Seriously? New GOP Budget Would Defund Election Security Agency

Despite an ongoing investigation into the hacking of voting systems in more than a dozen states during the 2016 presidential election, the new budget blueprint from House Republicans includes a provision to defund the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), which the Wall Street Journal notes is “the sole federal agency that exclusively works to ensure the voting process is secure.”

“It’s more proof of how the GOP’s real agenda is to make it harder to vote.”
—Ari Berman, The Nation

Since it was established in 2002, the EAC has been under almost constant attack by the Republican Party. Earlier this year, the House Administration Committee voted 6-3 along party lines to eliminate the agency entirely.

As The Atlantic‘s Russell Berman noted in February, “GOP attempts to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission have passed out of committee but not made it to the House floor for a vote in the last four years.”

Because they have failed repeatedly to eliminate the agency, Republicans now appear content to strip it of the funds it needs to operate effectively.

According to its website, the EAC is tasked with:

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  • “Maintaining the national mail voter registration form.”
  • Establishing security standards for voting machines.
  • Ensuring compliance with rules established by the Help America Vote Act, which was passed in the aftermath of the 2000 election.
  • “Serving as a national clearinghouse of information on election administration.”

Advocacy groups have warned that defunding or eliminating the EAC would give a green light to hackers looking to manipulate the electoral process.

“At a time when the vast majority of our country’s voting machines are outdated and in need of replacement, and after an election in which international criminals already attempted to hack our state voter registration systems, eliminating the EAC would pose a risky and irresponsible threat to our election infrastructure,” the Brennan Center for Justice argued.


The GOP’s latest attempt to defang the EAC comes as it is “working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to examine an attack late last year on the agency’s computer systems by a Russian-speaking hacker,” the Wall Street Journal noted on Monday.

The proposed cuts are included in the House GOP’s far-reaching budget package, which also features major cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

The Nation‘s Ari Berman has characterized GOP attempts to eliminate the EAC as merely one element of the party’s broad assault on voting rights, which has been intensified by the Trump administration.

“It’s particularly ironic that the Trump administration is preparing to launch a massive investigation into nonexistent voter fraud based on the lie that millions voted illegally while House Republicans are shutting down the agency that is supposed to make sure America’s elections are secure,” Berman noted. “It’s more proof of how the GOP’s real agenda is to make it harder to vote.”

Voting rights groups have argued that now is the time to strengthen the EAC, and that any move to weaken it could further deteriorate the integrity of American elections.

“In light of the many challenges faced by our state and local election administrators and the serious procedural problems that weaken voter access and participation,” wrote 38 advocacy groups in a letter (pdf) to the House in February, “we believe that this is a time to reaffirm our commitment to voting rights and fair elections by strengthening the EAC and providing it with the staff it requires to function effectively.”

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Sanders Takes on Pharma Greed With Rule to End 'Price Gouging'

In a move characterized as an effort to prevent large pharmaceutical companies from “goug[ing] American consumers after taking billions in taxpayer money,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Monday introduced a new rule that would require drugmakers to agree to set reasonable prices before being granted exclusive rights to produce vaccines and other life-saving drugs.

“Americans should not be forced to pay the highest prices in the world for a vaccine we spent more than $1 billion to help develop.”
—Sen Bernie SandersSanders was joined by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) in crafting and unveiling the rule, which the pair of lawmakers “first proposed two decades ago with bipartisan support.” The rule currently has 21 co-sponsors.

In the face of new developments, Sanders said in a statement, a rule addressing soaring prescription drug prices is as necessary as ever.

While the new rule would have broad implications, Sanders specifically takes aim at Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical giant that the U.S. Army has offered an exclusive license to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus.

“American taxpayers have already spent more than $1 billion on Zika research and prevention efforts, including millions to develop a vaccine. The Department of Health and Human Services gave Sanofi $43 million to develop the vaccine with $130 million in federal funding still to come,” Sanders’ office said in a statement. “But Sanofi has refused to agree to sell the drug back to Americans at a fair price. Without a fair pricing agreement, the company can charge Americans whatever astronomical price it wants for its vaccine.”

Sanders, who spent much of his 2016 presidential campaign railing against the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, called such an arrangement “simply unacceptable.”

