EVOLVE 103 results: Matt Riddle vs. Daisuke Sekimoto

Additional notes by Arya Winter

Here are results from this afternoon’s EVOLVE 103 event in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The show started with the announcement that Travis Banks and Darby Allin are injured and would be replaced by Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams, respectively. Jarek 1:20 came out and said that since he injured Allin on Thursday at EVOLVE 102 that he should get the spot. Lenny Leonard said no, so Jarek vowed to injure more people.

– FIP champion Austin Theory defeated Keith Lee for the WWN championship in a title vs. title match

Good match up here with Lee overpowering Theory yet still being thrown around by Theory himself. Impressive strength by Theory being able to spin Lee in the three seconds around the world slam and his TKO. A late ref bump allowed Theory to hit a low blow and his finish to become the new WWN Champion and earn a spot at WWE Axxess tomorrow defending the title.

– Timothy Thatcher defeated Dominic Garrini (w/Stokely Hathaway)

Vicious sprint here that was won by Thatcher decisively after a butterfly suplex.

– AR Fox defeated Jason Kincaid, Chris Brookes, and DJZ in a four way bout

Jarek 1:20 ran out during DJZ’s entrance and attacked Kincaid, but Kincaid ran him off. Action all over the place with dives and creative multi person moves. Fox landed the fox catcher (450 splash) for the victory.

– Chris Dickinson defeated Mark Haskins

A gritty battle that had a lot of time, quality mat wrestling and brawling between these two vets. Dickinson targeted the leg and after a few submission attempts was able to force the tap with an Indian death lock.

– WALTER defeated Tracy Williams

The most physical match of the day, chops, and strikes by the huge hands of WALTER were taken by the valiant Williams. Tracy caught Walter a few times with big moves but it just wasn’t enough. WALTER wrapped Hot Sauce in a clutch for the submission

– Munenori Sawa defeated Jaka

Incredible hand speed by Sawa with his strikes despite all the time off he’s had in recent years. Jaka kept attacking and kept Sawa fighting out of submission attempts. It broke down in to a slug fest late with Sawa delivering hard punches to the skull of The Savage. Sawa was able to lock in the octopus hold and force the submission.

Post match attack by The End results in Catch Point getting back on the same page as Tracy Williams saved Stokely Hathaway and helped run off The End with Dickinson and Jaka

– EVOLVE Champion Matthew Riddle defeated Daisuke Sekimoto to retain the title

An absolute war here between these two men. Before the match Riddle declared that all EVOLVE title matches would be held with no rope breaks, which have been his specialty lately. This hoss fight had everything you would expect with chop exchanges, power moves and submission escapes thanks the the ropes. Sekimoto was winning the strike exchanges late so Riddle hit a flurry of knees and hammer fists which caused the ref stoppage to retain his title.

Sekimoto got a standing ovation from the crowd to close out the show.

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