Romans to hold mass sit-in to protest at the sorry state of the Eternal City

Fed up with seeing wild boars trotting down busy streets, giant seagulls dismembering dead rats and perilous potholes in the roads, Romans are to stage a mass protest against the parlous state of the Eternal City. 

Under the hashtag #romadicebasta – “Rome says enough” – residents’ associations, civil society groups and ordinary Romans will come together for a sit-in outside the city’s Renaissance town hall later this month.

Many Romans are bitterly disappointed with the administration of Virginia Raggi, the mayor, who was elected in 2016 promising a fresh start for the capital and an end to the days of cronyism and corruption.

Ordinary people say the city has got worse, not better, under the administration of Ms Raggi, a leading member of the Five Star Movement, which governs at the national level in partnership with the far-Right League party.

“This city is now unlivable,” said Marco, a 33-year-old taxi driver, as he negotiated gridlocked traffic and roadworks near the Basilica of St John in Lateran, near the British embassy. “We can’t go on like this.”

Wild boar are routinely seen on the street and in urban areas in Rome, where they feast on uncollected rubbishCredit:

Playgrounds are falling to bits, public parks resemble unkempt jungles, trees drop their branches on top of cars and occasionally on the heads of pedestrians and motorcyclists have to negotiate a slalom of potholes on battered roads.

The sorry state of the city is portrayed in a video that has gone viral online, in which wild boar root through overflowing sacks of rubbish and a large plastic skip gently floats away on floodwaters during a rainstorm.

One clip shows a public bus on fire about 200 yards from the Trevi Fountain – one of 21 buses that have spontaneously burst into flames so far this year because of a lack of maintenance.

This bus exploded on the street, 200 yards from the Trevi Fountain in central Rome, in May this yearCredit:

“Rome has been abandoned to itself,” said Emma Amiconi, one of the organisers of the protest on October 27.

“Many people who voted for Five Star are disappointed. It is true that the administration inherited a difficult situation but 28 months after what was hailed as ‘the victory of the citizens’, the city is worse than ever,” she told La Repubblica newspaper.

Business leaders are also alarmed at the state of the capital.

“The status quo is very worrying to us,” said Filippo Tortoriello, the president of a business association called Unindustria. “We’ve not heard anything about how Rome should move forward over the next 20 or 30 years. There’s no vision.”

Overflowing bins in a suburb of RomeCredit:
Simona Granati/Corbis

The shabby state of Rome may explain why tourists tend to visit once and never come back.

Rome has a much lower rate of “repeaters” – visitors who return again – than London and Paris, according to Federalberghi, an Italian association of hoteliers.

“Fifty per cent of tourists who choose to come to Rome do it just one time,” said Giuseppe Roscioli, the president of the association.

Roberto Necci, a researcher from the association, said: “All our studies point to the same conclusion – people come to Rome just once, while they go three or four times to other European capitals such as Paris and London.”

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