“Americans should not be forced to pay the highest prices in the world for a vaccine we spent more than $1 billion to help develop,” Sanders said. “Sanofi gets more than one-third of its roughly $34 billion in revenues from the United States alone, and its CEO made nearly $5 million in salary last year. Yet they have rejected the U.S. Army’s request for fair pricing.”


Sanders continued:

An analysis (PDF) of the rule by the Congressional Budget Office found that the rule would save the federal government $6 billion over the next decade.

As Sanders often points out, the United States spends far more on pharmaceutical drugs—and on healthcare more broadly—than other industrialized nations.


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Stranding CEOs Too Slow To Quit, Trump Disbands His Own Business Councils

President Donald Trump pulled a fast one on business leaders on Wednesday—firing those who were too slow to quit two of his White House business councils after the president’s views on a white supremacy rally in Charlottesville became clear.

Following a fast-growing exodus of business leaders who were members of the councils, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he would disband both committees—while many in Washington argued that more Republicans including the president’s advisors and aides should distance themselves from the White House.

Seven CEOs left the president’s manufacturing council over the past two days, following the president’s failure to clearly denounce the white supremacists who gathered at a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. The CEO of Walmart, another member, also sent a letter to all Walmart employees criticizing Trump.

As the list of resignations grew, Trump insisted he wasn’t alarmed by the statements of the defectors, some of whom expressed their need to leave because they couldn’t back a president who “supports bigotry and terrorism.”

The president announced he would dissolve the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative and the Strategy and Policy Forum just after it was reported that the latter was planning to disband itself. The manufacturing council was also expected to meet later on Wednesday to discuss its plans to proceed amid the tension caused by the president’s press conference the day before, in which he insisted there were “very fine people” who attended the white supremacist gatherings last Friday and Saturday.


For those who didn’t quit or speak out, the moment to put themselves on the record has now passed.

As a circulating petition urging CEOs to ditch the manufacturing council argued, “There is no neutral. Either CEO advisors must step off of Trump’s committee, or they are complicit in the violence his administration is creating.”

As news spread that the president’s business advisors would be cutting ties with him, few in the news media seemed surprised—but some expressed alarm and anger that more of his allies have not abandoned Trump in the wake of his recent comments.

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As Workers Ditch Trump, Trumka Slams White House Full of 'Racists' and 'Wall Streeters'

AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka told a group of reporters on Wednesday that there is little hope for labor unions to find common ground with the Trump administration, with a White House that’s divided into two factions: aides who “turned out to be racist,” and “Wall Streeters.”

“You had one faction that actually had some of the policies that we would have supported on trade and infrastructure but turned out to be racist, and on the other hand, you had people who weren’t racist, but they were Wall Street.”
—Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO

“You had one faction that actually had some of the policies that we would have supported on trade and infrastructure but turned out to be racist,” Trumka said at a roundtable hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

“And on the other hand, you had people who weren’t racist, but they were Wall Street,” he said. “And the Wall Streeters began to dominate the administration and have moved his agenda back to everything he fought against in the election.”

Asked which side he thinks the president is on, Trumka responded: “Which day?” before adding: “I don’t know. I wish I had the answer to that. I think a lot of people wish they had the answer. He has shown a remarkable ability to do a 180 on a dime.”

Trumka’s comments are significant, notes Axios‘ Shane Savitsky, because it is “startling language from the country’s most powerful labor leader, who resigned from Trump’s manufacturing council after Charlottesville, and a sign that the ‘Trump coalition’ that included blue collar workers in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, could be breaking down.”

Recent polls and studies show that portions of Trump’s base that carried him into office, including blue-collar workers, are now moving away from the president. “While Trump’s support has been on the decline since he entered office in January,” Common Dreams reported, a CNN poll (pdf) conducted earlier this month revealed that “the president’s popularity among his previously-solid base is shown to be crumbling.”

Even before Trump’s controversial charge that “many sides” were to blame for the violent white supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville, Virginia, calls for impeachment were mounting, along with speculation that he will resign before his term ends.

But his approval ratings hit an all-time low in the wake of his Charlottesville commentary, and he was forced to disband his two business councils after triggering a mass exodus of leaders like Trumka, who said he left the manufacturing council after consulting with union members who saw Trump’s remarks as a “spirited defense” of white supremacy.

