Trial begins for gang accused of holding Toulouse businessman hostage in camper-van for two months

Four Frenchmen stood trial on Monday for kidnapping a wealthy Toulouse businessman and spending more than a million euros of his money while keeping him hostage for two months in a camper van in southern Spain.

Plaintiff Christian Bec, 61, told investigators he was so scared after being freed that he had intended to keep the entire hostage drama from his entourage, claiming he had been away on “family matters” all that time.

“I don’t want to file a complaint,” he told investigators at first. “I’m very scared they will find and execute me.”

The alleged mastermind, meanwhile, claims Mr Bec ordered the kidnapping himself as an excuse to launder money.

Mr Bec, the only heir of wealthy landowning farmers in southwestern France, told investigators he was kidnapped in July 2015 after meeting a mysterious man disguised in a hat and scarf who said he wanted to buy a farm. After leaving the property, alleged accomplices surrounded their victim and bundled him into the boot of their BMW.

He was taken to his home to gather his affairs and valuables, then ferried to six different destinations over a seven-week period, including the Costa Brava resort of Platja d’Aro. Chained to a bed by night, he was allowed to manage his business every evening and send one text message to his partner of eleven years telling her he needed to lie low for a while for tax reasons.

Toulouse millionaire Christian Bec was held hostage in this area of the Costa Brave for almost two months, a court was toldCredit:
Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Getty Images Contributor

In that time, prosecutors said his alleged captors forced him to spend €1.26 million (£1.14m) on 31kg of gold bars and coins and send funds to offshore accounts in Latvia and Mauritius, as well as buy two motorbikes and the camper van they transported him around in.

His lawyer Laurent Boguet said he had suffered from the Stockholm syndrome, a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity.

“We’re faced with a rather particular case of kidnapping 2.0,” he said outside the Bordeaux court. “You don’t ask money from the family. With modern communication methods, it is up to the victim to act to fund his own release.”

But the terrifying prospect was that “the more you collaborate, the more you realise you are no longer useful to your captors, which reinforces the impression of permanent peril and imminent death". 

The gang, he said, even “brainwashed” him into following a “road map” after his release to continue making payments, which only stopped when he broke down and recounted his terrible ordeal to his girlfriend and bank manager days later.

Investigators swiftly homed in on the suspects who had left a trail of DNA and documentary evidence, including a four-hour recorded “debrief” of their kidnapping spree, which they dubbed “Operation Condor”.

In it, they chillingly weighed the merits of deciding not to kill their victim. 

“At least six times you told me let’s kill him, let’s kill him,” the alleged mastermind 59-year-old Alain Raspaut can be heard telling another man. He had been on conditional release since 2013 from a life sentence for killing two police officers during a jewellery store holdup in 1992.

“But I explained from the beginning that we have to go for avoidance, discretion , fluidity. If we start killing people one after another, we won’t be forgotten.”

“The accused all belong to the old school of thuggocracy,” said Katy Mira, lawyer for François Decline, one of the defendants.

In his defence, Raspaut insists that the entire hostage drama was conducted at his “friend” Mr Bec’s behest and that the aim was for him to buy gold on his behalf.

“That is false. I don’t even know this man,” Mr Bec told detectives during questioning. “I don’t even understand this laundering scenario involving money that belongs to me.”

Two of the other accused are repeat offenders with a record of armed robbery or murder who also stand accused of kidnapping, sequestration and aggravated money laundering.

The fourth is accused of concealing gold coins acquired via "extortion by an organised gang".

Three risk life sentences. The trial continues.

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