truly inspiring.”

Image: courtesy of New Cotton Project – Infinited Fiber – shredded textile to regenerated cellulose carbamate fibre

Wrestler "Rockin Rebel" & Wife Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide

— Chuck “Rockin’ Rebel” Williams and his wife were both found dead by a family member earlier today at their home in West Chester, PA in what appears to be a murder-suicide.

— According to reports, the couple’s adult son arrived at home and found both dead in the living room and neighbors had previously reported that the couple were arguing/fighting. By the time West Goshen Township Police arrived, other family members were already there and the preliminary report suggests a murder followed by suicide. The police also stated that there are no suspects in play and that the general public is safe from any dangers.

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— The identities of the dead have not officially been released by local authorities but friends of the two have privately confirmed the deaths and the story. Williams was 52 years old and wrestled matches in the past for WWF, WCW and ECW in the 90s and was actually still semi-active on the independent scene.

WWE Still Planning on Tiered Network; WWE Planning Major Smackdown Show Next Year

— According to Mike Johnson of PW Insider, WWE is still planning on launching a “tier system” for the WWE Network. It is an idea that they have long considered and have conducted market research but the company is apparently just waiting for the right time to roll it out.

— Johnson also confirmed a rumor that we reported on exclusively last month about Smackdown’s 20th anniversary next fall. According to Johnson, WWE is going to do a major celebration, much like they did for the Raw 25 show this past January. As we noted in our original report, there is actually a good chance that WWE will incorporate the 20 year anniversary with Smackdown’s debut on Fox, which would almost guarantee a gigantic viewership number to impress Fox execs.

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Nia Jax On Talking With Vince McMahon About Announcing Her Weight Before WWE Matches

RAW Women’s Champion Nia Jax recently spoke with the folks at Yahoo! Sports to promote her match against Ronda Rousey at this Sunday’s WWE Money In The Bank 2018 pay-per-view. Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On the message she brings to WWE’s women’s division: “Nia Jax is bringing a whole different message to the ‘Women’s Evolution.’ Yes, we are athletic. Yes, we can go just as hard as the men, but women come in all different shapes and sizes. We all have a different story and a different look and everything should be celebrated.”

On facing off against Rousey this Sunday: “I know it sounds so cheesy, but I am honored I get this opportunity to step into the ring with a woman who has pioneered so much for women in sports. Ronda has gone out there and been unapologetically herself. She is who she is. I am so excited and nervous. I’m using those nerves to fuel me as well. It’s going to be such an amazing match and I can’t wait for people to see what Ronda Rousey is capable of and what we’re capable of doing together. It’s such a powerhouse match.”

On whether she’s a heel or a babyface: “It’s funny because everyone is asking ‘Oh my God, is she heel or is she face?’ Nia Jax is Nia Jax. That’s something that I have been trying to get across. I am who I am in the moment. I’m not a heel, I’m not a babyface, I’m Nia Jax. In this setting with Ronda, the competition is high. She’s coming into our house and everybody is already so in love with her, she’s so established. I worked hard too. It comes off as being heel and cocky, but at the end of the day I’m pretty darn good myself.”

On having her weight announced for her introductions unlike other female WWE Superstars: “It’s something [WWE senior producer] Johnny Ace [Laurinaitis] mentioned to me and we went to Vince [McMahon] and we talked about it. That’s something that’s tough for a woman, sharing their weight. Me sharing my weight and me being the person I am, Vince agreed with me on this, it’s embracing who you are. [Someone who is] 272 pounds is a very heavy person and it’s a lot of force that these women are taking. It incorporated not only the message that I’m sending about my body, but also a character thing. It was really cool because when we talked about it and I saw his vision behind it, I realized I would be the only one in this division where you’d be able to see this force.”

Check out the complete Nia Jax interview at Yahoo! Sports.

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First Round Matches For Sea Of Honor Tournament At Chris Jericho's Cruise Announced

The first round matches for the Sea of Honor Tournament on Chris Jericho’s Rock ‘N’ Wrestling Rager at Sea cruise have been announced.

This week, the following first-round matches for the tournament, which takes place as part of Jericho’s cruise, were made official:

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Chris Jericho’s Rock ‘N’ Wrestling Rager at Sea cruise takes place from October 27th through October 31st.

Local Site Advertises Two Major Matches for Upcoming WWE Hell in a Cell PPV

— The ABC affiliate in San Antonio – KSAT 12 – posted some information on the upcoming PPV in the city, Hell in a Cell scheduled for September 16. While cards are always subject to change as per WWE’s disclaimer, the site interestingly promoted two big matches at the PPV: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens and AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe, with the latter match for the title. Styles/Joe is certainly one of the programs WWE has in mind for later this year.

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SAN ANTONIO – One of the biggest events in World Wrestling Entertainment is headed to San Antonio.

WWE’s ‘Hell In A Cell’ will be held Sept. 16 at the AT&T Center.

Wrestlers compete inside a 20-foot-high roofed cage that surrounds the ring and ringside area.

Fans will get to see Roman Reigns take on Kevin Owens, and WWE Champion AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe for the WWE Championship.

Mike Jackson On Daniel Bryan Challenging Him To A Fight, Beating CM Punk & More

UFC fighter Mike “The Truth” Jackson, who recently defeated CM Punk inside the Octagon at UFC 225, spoke with WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T during a recent appearance on his Heated Conversations podcast. Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On if he thought CM Punk really believed he could win against him at UFC 225: “I do believe that he did. I legit felt that in his mind that he was going to take me down and submit me. I believe that 100%. No man is going to get into a fight with nothing but winning on their mind. I don’t believe that. Outside of the bums who are just joining for a check, I don’t think he was doing it for a check. He could have made the money elsewhere off of his brand. I felt that in his heart he thought that he was going to take me down and submit me, but like I said I was at a different level than where he was at. I had to shut all that down.”

On Daniel Bryan saying he could beat him in a fight and his thoughts on such a bout: “I saw that and I just laughed. I remembered seeing it scroll through my headline but I didn’t know what it was so I kept scrolling and didn’t pay any attention to it because I just thought it was a CM Punk reference. I just kept scrolling—I was in Chipotle and was trying to get me a bowl and next thing you know my phone is blowing up. People were like, yo, Daniel Bryan said—I was like, dude, this is getting ridiculous now. I was like, what? Like I said, I kind of drifted away from pro wrestling once he grew in popularity, but I am very familiar with pro wrestling and the whole ‘Yes!’ chant and things like that. I know that he has a little background in catch wrestling and things like that, but my thing is that I know you have neck problems. I know where you are restricted in your abilities so why would my name even come out of your mouth? If Daniel Bryan wants this smoke, they call me ‘Chimney Man’ because I have all this smoke.”

Check out the complete episode of Booker T’s “Heated Conversations” podcast at Omny.fm.

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