However, Trumka also said the council “never was a vehicle to provide real policy solutions. In fact, the committee never met.” Instead, he said, it became a way for the administration to encourage deregulation, and “they didn’t have any solutions for helping manufacturing.”


A focus group conducted in Pittsburgh on Tuesday night also displayed the growing discontent with the president in blue-collar America, revealing “bipartisan disappointment in the tenor of Trump’s leadership during the first seven months of his presidency,” NBC News reports.

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When asked to describe Trump in just one word, the participants responded: “outrageous,” “dishonest,” “disappointing,” “narcissistic,” “off the scale,” “crazy,” “unbelievable,” and “contemptible.” Each participant who voted for Trump expressed concerns with how he’s handled the presidency.

But “calling the president names—even if they’re accurate—gets you nowhere,” Trumka said. “Giving people information about the issues that are of concern to them is a way to bring those people” away from supporting him.

The labor leader told reporters he and many of his union’s members are no longer optimistic that they will be able to work with the Trump administration, and that he will instead focus on communicating with disillusioned union members—many of whom voted for the president, he said, because of Trump’s campaign trail appeals to working-class people.

“I think a significant amount of the optimism has faded away, because we haven’t seen an infrastructure bill, we haven’t seen the renewal of manufacturing, we haven’t seen the things that we were hopeful about that we could work with him on.”

“There’s no question that the optimism of a lot of people―our members, of all the sectors, not just the building trades, a lot of the optimism is fading,” Trumka said. “I think a significant amount of the optimism has faded away, because we haven’t seen an infrastructure bill, we haven’t seen the renewal of manufacturing, we haven’t seen the things that we were hopeful about that we could work with him on.”

“They voted for Trump because he was going to do this, and do that, and do this and do that,” but now, when presented with the president’s actual agenda, workers are “drawing the conclusion that their investment wasn’t a good investment,” he said.

Pointing to the healthcare debate as an another example, Trumka noted that the president promised “he was going to bring healthcare for everyone, and we agreed with him, [but] every proposal that the Republicans came forward with, he supported.”

In July, Senate Republicans failed at several attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the law which governs the national healthcare system. Since then, the president has suggested that he will sabotage the ACA, raising concerns among insurance providers, lawmakers, and those who depend on the ACA’s state exchanges for health insurance coverage.

When communicating with AFL-CIO members about Trump’s policies, “what we have done since day one is tell the truth: Here’s what he promised, here’s what he did,” Trumka said, adding that among members: “You’re beginning to see a lot of people come back across the bridge.”

'Inviting Bribes' as Legal Fees Soar, Trump Ethics Office Lifts Anonymous Gift Ban

In a reversal critics described as a “big ethical leap backwards” and an invitation to bribery, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has “quietly” overturned internal policy prohibiting White House staffers with legal defense funds from receiving anonymous gifts from lobbyists.

“The Trump administration is inviting bribes in order to pay for staffers’ legal defense of other crimes.”
Click Here: NRL Telstra Premiership—Norm Eisen, CREWPolitico first reported the Trump administration’s about-face on Wednesday, which comes just weeks after the resignation of former OGE head Walter Shaub, who said the policy reversal—which was carried out through a few subtle changes to a 1993 policy document—”disgusts” him.

“It’s very depressing,” Shaub told Politico in an interview. “It’s unseemly for the ethics office to be doing something sneaky like that.”

“I was hoping it was a technical website glitch,” Shaub added on Twitter. “But the acting [OGE] director [David Apol] doesn’t feel you deserve any answer, America.”

While the changes are superficially minor, they may have deep and far-reaching implications. The “little-noticed” policy move “could help President Donald Trump’s aides raise the money they need to pay attorneys as the Russia probe expands,” Politico‘s Darren Samuelsohn observed.

Norm Eisen, the chair of Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington, argued the change is clear-cut evidence that the “Trump administration is inviting bribes in order to pay for staffers’ legal defense of other crimes.”

“What could be swampier?”
—David Axelrod, CNN

Echoing Eisen, former OGE acting director Marilyn Glynn told Politico: “You can picture a whole army of people with business before the government willing to step in here and make [the debt] go away.”

As Common Dreams has reported, Apol—the current OGE director—has been criticized for his “loosey-goosey” ethics views, and has in the past “fought to roll back restrictions.”


Given Apol’s record—and the Trump White House’s continued disregard for even the most basic standards of transparency—commentators were not surprised by the reported policy reversal. Many did, however, take the opportunity to continue ridiculing Trump’s campaign promise to “drain the swamp.”

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Watch Women Who Have Accused Trump of 'Groping, Fondling, Forcibly Kissing, Humiliating, and Harassing' Them Speak Out

Women who have accused President Donald Trump of sexual harassment and assault came together in New York City on Monday to share “their firsthand accounts of President Trump groping, fondling, forcibly kissing, humiliating, and harassing women” and demand that Congress launch an investigation into their allegations.

The accusers shared their stories at a press conference hosted by the non-profit documentary film organization Brave New Films.


The press conference follows a short video that the film group published last month, which features 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct, detailing their experiences with the man who is now president and the dates when they originally spoke out.



Although “their disturbing allegations came to light before the post-Weinstein era of accountability for sexual misconduct and the rise of the #MeToo movement,” as a Brave New Films statement notes, the recent wave of stories from survivors of sexual misconduct has led to an increase in accountability and consequences for men in powerful positions.

In the past week, three members of Congress—Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), and Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)—announced their resignation or retirement from public office following allegations of sexual harassment.

Last week, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) suggested in a televised interview that Trump should consider stepping down due to the allegations levied against him, and CNN reported Monday that over the weekend, both Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) called for Trump’s resignation over the allegations.

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In late October, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to confirm it is the official White House position that the at least 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct are lying. “Yeah, we’ve been clear on that from the beginning and the president has spoken on it,” Sanders said. Trump has called the allegations “fake news” and “total fiction.”

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Russian GP: Saturday’s action in pictures

It was an eventful Saturday afternoon in Sochi, but after dodging a bullet in Q2 Lewis Hamilton came through with the goods to claim his 96th career pole in F1.

Check out our recap in pictures of qualifying day at the Russian GP, the 10th round o the 2020 F1 World Championship.

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Bernie Sanders's son considering running for Congress

Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersThe Hill’s 12:30 Report: Milley apologizes for church photo-op Harris grapples with defund the police movement amid veep talk Biden courts younger voters — who have been a weakness MORE’s (I-Vt.) son is considering a run for Congress in New Hampshire’s highly competitive 1st District, Vice News reports. 

“Oh absolutely, I’m definitely considering it. I’m excited, motivated, and interested in the race,” Levi Sanders told Vice News in an exclusive report Thursday. “I’m just dotting my i’s and crossing my t’s.”


The younger Sanders told the news organization that, like his father, he would propose Medicare for all and free college tuition as part of his platform. 

Levi Sanders worked as a senior policy strategist on his father’s 2016 presidential campaign and has been an advocate for people looking to receive Social Security benefits. 

However, the Democratic field to replace Rep. Carol Shea-PorterCarol Shea-PorterThe 31 Trump districts that will determine the next House majority New Hampshire New Members 2019 Democrat Chris Pappas wins New Hampshire House seat MORE (D-N.H.) in the district is already crowded. 

Vice reports that seven Democrats in the district are already running and raising money. 

Various former Bernie Sanders supporters have rallied around state Rep. Mark MacKenzie (D-N.H.), while establishment Democrats have signaled support for Chris Pappas. 

The district, which has a history of shifting from Democratic to Republican, will likely be competitive in November. 

Trump received more votes in the district than Democratic nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonWhite House accuses Biden of pushing ‘conspiracy theories’ with Trump election claim Biden courts younger voters — who have been a weakness Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton qualifies to run for county commissioner in Florida MORE got in 2016. 

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However, the Sanders name is likely to resonate, given the Vermont senator’s close proximity to New Hampshire, and his 22-point victory over Clinton in the state’s 2016 Democratic primary. 


Tom Steyer announces $7M effort to bring out young voters in Florida, California

Billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer on Wednesday announced separate $3.5 million investments in California and Florida to turn out young voters in this year’s midterm elections.

The two states are primary focuses of a $30 million campaign through Steyer’s organization, NextGen America, to register and engage young voters across the country. 

In Florida, the group plans to reach more than 1.5 million young voters through registration efforts, in-person conversations and targeted mailing programs. The organization will hire more than 100 organizers to meet with voters on dozens of college campuses and encourage them to elect progressive candidates. 


“Young Floridians want leaders who tell the truth, not deny science and risk public health. They want leaders who will safeguard their schools and protect their friends at a nightclub,” Steyer said in a statement, referencing the Florida mass shootings at Pulse nightclub in Orlando in 2016 and at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland in February.

Efforts in Florida will focus on reelecting Sen. Bill NelsonClarence (Bill) William NelsonNASA, SpaceX and the private-public partnership that caused the flight of the Crew Dragon Lobbying world The most expensive congressional races of the last decade MORE (D) and Rep. Stephanie MurphyStephanie MurphyThe Hill’s Coronavirus Report: Former Rep. Delaney says Trump is spewing venom when he should be leading; Protests roil the nation as fears of new virus outbreaks grow Expanding tax credit for businesses retaining workers gains bipartisan support Congress must fill the leadership void MORE (D), electing a progressive candidate as governor and flipping three House seats currently held by vulnerable Republicans.

In California, the $3.5 million will target 300,000 young voters and allow NextGen America to hire more than 80 organizers to visit dozens of college campuses.

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The focus in California will be on flipping seven congressional seats currently held by Republicans, including those of Reps. Steve Knight, Darrell IssaDarrell Edward IssaGOP sues California over Newsom’s vote-by-mail order Conservative group files challenge to California vote-by-mail order New poll shows tight race in key California House race MORE, Ed RoyceEdward (Ed) Randall RoyceGil Cisneros to face Young Kim in rematch of 2018 House race in California The most expensive congressional races of the last decade Mystery surrounds elusive sanctions on Russia MORE and Dana RohrabacherDana Tyrone RohrabacherDemocrat Harley Rouda advances in California House primary Lawyers to seek asylum for Assange in France: report Rohrabacher tells Yahoo he discussed pardon with Assange for proof Russia didn’t hack DNC email MORE. 

“The road to taking back the House runs straight through California, and to the Republicans who have failed to represent us, NextGen Rising has a message: young people won’t put up with that,” Steyer said in a statement.

Steyer announced in January that he would not seek office this year, but instead would sink tens of millions of dollars into an effort to flip the House to the Democrats. In addition to California and Florida, Steyer plans to focus on securing victories in Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and other states.

The billionaire donor has also led a campaign to impeach President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE, spending millions on ads and collecting millions of signatures on a petition for the effort.

Seven storylines to watch in California’s primary

The House majority could be in the balance Tuesday when California voters head to the polls to pick nominees in some of the most consequential races up for grabs this year.

Their verdicts will offer early clues about the advantage Democrats hold heading into the midterm elections and whether Republicans can mitigate some of the damage by focusing on key issues.

Here are the seven storylines to watch when Tuesday’s results roll in:

Will Democrats shoot themselves in the foot?

The Democratic path to a majority in Congress runs through California, where seven GOP-held districts voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonWhite House accuses Biden of pushing ‘conspiracy theories’ with Trump election claim Biden courts younger voters — who have been a weakness Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton qualifies to run for county commissioner in Florida MORE in 2016. 


California’s “jungle” primary system advances the top two vote-getters to November’s general election, regardless of party affiliation.

That could work against Democrats this year, if crowded Democratic fields split the electorate in key House districts so much that two Republicans advance to the midterms.

That nightmare scenario is possible in three Republican-held districts, represented by Reps. Dana RohrabacherDana Tyrone RohrabacherDemocrat Harley Rouda advances in California House primary Lawyers to seek asylum for Assange in France: report Rohrabacher tells Yahoo he discussed pardon with Assange for proof Russia didn’t hack DNC email MORE, Darrell IssaDarrell Edward IssaGOP sues California over Newsom’s vote-by-mail order Conservative group files challenge to California vote-by-mail order New poll shows tight race in key California House race MORE and Ed RoyceEdward (Ed) Randall RoyceGil Cisneros to face Young Kim in rematch of 2018 House race in California The most expensive congressional races of the last decade Mystery surrounds elusive sanctions on Russia MORE. Democrats have poured millions into early television advertising designed to boost turnout and avoid a disastrous shutout.

In Rohrabacher’s Orange County district, Republican Scott Baugh could take the second slot for the general as two Democrats — businessman Harley Rouda and stem cell scientist Hans Keirstead — battle in a contest that pits national Democrats against the state party.

In Issa’s district north of San Diego, four Democrats and three Republicans are fighting for two slots in what may be the most uncertain race in the country. Doug Applegate, who lost to Issa by just 1,600 votes two years ago, and self-funder Sara Jacobs are the leading Democrats; Rocky Chavez and Diane Harkey are the most likely Republican front-runners. Recent polling shows Jacobs and Harkey with late momentum.

The race to replace Royce got so nasty last month that Democrats brokered a peace deal between businessman Andy Thorburn and philanthropist Gil Cisneros. Democrats have spent money attacking Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson and former state Sen. Bob Huff (R), while former assemblywoman Young Kim (R) lurks.

GOP’s top-of-the-ticket woes

In a year when all eight statewide offices and a U.S. Senate seat are up for grabs, Republicans face the grim prospect of being shut out of all but a few low-profile races.

In the race for governor, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) leads the field by a comfortable margin. Two Democrats — former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and state Treasurer John Chiang — are competing with Republican businessman John Cox for the second position in the runoff.

Sen. Dianne FeinsteinDianne Emiel FeinsteinHillicon Valley: Biden calls on Facebook to change political speech rules | Dems demand hearings after Georgia election chaos | Microsoft stops selling facial recognition tech to police Democrats demand Republican leaders examine election challenges after Georgia voting chaos GOP votes to give Graham broad subpoena power in Obama-era probe MORE (D) is likely to face former state Senate President Kevin de León (D) in November. The runoff for attorney general is also likely to be a two-Democrat affair. And no Republican has even filed to run for insurance commissioner of superintendent of public instruction.

Without Republicans running in the most prominent races on the ballot in November, the party fears a deep drop-off in turnout that could impact GOP hopes of keeping key House and state legislative seats, exacerbating a Democratic edge in a year already friendly to liberals.

But Republicans may get a reprieve, at least in the race for governor. President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE endorsed Cox by tweet last week, and late polls show Republican voters coalescing behind the businessman-turned-politician. Republicans are hugely outnumbered in California, but the divided Democratic field could hand Cox the second slot in the runoff — and give Republicans reason to hope.

The future of the Democratic Party

The subtext in many of those competitive Democratic primaries is a fight over the future of the Democratic Party.

In several districts, more traditional Democratic candidates who have won endorsements from local and national party leaders are battling outsiders who scored backing from progressive groups.

The marquee matchup is in Orange County’s 45th District, where dueling law professors are racing for the right to face Rep. Mimi Walters (R) in November. Dave Min won the California Democratic Party’s endorsement, while the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) and Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth WarrenWarren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Joint Chiefs chairman says he regrets participating in Trump photo-op | GOP senators back Joint Chiefs chairman who voiced regret over Trump photo-op | Senate panel approves 0B defense policy bill Trump on collision course with Congress over bases with Confederate names MORE (D-Mass.) are behind Katie Porter.

The peace deal between Thorburn, backed by Our Revolution, and Cisneros, favored by national Democrats, has de-escalated a fight that nonetheless represents a referendum on the party’s future — and whether Democratic voters will continue to stomach outside influence in a primary.

In the race to face Rep. Duncan HunterDuncan HunterLobbying world Duncan Hunter granted delayed start to prison sentence over coronavirus New poll shows tight race in key California House race MORE (R), the California Democratic Party, Our Revolution and the PCCC have settled on Ammar Campa-Najjar, a former Labor Department official. That represents a snub of Josh Butner, a local school board member once touted as a rising star and A-plus recruit. 

The primaries have also raised a schism between state and national Democrats. In Rohrabacher’s district, national Democrats back businessman Rouda; the California Democratic Party voted to endorse Keirstead, a biomedical company CEO.

An early national clash

Special elections held over the last year have been marked by big spending from Republican groups and virtually nothing from the Democratic side. That’s all changed in California, where early Democratic spending reveals the priority the party places on top-tier races.

In recent weeks, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has spent more than $4.5 million attacking Republicans in districts held by Royce, Rohrabacher and Issa — all Clinton districts in 2016. Most of that money has gone toward trying to divide Republican votes and help Democrats slip into the primary, but in the 48th, they are also running ads supporting Rouda, their chosen candidate in that crowded primary.

The DCCC has also built out a field organizing team in seven California districts; the party sees the Golden State as such a golden opportunity that it set up a satellite office in Orange County last year.

The National Republican Campaign Committee has its own California office staffed with organizers. And last week, it launched a six-figure digital ad buy to boost turnout in those same districts targeted with DCCC ads. 

The competing field strategies — both aimed at bolstering turnout — will offer an early glimpse of each party’s relative intensity ahead of the midterms and the effectiveness with which the two sides are able to get their supporters to the polls.

Democrats’ ‘Medicare for all’ consensus

A vicious dispute over single-payer health care opened a deep rift between Democratic leaders in the state legislature last year. But among Democratic candidates for Congress, there seems to be a much more harmonious consensus over universal health care.

In the seven Clinton-won districts, an overwhelmingly majority of leading Democratic candidates support “Medicare for all” — or at least a pathway that would eventually lead to a single-payer system. That means most of the eventual Democratic nominees in those seven races are likely to favor a more liberal approach to coverage than even the Affordable Care Act achieved.

All four Democratic candidates running against Rep. Steve Knight (R) back Medicare for all. The same goes for Issa’s seat.

The rare candidate who doesn’t favor such a liberal position has even come under fire for his caution. That candidate is Min, the establishment-backed Democrat challenging Walters. The PCCC took shots at Min for distancing himself from the Medicare-for-all position, in contrast to their favored contender, Porter.

In a sign of just how far the Democratic Party has moved on what was once a third-rail issue, Min responded that he supports “many pathways to achieve universal health care coverage.”

How big is Feinstein’s edge?

When she first won election in 1992, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) was decidedly on the liberal side of the Democratic Party. A generation later, Feinstein’s views are much more mainstream — so much so that they anger some liberals who wish she would take more progressive stands.

Feinstein faces a challenge from de León, the former state Senate president, who amassed a fiercely liberal record in Sacramento.

De León has struggled to raise the money to compete with Feinstein, who loaned her own campaign $5 million in December. But the contest has split the state Democratic Party between established interests like the Human Rights Campaign and United Farm Workers, which back Feinstein, and progressive interests like Daily Kos, local chapters of Our Revolution and the California Nurses Association, which back de León.

Most public polls show Feinstein poised to earn somewhere around 40 percent of the vote on Tuesday, guaranteeing her a spot in the November general election. De León is polling just under 20 percent, according to a survey taken last month by the Public Policy Institute of California. Those polls show a vast majority of Californians have an opinion about Feinstein, while de León remains largely unknown.

(At least one survey, conducted online by the University of California, Berkeley, shows Republican James Bradley with a shot at winning the second slot.)

Is Feinstein vulnerable to a serious challenge from the left? If she can’t break 40 percent of the vote on Tuesday, look for progressive groups to make de León’s campaign a top priority this year. But with so many other Democratic opportunities on the ballot this year, any sign of weakness from Feinstein’s challenger will virtually guarantee Feinstein another six years in the Senate.

The GOP’s gas tax gambit

For decades, California voters have trended to the left. But every now and then, the electorate decides it has been taxed enough, making life uncomfortable for Democrats who vote for tax hikes.

This year, Republicans are trying to create a similar backlash to a gas tax passed by the Democratic-controlled state legislature in 2017. Walters and a group of GOP strategists have been collecting signatures to force a vote on the gas tax, a strategy they hope will bring tax-weary Republican voters to the polls.

Tuesday’s elections will offer a preview of whether that strategy will work. Republicans have collected enough signatures to force a vote on whether to recall state Sen. Josh Newman (D), who voted for the $52 billion tax hike.

Newman represents a district that covers parts of Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties, where Clinton won by a 13-point margin. But Clinton’s edge belies the contours of an ordinarily conservative district: Newman became the first Democrat to win the seat in more than 20 years in 2016, when he bested a Republican assemblywoman by just 2,500 votes.

If voters decide to recall Newman on Tuesday, they will rob Democrats in Sacramento of the supermajority that gives them the ability to pass legislation without GOP input. They will also send a signal to state Republicans that the gas tax has become so deeply unpopular that it could mitigate some of the Democratic advantage heading into November.

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